
Love For Chaos (BL)

Chaol, the God of Chaos, is bored. That fact alone is enough to scare the other gods in the heavenly realm. In order to keep him from creating chaos in their homes they banish him to the forsaken realm. After a century of banishment, Chaol decided enough was enough. Instead of taking it out on the gods who banished him, he decided to mess with the mortal realm. Chaol bestowed 1,000 humans with powers. Powers to create chaos. He visited each human personally and left them with a mark of Chaos. A mark of Chaos is a personalized tattoo with an embodiment of their power. The last human Chaol visits is Felix Tell. A college student with good grades, good friends and family. Chaol notices a strange aura around Felix. It intrigues him. Chaol decides this human will have a power unlike any other. This human will bring chaos like no other. Watch Chaol and Felix navigate a new world full of chaos.

Tiffanie_Rose · LGBT+
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3 Chs


"Chaol, you aren't allowed to set foot in this realm for 500 years! You have been a thorn in everyone's side since you ascended. Don't think you can just do as you please just because you are the god of Chaos. Even you have to suffer the consequences of your actions." The elder god Makio barks. Makio is not just any elder god, he is Chaol's only guardian. Makio, God of Punishment, is without a doubt the worst person to have for a guardian. At least that's how Chaol feels.

Chaol isn't like any other god in the heavenly realm. He was born from sheer chaos. The mortal realm has become riddled with more and more chaos as society advances. Most gods are born the same as humans and other creatures. Two people have sex, then here comes the baby. However, every now and then a god will ascend from emotion or situation in the mortal realm.

Humans are strong willed and can impact other realms. That's why gods depend on them to survive. Human emotions are like food to the gods. They used to depend on the prayers of their human followers but worshiping became a thing of the past. Now gods have adapted to just being able to sustain themselves through thoughts and feelings. Gods used to be worshiped by name. Even that has changed. A god's name was more important than their power. Now their power is what keeps them alive.

For example, the god of punishment, Makio, needs the feelings that come from punishment. Shame, pride, anger, sadness and even lust. Of course humans feel those emotions from other situations but it has to be directly tied to punishment to work.

Now how does his power work? Well, it all depends on how it's used. Simply put, the punishment he bestows is absolute. Of course he can decide to rescind his punishment at any time but until then you must obey his order. He can shape his punishments in any way he sees fit. He can even create things in order to instill it. Like creating another realm for instance. Makio was the one who created the forsaken realm.

The forsaken realm is just as it sounds. A realm for those who have been forsaken by the other gods. Makio is the only one who can grant access and allow anyone to leave. That's why in the government of the heavenly realm Makio is the Judge.

Makio has great power and control over the heavenly realm. It's almost too much power. The gods and Makio himself realized this and came up with a solution. Damna, the god of contracts, created a contract that binds Makio to remain just and understanding in his rulings. It was a simple solution but a needed one.

Now, no more talk about Makio. That's more than enough explanation about the gods and realms of this world. Let's return to Chaol and his new and justified punishment.

"When you ascended, I took you in and raised you as my own. Have I failed you? How can my adopted son be so…"

"Chaotic?" Chaol interrupts.

"Yes!! Chaotic!!! That's the word I was looking for. Hey! Wait, don't poke fun at me! This is a trail! Take it seriously." Makio barks.

"YES SIR!" Chaol shouts.

"UGH! Enough of this. The trail is over and your punishment has been set. Pack your things. Tomorrow morning you are leaving the heavenly realm." Makio says as he slams his gavel.

What did Chaol do that brought on this trial in the first place? He started a rumor. Sounds fairly harmless right? Wrong. The rumor was a plague had started amongst the lesser gods. A plague that almost wiped out all of the gods millenia ago. Everyone was in a panic. People were running around trying to get to safety. A few people got hurt, fires started to spread and people even fled to the mortal realm. It was… well, chaos.

Chaol, being the god of Chaos, has special rules placed on him to keep him from doing too much harm. The elder gods were understanding and knew this was his nature. They would overlook simple things. However, their one firm rule is no one is to be harmed.

So, that was the last straw that sent Chaol to the forsaken realm for 500 years. Chaol is stuck in a realm with deviants, lesser gods and insignificant beings. How will he manage to stay sane for the next 500 years? Let's find out, shall we?

Thank you for reading Love For Chaos!

This is a new series and will be uploaded once a week for now.

Look forward to more in the next chapter!!

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