
love for eternity

Priya_Verma_0319 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


AUTHOR'S NOTE : "Hello , Everyone i hope you all guys are enjoying this novel ....This is my first novel so if you guys found any error , please let me know through comments and give me chance to improve it ....."

"What's the matter angel? " king never tolrate if anyone make her daughter worry but this was the first time when , shocked expression took place on her beautiful face.. which made the king irk even more ....

"Dad.... it was the call from Mom.... she said that the photo frame which placed on my bed side table is missing and .... head of thomas was placed there ... somebody beheaded him dad moreover stolen my frame along with my pitcher....."

" Hmm. My Condolences Dear , But I Also Didn't Like that brat ...."then king turned to butler " Go And prepare for funeral And Find Who Get That Much Nerve To Do This Kind Of Act On My Place...."Butler nodded and left the place immediately ... Then king saw sadness in his daughter's eyes which made him confused and he inquire...

"Why are you sad Angel .... It isn't the first when you will see someone beheaded ... ohhh No , don't tell me you were falling for him ..."

"No ..... but he was my friend i remember last evening he came to meet me and give me a letter which i placed behind the frame .... i didn't read it and mom told me that there was no letter .... nor my photo frame .... i am feeling bad for him , he was friend a childhood friend .... i want to know dad who is behind this , i wanna hit that person so hard ..... so hard " replied Rose with annoyed expression ...

" How could i resist my angel's wish ... okay when you come back in vacations i will present that person in front of you .. how is it ?"

Rose nodded and moved toward parking where her car was parked ....Soon the pair of daughter and father reached their home .... However Rose went to her room to find the evidence or anything that could helped her to reached that person.... but all attempts were futile .... because the cause of this disaster was not a normal personality .....

After the hard work of hours in checking cctvs around two times each all attempts were futile for rose .... and again she went to her room for packing as per her father's instructions.... when rose finished her task she headed towards eve room where she found her sister were sleeping peacefully while at the corner, on the iron stand a shirt were burning through which the wire also started burning ...

Rose quickly call the staff to clean the mess silently and went near her sister while holding a jug full of water and then she throw it on her face...


Eve starting murmured in her sleep , she thought her crush were pulling her in swimming pool for swimming with her ... and another jug full of water thrown on her face this time with a print of five fingers on her face ..


" What the hell Rose ... What's wrong with you ?.... "

" What's wrong with me ... huh ... You spoil brat .. why are you trying to burn your own room ..... and why didn't you started packing yet ? "

Rose bombarded eve with questions while throwing a suitcase on her ...

" Will you stop Rose ?"

" No... "

Both girls were staring each other as soon a show of WWE going to held in eve's room moreover with taking the advantage of rose posture of standing calmly Eve throw pillow on her face .... rose was shocked with sudden attack ,

" You..... wait ... why not...." with this , placing a proud smile on her lips , rose moved towards the cupboard of eve and pull out a black velvet off shoulder long dress ... she show eve that she was going to do that dress in two pieces and eve headed toward her while rolling her sleeves of shirt for punching her but rose dodge it and throw the dress out of the window .....

" Holy ....F**k .... wait .... just see what i will do ......"

Eve curse rose for throwing her dress outside the window which was stucked at the middle branch of a long tree in backyard garden ..... she stormed out from her room ... and Rose headed towards her room....

"What is it ? " Evelyn asked a tall muscular man which attired in black suit expressionlessly , he bowed in front of her while both were standing behind a tree in the backyard garden ....

"My apologies for appeared sudden Boss .... but clan dragon started to make movement... they dared to cause harm and destruction in our casino of southern city ..... when we reached there they all run away .... and Mr. Davis dragon asked for a meeting with you .... "

Evelyn didn't answered for few minutes .....

"Hmm .... they got some nerves for daring to do something like that ..... Fine .... say yes to him for tomorrow and See....

Daniel I am heading to london for my graduation of two years, i want you to keep an eye on every single clan ... who dare to do something like that ... you have to call me everyday with updates .... I hope you know the consequences of betraying me .... moreover i want you to arrange this meeting with Mr. Davis in my chateau at southern hill , make arrangements properly and make a visit in dungeon , if you found rotten bodies or skeleton ... throw them from the hills ...

Any doubts?..."

Evelyn made her statement very clear she elucidate him her plan which was half .... but her inner demons have a diffrent plan which beyond everyone's imagination....

She saw Daniel frightened from her threat and deep down she was pleased by see him this state .... before serving Evelyn as her assistant Daniel was a arrogant vampire with some unique abilities which worked for dragon clan .... once he dared to passed off Evelyn by insulting her during the confrontation with his boss Mr John father of Mr. Davis and at that same moment Eve was the person who beheaded him infront of his clan , When she comes to know that he had a son which lived abroad and he never pay attention nor he wanted to be next head she decided to leave innocent mortal who served him ... except Daniel .....

"No doubts boss i understand everything ... " Daniel bowed before running away with his frightened expressions......