
154 - From the ashes

As Evelyn laughed at her, Dinaia found it more judicious to change the subject:

"Enough about me. Tell me what happened after you left with Daemon that night."

The laughing brunette wilted, the smile on her lips turning soft with joy mingled with some shyness and reservation as she turned to the scenery outside. And the change surprised Dinaia.

"Eh?!? Something did really happen. Come on, tell me."


Evelyn's smile deepened, and she turned her head further, not looking outside through the windshield anymore, but through the window instead. And Dinaia didn't care about her neck as she alternated between looking at the road and looking at Evelyn to search for clues. But she missed the sight of the latter passing her fingers over her lips with a look of reminiscence, and tired, she decided to look for another source of information:

"Jason, sweetie, tell aunty. Did something happen between you parents lately?"