
Love From Seven Stars

Montgomery Luna goes back to Korea after years of New York life. New house and new life. And a school.... Well first time . In school, she meets her first enemy and later on finding herself seven enemies. . Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Min Yoongi Kim Namjoon Kim SeokJin Jung Hoseok Jeon Jungkook . Life was pretty much a mystery to since she didn't really have the best childhood or had a childhood at all. But once she meet her seven enemies, things start to unfold... BTS x AU's Original Character Author's Note: The start is really bad, but once you get into it... it gets better + TXT, MAMAMOO,REDVELVET, etc. Kpop idols are in here :) + Also pls leave suggestions in the comments :) Insta: @mluna_writer for updates :)

MLuna · Teen
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37 Chs

Bangtan Sonyeondan

[NOTE]: Welcome and Please read till the end. Thanks :)

2 Years Later...

(August 1st, 2022)

(???'s POV)

Person 1: "Yah! You didn't tell me Busan has the most beautiful view."

Person 5: "I told you it's nice to go here."

Person 2: "Don't be all cocky! You're not the leader anymore!"

Person 5: "Whatever!"

Person 7: "Com'on! Ya'll need to stop talking and let's play in the water!"

Person 2: "But we just got here!! Comeback here or else you'll starve!!"

Person 4: "So, where are we again?"

Person 3: "We're in Busan. Now, can we go? I'm hungry."

Person 5: "Oh! The cat is hungry, now? You said earlier that you're in a diet."

Person 3: "Shut up!!"

Person 2: "I got him.... Let's go!"

Person 5: "Yah, you good?"

Person 6: "Yeah. Thanks for begging them to come here."

Person 5: "Dude, you're boring! Let's forget about the hard work we did back in Seoul. Let's have fun for now, then we can work again. Plus, we've been working too hard after our debut, so live your life."

Person 6: "Okay. So.... Where we eating?!!"

Person 1: "How about you tell us. You used to live here."

Person 6: "You know what I'm thinking??"

Person 5: "Yeah!"

Person 5 + 6: "Old Castle Porridge!!"

Person 7: "Gukje Market's Banana Milk!!"

(Everyone stares at Person 7)

Person 3: "What??"

Person 7: OH! Sorry not Banana Milk. I mean, Old Castle Porridge. That's it!"

Person 2: "Isn't too hot to have a hot porridge??"

Person 5: "Don't worry. They have cold Porridge, too!"

Person 1: "Then, Old Castle Porridge Restaurant, it is!"

(Luna's POV)

I woke up at 6 and got myself ready. I went down stairs around 6:30 and made breakfast for me and my parents. At 7:02, I left the house and drove to Busanjin Market to pick up some fabrics. Then at 7:27, I went down to Bujeondong and went to my little clothes shop. It was a cute soft aesthetic shop with the clothes I designed hanging. My parents payed for everything in the shop and it only took 2 months to put together. So, after completing my course at Pusan National University, I went straight to work. 3 hours later, I had already made 10 clothes. I looked at the time and it was time for me to close for today. Instead of driving around, I decided to walk around downtown. I picked up a few things, then at 10:48 I went to the Old Castle Porridge to get some lunch.

"Luna! Your back!", a friend I made last year, Ji-na owner of the restuarant, said happily as I entered.

"I was here yesterday", I said and followed her to my table.

"I know. Anyways, you tried everything in the menu, so do want your favorite?"


"HAHAHA!! I'm sorry. I'll tell them, then I'll come back", I nod my head and she left.

I check on my phone if my brand was in Today's Top Clothing Brands, while I waiting for Ji-na.

(Today's Top Brand)

1. Style Nanda By Kim So-Hee

2. Uni-Stars By Montgomery Luna

3.Beyond Closet By Taeyong Ko

Yes! I finally made it to top 3, I did it! I close my eyes and smiled to myself. Then suddenly, a random girl who looked liked a middle schooler, came screaming.


"WHAT!?!", all the girls replied including some waiters.

"YEAH I HEARD THEM PLANING TO EAT HERE!!!", the girl announced again.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!", the girls squealed in exactment.

And here I am, CONFUSED. I went on the Naver app if there was a idols or someone famous was coming over. As I click on 'Trending', all I saw was other K-pop groups, but not this Bangtan Sonyeondan. I searched for the name, but stopped to see Ji-na already here with my porridge.

"Who you talking to??", she placed the porridge in front of me and sat across me.

"No one", I turned my phone off and started to eat.

"Yeah sure. So, did you make it to the top 3??"

I put on a fake frown and pretended to cry.

"You didn't make it? That's alright, you'll get to it", she sat beside me and stroked my back. I faced her and put on a smile.

"Wait!.... Wait! You made it!?!", she said and I nod.

"Yeah! 2nd place!", she hugged me again.

"Oh my god! good job! Now, we're even!", she and hugged me one more time before she went back to her seat.

Ji-na's restaurant wasn't doing good in the past. Before the restaurant was hers, she had to learn how to cook the family's oldest recipe, but her family refuse to teach her since the restaurant is about to go bankrupt. She felt depressed, not only because they're bankrupt, but she was treated like trash in her school years. When she attended high school, her grandmother that she loved was dying slowly. So, she promised to keep the family recipe by her side. Seeing her grandmother one last time, she gained strength and studied. She didn't care what people do and kept studying. She started working in 5 part time jobs to get to a university, and she made it to Harvard University in America. She gradated and came back to South Korea, and put up the restaurant again. I met her when I was still studying for business. I was still new around Bujeondong and lost my way to the library, when I bumped into Ji-na. She was so fun to be around.

Minutes had past, I'm already done with the porridge. We talked a little bit, then I needed to go.

"Thanks for the food, Ji-na!", I hugged her one more time. she broke the hug and put on a pouty face.

"Luna can't you stay a little more?", she made her eyes bigger, looking like a baby puppy.

"We have so much time, and I have to meet the kids."

"Ok ok. Tell Seo-yun I said 'Hi'"

"Ok bye!"

I walked to front and payed for the food, but it seems that Ji-na doesn't want me to pay. I opened the door and stopped to look back one more time before I leave. I was taking so long that I didn't know there was people waiting.

"Miss excuse us", a deep soft voice said behind me. I faced them and bowed automatically not seeing his face because of my long hair.

"I'm sorry!", I kept bowing until the man in front of me grabbed a hold of my arm.

"You're fine", He let go of me and I bowed one last time and left.

(???'s POV)

Person 2: "Ya'll see her face??"

Person 4: "I couldn't see her face"

Person 7: "Me either."

Person 1: "She's probably shy."

Person 5: "Or maybe she thinks she's ugly."

Person 2: "Yah!! That's rude!"

Person 5: "Whatever!"

Person 2: "Whatever your face!!"

Person 3: "Can we go inside now?!"

Person 1: "What about you? Did you see her face?"

Person 6: "Not really, but she sounded familiar."

Person 2: "That's enough, let's eat!"

Everyone in the restaurant: "OPPA!!!!! SARANGHAE!!!!

Person 5: "Uh... Let's just go get Gukje Market Banana milk!"

Person 2: "I think he's right, let's just get banana milk."

(End of POV)

(Author Here!)

Welcome to 'Love From 7 Stars' Volume 2.

First I want to say is, thanks for being there in Volume 1. I looked back at the first few chapters and I was like, "WoW my story got bigger". Throughout the process the of writing my chapters, I got better and better in writing.

Second, I dream of writing stories, like it's my passion to write make up stories. When I was a little kid I didn't know about writing YET, so I had images in my head and acted out the characters. Making me look like a psycho, but really I was making a story in my head. And I'm pretty sure I still do that. Weird, RIGHT?

Lastly, we are almost at 100 collections!! YASSSSSSS!!! Thank you so much!!

And one last thing.... This is a question, so please answer in the comment section

Can I have a name for a boy and 2 girls? Thanks

Reminder: Stay Safe Corona is still out there, Stay Gold, and Stream BTS on the way

I PURPLE U! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

-MLuna 💜