
His apprentice

She watched Mr. Qu play the piano. His long slender fingers would delicately touch the keys and ever so slightly he would tilt his head.

His deep brown eyes softened underneathe the gold rims of his glasses. She had believed in him for years, believed in everything he could accomplish.

She was there for every victory and ever moment that ended in a failure. She walked in quietly and stood frozen quietly behind him.

She watched entranced at his performance. He did it so effortless and perfectly. His black hair shone next to the window in the sunlight. She admired everything about him, his high cheekbones, hair dark as onyx, brown eyes that could peer into her very soul, and his tan skin that almost seemed without any imperfections.

She stayed by him as his apprentice. He never knew that was deeply in love with him. It wasn't his appearance or his smile that trapped her heart but the way he challanges her abilities and made her test her limits.

With him she always wondered what is. what could be, and what could become. He made her thirst for knowledge and understanding. Deep down she wanted him to acknowledge her worth and accept her.

Deep down, she knew they were classes apart but watching him play the piano in the sunlight next to the window, she could feel her heart beat faster as she thought what if.