



23 years old.she was the main character of this story.she lost her parents during her school days, so she lives with his sister lisa and lisa's husband Stephen.she also worked in Stephen's office.


29 years old.he was the male lead of my story. He was always passionate,he do anything for his passion.If Allen gets out his house for his passion and also breaks up with his girlfriend Megan.


Lisa Ana's elder sister.35 years old.Ana's parents were died at her high school days,so lisa is always taken care of her little sister ana.


Lisa's husband and also Alan's step brother.Alan and Stephen were brothers.Stephen leads a family business also he forces his brother Alan's involvement to grow his family business.but alan did not intrested in it, so he get out of the house before Stephen's marriage and also attended his brother's marriage just for formality.

                       **STORY INTRO**

Lisa lovingly cares for her younger sister as her own daughter, even after four years of marriage. Ana also works in Lisa's husband Stephen's office to help her sister after her graduate studies.

but the brothers relationship bonding is straight opposite to sisters bonding.It's been five years since Alan left home, in these five years alan and Stephen didn't talk each other after the Stephen's marriage.

Ana and Alan lives her lives separately but fortunately Alan enters Ana's life.

A few days ago Stephen had the symptoms of blood cancer. so, lisa requested Alan to help the business for Stephen.

At first Allen was reluctant but thinking of his brother's medical condition, he agreed to help them in the business in like other workers.