
Love from a different world

Stuck in a parallel universe after her ex shoved her off a boat, Dagny has to find a way to get back. But in order to survive in this new world, she has to make money. She finally manages to get a job and is ready to start a brand new life but, Oh No! Not only is her supervisor really mean, she threatens to fire her if she fails to get the attention of the cold CEO. But wait, the rumored ‘cold and arrogant’ CEO is actually her savior?!!! Just who really is he?

bingsu_90 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 1: Let's break up!

"How could you cheat on me...again!"

"Sorry, It won't happen again."

"That's what you said the past 4 times. You never keep your word."

"In my defense, she was pretty hot."

Dagny's jaw dropped. "In your DEFENSE? Do you even have the right to say that? Liam, we're engaged for heaven's sake!"

"Ah, I see what's happening."

"Do you? Do you really understand what you did wrong?" As stupid as it was, Dagny hoped. Prayed even, that Liam would finally realise how wrong it was to cheat on your fiancee 4 times

"Yeah, you must be on your period right? Look, how about we forget all this happened and I'll let it go. I heard they're serving dessert in the main hall soon."

Her prayer was ignored, her dream crushed. "No! Why does it matter if I'm on my period or not. That's not the issue here. You CHEATED on me Liam. Again!"

"Dagny, calm down first. I think you're overreacting a bit. That girl and I didn't even have sex."

"What difference does it make? I saw with my own eyes you and that whore making out in OUR bedroom." She practically spit the words out, tears starting to well in her eyes.

"Dagny, this is truly getting ridiculous. I let you vent on me all you want the past few minutes but you're still going. Brittany isn't a whore and if anything, you should be grateful that a person like me is willing to even date a person like you, much less marry. If it weren't for me, you would be dead broke on the streets and selling your own body."

And with those few words, any chance at a happy relationship was destroyed. Her heart plummeted as she said quietly but surely, "Liam, we should break up."

He sighed, looking annoyed. "Dagny, don't bring up that nonsense again. You're always making such rash decisions."

"I'm sure this time. I just don't think I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with some cheating jerk. Why don't you go propose to Brittany." The name felt like poison in her mouth.

He looked infuriated. "Fine then. Dagny you're going to regret saying that." With those final words, he left her alone on the deck of the yacht.

She loosed out a long breath that she didn't even know she had been holding and broke down into tears.

It must've been hours before they finally stopped flowing. She had no more tears left to give.

From beside her a female voice said, "Why were you crying."

Startled, Dagny looked up to face the speaker. It was a young girl. Probably about her age. Like all the other attendees, she was wearing an elaborate gown and was showered from head to toe with extravagant jewels and stones. 'Not staff then.' As much as she didn't feel like talking, all the people at this party were insanely rich and especially now with Liam gone, she couldn't afford to piss any of them off. With a light a tone as she could offer, she said, "My fiance cheated on me."

The girl rolled her eyes and smiled as she replied, "Tell me about it. I had a boyfriend just last year who cheated on me. With my best friend too. It sucked. But with guys like them, it's best to just break it off. That's what I did as soon as I found out."

"Does it get any easier?"

She looked up at the sky as if she were recalling her memories. "Hmmm. At first, it was really hard. I felt so stupid and blind for not realising what kind guy he was. It felt as if the whole world was crashing down on me and I hated myself for loving him. I even considered going back to him and begging to continue our relationship just so it wouldn't feel like I had wasted 2 years of my life but, I didn't and it got easier to accept as time went on. Some time later, I realised that it would be disrespectful to myself if I continued to spend more time sulking over him and I got over it.

Dagny just nodded.

The girl focused on her again. "My name is Aurora." As she said this, she passed Dagny a card. "If you want to talk you'll probably be able to find me in the dessert hall." She winked. " Else, you can call me anytime." She got up to leave. "Try to distract yourself with other things and look out for yourself. I believe in you."

She was alone again. 'Aurora's right. I should get some rest.' Her legs numb from sitting too long, she slowly pulled herself up using the rail and stretched. She would worry about everything tomorrow.

As she headed to her room, she saw a figure in the shadows. Choosing to ignore the person was a mistake for when Liam stepped out into the light, he looked outright murderous. 'Liam' She looked around at her surroundings. Pitch black and not a soul to be seen. Not a safe place to be alone in the middle of the night if your ex fiance had some crazy anger management issues.

Dagny took a step back towards the open deck and Liam gave the creepiest smile. 'If she could make it to the main hall…' her legs trembled as she took another step. Then she was running, stumbling over her own steps as she ran towards the light and the crowd of people awaiting her around the corner. She opened her mouth to scream but it was too late. She felt a hand on her shoulder. "You shouldn't have broken up with me." was all he said as he shoved her over the railing of the boat. She screamed but it was already too late. She was plummeting through open air and into the cold dark waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Hello everyone! I have got to say, I am super excited to finally start on my second novel! You can support me by adding it to your collection, leaving a good review, and sharing. Thank you!

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