

A love so pure and sincere. Threatened by rejection from his father. Will Fred give up his love for Victoria in order to please his father? Or hold on to the beautiful thing they both have in hope that his father would come around. Find Out!

ebere · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 1- Fred's Goodbye Party

The sun hung low in the sky, soft orange hues illuminating the estate grounds as dusk descended. Crickets chirped their evening song amongst the tall grass and flower beds. This was to be Fred's final night at his family home before departing for university abroad the following morning.

Inside, the manor house buzzed with lively conversation and laughter, filled nearly to bursting with friends and relatives come to bid Fred farewell. In the grand ballroom, a sumptuous feast was laid out upon long tables dressed in fine white linen. Crystal glasses glimmered and candles flickered, their warm glow dancing upon polished silver and gold platters piled high with roasted meats, fresh breads and an array of scrumptious desserts.

Despite the merriment, Fred's heart felt heavy at the prospect of leaving his English countryside roots for an unknown future in a distant land. As the heir to his father's estates and title, expectations weighed heavily upon his broad shoulders. He knew this move was vital for cultivating the business acumen and worldly experience expected of him, yet could not ignore the tug of nostalgia for familiar places and people.

Making polite rounds among well-wishing guests, Fred's attention was periodically drawn to movements by the ballroom's western wall, where staff bustled to and fro seeing to the guests' every need. One maiden in particular caught his eye - a small, mousy-haired girl who moved with uncommon grace for one of her station. Though plain of feature, something in her soft demeanour and gentle brown eyes stirred emotion within Fred's breast.

"David, who is that maid over there?" he asked his childhood friend once they escaped the throng.

David turned, immediately recognizing the object of Fred's interest. "Oh that's Victoria. She's been in Mother and Father's employ these past few years since her village was destroyed by fire. By all accounts she's a diligent, honest worker."

Fred nodded, transfixed. "She seems... lonely."

Smiling knowingly, David replied "Why not go introduce yourself then? Perhaps bring her a slice of that cherry pie she's been eyeing all night."

Heartlightened by the possibility of new acquaintance, Fred eagerly did as his friend suggested. Approaching Victoria with plate in hand, he greeted her warmly and was pleased when she accepted both food and conversation with shy gratitude.

Over the course of that evening, Fred learned of Victoria's simple upbringing and the hardships which led her to service. Though of few words, her manner told of a gentle soul accustomed to labour yet untouched by cynicism or vice. Time flew as they spoke, until Victoria confessed with a start that her duties went neglected too long. With great reluctance, Fred bade her goodnight, praying for another chance to know this mysterious flower blooming quietly in the shadows. As she disappeared within the manor halls, he gazed after her figure with a smile, feeling as if Cupid's arrow had at last found its mark. Little did he know how their brief meeting would alter the course of both their lives in the years to come.