

A love so pure and sincere. Threatened by rejection from his father. Will Fred give up his love for Victoria in order to please his father? Or hold on to the beautiful thing they both have in hope that his father would come around. Find Out!

ebere · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 4 - Fred's Return

Within a fortnight, Victoria had received Fred's generous response along with travel arrangements to meet in person. Wringing her hands in a tumult of nerves and excitement, she bid her friends farewell and embarked on the journey which would alter her destiny.

Arriving breathless at London's bustling train station, Victoria scarcely had time to get her bearings before a familiar voice called out her name from the crowd. Whirling around, she found herself swept into Fred's firm yet gentle embrace as he lifted her off her feet, spinning her in joyous circles amidst a shower of fluttering kisses pressed upon her giggling face.

"My sweet blossom, it does this heart of mine good to behold you after such endless months apart," Fred beamed, finally setting her feet to earth once more. His playful hands lingered on her slender curves, drinking in the warmth and joy radiating from her eyes to see him well and thriving in their reunion.

Over a light repast at a nearby cafe, Fred unveiled his vision for their future partnership. His wealth and business acumen would finance a lavish new salon in London's fashionable West End district, their village investors also granting minor shares. Victoria would manage day to day operations using her creativity and compassion to elevate their clientele experiences, while Fred lent guidance and his networks in high society to steadily expand their reach.

"You alone have the charm and talents to make this venture soar high beyond any dreams," Fred enthused, grasping Victoria's hands across the table. "With your business sense and my resources working in tandem, prosperity and security could be ours to build side by side. What say you, my blossom? Dare we take this leap together and shape our destiny as one?"

Victoria could barely comprehend such boundless faith and opportunity laid at her feet by the man her heart had so long yearned for. Chuckling wetly through joyful tears, she threw herself into Fred's embrace, raining fervent kisses upon his smiling lips as the crowd around them erupted into warm applause. "There exists no greater adventure this spirit of mine could wish to undertake than at your side, my light, my rock and harbor in this world. Henceforth we walk as one!"

Within the fortnight, Fred's wealth and connections pulled together a luxurious salon on a bustling thoroughfare, outfitted with the most advanced amenities and furnishings. Victoria poured all her passion into decorative flourishes using her keen eye for beauty, transforming the space into an oasis customers would flock to experience.

On opening day, a queue stretched round the block as the elite of London society eagerly anticipated the debut of the talented Miss Victoria and her beau, now flying high as exemplars of what ambition, devotion and partnership could create. From their balcony vantage, Fred held Victoria proudly in his arms admiring their achievement. "My blossom, all your dreams are now within reach," he whispered adoringly. "This success is but the beginning - our lives, hearts and futures now begin in earnest!",