
Love Fest!

Tamaki Hiroto died and got transmigrated to the same guy with the same name in another world. He got a system, but he wants to have fun with his new life from then on. English was our 2nd language and was terrible at it. Don't read it if you don't want to see bad grammar. The main world is from the love live series. Meanwhile, there would be a crossover of some anime characters from different anime but not too much.

Sakura_Miko · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
104 Chs

Chapter 37

"Just do what you feel is right, there's no need to follow their type of moves since every song has its own rhythm and that would change the dance patterns." Hiroto said.

"That's right Honoka-chan and look, our rank got up!" Kotori said with intonation, the others look at the computer and saw their rank.

"Yes, those flyers given by others must've helped a lot."

"That's wonderful."

[U's of Otonokizaka Academy : Rank:671]

"Seeing this before performing suddenly made me more pumped up!" Honoka said energetically.


Soon students entered the auditorium group by group, few students were skeptical but the majority were just curious. In the end they join the parade to the auditorium. With the help of Honoka and co. classmates were able to arrange the sitting.

"Good luck girls…" they looked at the platform before signaling to their other friends.

"Ok, everything is ready.."

"We just have to wait to see if there's more students coming, thankfully many were curious." the helper sighed with relief.

"Finally it's time.." Hiroto looked at the trio who was laughing and smiling across the stage where the curtain was still closed.

Hiroto shouted at them "Good luck, girls! Honoka-senpai!, do your best to show your refreshing smile and dance energetically!, Kotori make them, fell in love with your angel voice! and Umi make them fall over their knees with your graceful dance moves!"

'I need to prepare as well.'

"Ehh!" Honoka and co. reacted a bit late, Umi got shy for some reason but recovered and felt thankful to him. They looked at each other and smiled.


"The first live concert of the school idol group U's will be starting in just a bit! If you want to catch their performance, hurry on over." Honoka's classmate announced.

Honoka, Kotori and Umi was in line, at the center Honoka felt a bit anxious and nervous.

"It's finally the time."

"Yeah" Kotori nodded with a nervous expression shown on her face.

"Yeah!" Umi was more nervous of the three, she was trembling, shaking in fear.

Honoka held their hands. "Don't be nervous, were here with you."

Until someone shouted from the left backstage, it was Hiroto.

"Good luck, girls!. Honoka-senpai!, do your best to show your refreshing smile and dance energetically!, Kotori!, make them fall in love with your angelic voice! and Umi make them fall over their knees with your graceful dance moves!"

"Ehh?.." Hiroto waved at them as he smiled before he left for a moment.

"It's like we owe him too much, he-he" Honoka dryly laugh.

"But in the end it's his decision to help us, he was just that good at helping others in need."

"Do you think so but he probably only had done too many things to us, except for Maki-chan though.."

"Heh, you're showing you're jealousy now aren't you Umi-chan." Honoka eyed Umi while she rolled her eyes at her.

"Mou, let's stop with the teasing and prepare yourself already, it's starting…." Umi said while everyone grasped each other's hands while looking at the front.

"So what's good to say at a time like this." Kotori said, everyone felt better and wasn't really nervous.

"We should each say a number." Honoka suggested

"That's a good idea, " Kotori said with an enthusiastic voice.

"Okay! Ready, and..." Honoka raised their connected hands.

"One!" "Two!" "Three," after a moment of silence they looked at each other and laughed.

"Let's make the first U's live concert the best one ever!"

"Yes!" "Of course!" Kotori and Umi nodded. The buzzer sounded as it declared that the curtain would be open up. Honoka and co. removed their held hands as they closed their eyes as the curtain opened.

"They opened their eyes and felt surprised because they saw almost half of the seats occupied by the students."

One person clapped at their entrance, then everyone followed suit.

Honoka felt dumbfounded and her eyes lit.

"Wow!, I didn't think it would be like this." Honoka felt tearing with joy, Umi and Kotori was the same but they were more concerned about Honoka who was going to tear up because of joy. They calmed themselves before saying loudly.

"Everyone, were U's an aspiring school idol and this our first live concert, we will perform the best we can!"

"Yes" Kotori and Umi happily nodded. They looked back at the back, the overhead light turned off and the colorful light system was turned on. As the beat started to sound everyone who was whispering at each other suddenly turned quiet

Honoka and Kotori started their dance moves they practiced for a month, it was the time they had been waiting for.

"I say…Hey, Hey!, Hey, Start:Dash!!" x2

"Ubuke no kotori tachi mo, itsuka sora ni habataku"

- - - -

Before the live performance, Hanayo got away from the clutches of Rin as she sprinted to the auditorium direction and Rin followed her in the end. Hanayo felt lucky because it hasn't started yet. She saw few students looking at her heaving self before she ducked at one of the seats that wasn't occupied.

"Thank god, the live hasn't started yet." she slightly show her head to see the stage

'They gather so many students' the trio started their performance. Hanayo's eyes lit up as her eyes got so dreamy and full of life. Rin arrived later and instantly saw Hanayo's position. She saw that Hanayo was in her dream mode looking at the performance on the stage.

"Wow, they are really good!"


A certain black haired girl with twin tails entered the auditorium and the sound of the live concert was already ongoing. She was surprised to see this many students watching.

'Lucky them..'


After motivating the three, Hiroto walked out of the backstage and saw Maki approaching him.

"Where are you going?, the live concert is starting soon." Maki asked confused.

"Maki-chan, I will be out for a moment" Hiroto said.

"Where are you going this time, you won't be doing something strange, right?" Maki suspiciously asked.

"We have been preparing for this and I haven't done much these days...:" Hiroto rubbed his head to reason.

"You're already too committed to helping them, isn't that enough?" Maki pouted before he held her hands and pacified her a bit.

"No worries I would just go to the broadcasting room to do some errands, I'll tell you later about it." Hiroto said quickly.

"Just look out for them in case something happens." Hiroto held her for a minute.

"Fine" Maki said while looking a bit shy.

"Then, I will be back later." Hiroto walked out of the backstage as he brought Takeshi's digital camera he borrowed to record the live performance.

He went to the broadcasting room because he wanted to record the video for himself so that he could upload it to the official idol groups website. When he got inside, He saw Eli operating a camera and pointing at the stage.


Eli heard his call and looked back. "Hiroto-kun, Why are you here?" she was surprised he should be at the back stage helping them setup. He borrowed Takeshi, recording equipment and was going to prepare it.

"I was planning to record the live but who would've thought that Eli-senpai also going to do it..."

"..." Eli didn't speak and couldn't say a word.

"Say, Eli-senpai, do you really hate the idea that much?." Hiroto asked since he felt that Eli was still against the school idol things.

"Because I don't acknowledge their performances" Eli said.

"Why? Is it because they are not to your liking or you don't want unnecessary attention?" Hiroto asked confused at her persistent denial.

Eli shook her head, "I don't acknowledge school idols, they are amateurs that act like professionals." Eli said what she truly thinks about school idols.

"Then why are you recording their live performance?" Hiroto asked suspiciously, he saw the contraptions behind her.

"I-it's because.. I wanted to let your group know that they have no chance." Eli said her intention.


"Isn't it because they still were not that popular and because they are still new. They are just going to perform their first live performance right now you know? Have you even thought about that, well you haven't really approved and given them a chance" Hiroto said as he sighed.

"How come you're that confident? Is it because you helped them?. I can see the majority of its success was your doing and your friends helping out." Eli looked at Hiroto while saying plainly.

"You're wrong...it isn't just my doing but their cooperation as well, if they aren't motivated enough I wouldn't be able to pave the path for them. I witnessed their hard work and how serious they are wanting to save the school from closing, and I just motivated them to pursue it harder and you should see the result.." Hitoro said with a confident smile and looked at the stage and heard the curtain removing, he smiled. He didn't forget to setup his recording camera, after he set it up he found them singing already with their lively and cute voices that can enchant those looking at them, some students were dumbfounded and some were charmed by the quality of their singing and dancing.

"Honoka wanted to chase her dream, her positivity brought the group confidence to the next level. Kotori and her angelic smile lightens up the group's atmosphere, she supports the group decision and her ability to make costumes was really a handful. Lastly, Umi who makes strict schedules for planning exercises and training their dance steps. She worked hard to overcome her stage fright for this purpose. I don't think their hardships will be in vain." Hiroto said while still looking at the dancing trio as if he already knows what the future of their group is.

'A Stardom Idol group...huh..' Hiroto thought.

"Dream.." Eli mumbles as the small tutu dress (Ballerina dress) instantly flash on her mind.

Eli shook her head not wanting to remember it anymore.

- - - -

Maki was listening at the back as she closed her eyes while fully engrossed with their singing.

'That's expected with our help….' she continued listening while singing in her mind.

- - - -

After a while the live was already finished. The clapping of hands resounded around the auditorium, everyone could hear the majority standing because of their great performance, Honoka and co. was heaving with beads of sweat on their face because they were a bit tired mentally and physically as they bowed and Honoka said, with a beaming smile and confidence.

"Everyone, we want to continue dancing and singing, what motivates us is to save this school, but even then, we learn to love it, performing on stage for the first time was exhilarating and at the same time we enjoyed it. We all felt the same and we want to try achieving more!! This feeling in our hearts lead us here and from this moment we want to fill up this auditorium with a much more audience!. Thank you for coming to our first concert!" Honoka said as the audience clapped at her resounding speech.

"We will support you!, good luck!" everyone from the audience said a line or so. Honoka and co. bowed again before leaving the stage.

"The concert was really good."

"Yeah, it surprised me, they are just a starting one, how come they were so adept."

"They really wanted to pursue it!, isn't that great!, we need to support them."

"Yes, that's what I thought..."

- - -

Eli was surprised at the result of the live performance, almost half the seat of the auditorium was occupied by the students who were standing up because they were so impressed that they didn't care even if the performers had already left.

"I think this is the best start they can get as an aspiring idol group. I don't think that they will be dissatisfied and will easily give up even if the audiences are only 1-10." Hiroto smiled while he looked at Eli who was still looking out. She coughed as to remove the thoughts that wavered her convictions.

"Then do you think they can be recognized as a school idol group by the people outside the school?! I don't think so.. I don't think they will reach their hearts." Eli refuted without any base evidence on her retort.

Hiroto shook his head "I don't think I am the right person to ask that question, you saw the result, still being stubborn just because you don't like the idea doesn't mean that it isn't acceptable, it's just your own subjective mind not what others think about."

Eli left the broadcasting room.

[Ding] Hiroto was surprised by the sudden announcement from the system. [A Special type quest had been received: [Accept] or [Decline]]

'!!!!, That's the best tier at the quest function! should I accept now??' Hiroto thought that he might as well look at it later since he didn't know what quest it had since it was a sudden one.


In the end Eli left the room bringing her recordings and as Eli left the auditorium, she saw Nozomi nearby the entrance closed eyed.

"Nozomi.." Eli said.

"What do you think, isn't their performance so lively and beautiful.."

"I think you can stop being stubborn now and just accept what they started."

"...I don't know." she shook her head before leaving.

ColeSly, NaiRui.

We can increase the word count and time put to this novel. 2 chap per day.

We normally release 2000+ word every chap.

Thanks for understanding.



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