
Chapter 1: The New Neighbors

Chapter 1

"Sophie... Sophie... SOPHIA MARIE WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!", is all I heard from my brother, Riley before slamming a pillow over my head hoping he would just go away. I mean it was the first official day of summer vacation and i wanted to just relax.

But of course not... I looked through the peep hole I left between my pillow and my bed and saw no sign of him. So I closed my eyes and just as I was drifting off I hear footsteps coming towards my room. Next came knocking, Riley of course! So I replied with, "You have reached the voice mail of Sophie. I'm busy trying to enjoy my summer vacation by being dead to the world please feel free to leave me alone or a message after the beep. BEEEEEEEP." All I heard after that was foot steps getting closer to my bed when suddenly my pillow got tore from my face and I screamed, "AHHHH THE LIGHT IT BUUUUURNS!!!" So i turned over so that my face was against the bed, Riley then proceeded grab my arm flip me over. He then decided that it would be funny and cute to dump a glass of ice water on me.

Naturally I was going to retaliate. I was so mad that I didn't even care that I had a wet t-shirt and little shorts that barely covered my ass. I was gonna kill him for ruining my first day of summer vacation. So I jumped out of bed and ran after him. He ran out the door and into the drive way and I wasn't far behind. Then I stopped at the where the street meets our driveway and opened the mailbox to get the mail and newspaper. I was walking back towards the house when I suddenly ran into the most gorgeous human being I have EVER seen.

My first thought was what the fuck dude watch where youre going. The guy i ran into looked very familiar though. Then it hit me that Taylor Lautner was standing over me extending his hands out to help me up!!! I reached for his hands and he pulled me up so fast and with so much strength that my feet actually didn't land on the ground at first, they were in the air for a few seconds then I came back down and my feet finally hit the ground.

He looked into my ocean blue eyes and said, "I'm so sor..." He didn't even finish saying sorry before he got flustered and started blushing. I told him, "Its my fault I'm such a klutz I really should watch where I'm walking. By the way I'm Sophia Marie but my friends call me Sophie." He smiled and responded, "I'm Taylor, but you probably already know that. My family just moved to this neighborhood we decided that it was time for a house upgrade." I smiled softly and replied, " It's nice to meet you Taylor. Is there anything I can do to help you guys move in or anything like that?" "No I think we got it all we just had to move the last bit in today we had movers come in earlier this week and make the place look like a home so yeah. But if you'd like to tell your family that we invited you over for dinner that would be great," he said while looking me over. I told him I would check with my family and we'd see him in a few hours.

Although he smirked and said, "You are going to change before you come over though right?," he asked looking at my chest which currently my t-shirt was clinging to very tightly. I blushed and nodded. He then leaned down kissed my cheek and told me that the house right next to ours was his and to be there for dinner at 6pm. I smiled and told him thank you as I walked back to my front door.

Sophie's POV


"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUUUT UUUUPPP YOU LYING BITCH!!!" my best friend Charlotte yelled back at me. She then broke out laughing because she called me a bitch. I giggled reminiscing on our child hood and through the years of our awesome friendship.

Let me take you back to high school when my mom and Charlotte's mom first met they were both in choir together and soon became fast friends. Charlotte's mom and my mine got pregnant around the same time and we were born a day apart.

Charlotte (Charlotte Ann Jensen) was born first and she came to visit me in her hospital crib with her mom. Did I mention we were both born at the same hospital and we were a room apart? Well we were, so of course it was fate that Charlotte and I become best friends for life--- practically sisters.

Charlotte has jet black hair and brown eyes where I have platinum blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. We grew up a 2 houses away from each other, so we both went to the same elementary school together. We went to the same middle school and high school together as well we even shared the same locker. We were both very musical, we were in band and in choir together and nothing stopped us from doing what we were going to do.


I was getting out of the shower when my mom knocked and asked if she could come in. I replied, "Yes," and then quickly got out of the shower dried off and put my hair up in a towel to dry. I came out of the bathroom with my towel around my head and my robe on. I found my mom sitting on the edge of my bed waiting patiently for me. I sat down next to her and asked her what she needed politely. She smiled and said, "Wear something nice since we are going over to our new neighbors we want to make a good impression," and with that she walked out of the room. I walked over to my closet contemplating what I should wear. I finally decided on a nice sky blue dress with ankle boots and some jewelry to go with it.