
181 - From the ashes

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*


"You watched."

Ryan smiled at Daemon's statement:

"And I saw Connel focus on you like a wronged mistress. Should I tell Evelyn?"

Daemon didn't react to Ryan's teasing. He only fired one precise shot:

"A single man has no right to comment on me."

The merciless arrow pierced through Ryan's heart, making his face twitch. Not feeling like he wanted to prolong the conversation any longer, he spoke in a listless voice:

"You have done what you promised, and I will keep weaving the web in the background. Goodbye."


The call made the wounded man pause and reluctantly listen.

Daemon slowed his car at a red light before he spoke:

"It is not just about revenge."

Ryan's expression cooled down, losing the playful edge. His eyes took on the calm appearance that showed a depth of mind he usually hid behind a light-hearted facade.