
Love Conquered By Sex

After years of struggling and dreaming of a better life with his girlfriend, Hua Mingyu's world collapses when he discovers her infidelity. His discovery at a luxurious hotel and the painful confrontation that follows marks a turning point in his life. As the rain pours down, symbolizing his shattered dreams, Hua Mingyu's journey of transformation begins. He decides to abandon his belief in love, turning his pain into a vengeful mission to conquer women with money and sex, dismissing love as a facade. As he meticulously plans his new life path, Hua Mingyu now has the twisted goal to "educate" and "save" women from the illusions of love.

Void_Dao · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Disillusioned

"The cold icy rain slaps wildly against the face, while the warm tears mix with the cold rain, blending together."

I don't know which heartless restaurant is still playing such heart-wrenching songs. It's indeed raining outside, and my tears have long merged with the rainwater. What era are we in, and they still play this utterly outdated song? I was infuriated, and I kicked the restaurant's speaker system at the entrance with one angry kick.

"What are you doing? Asking for trouble?" someone shouted.

"Yeah, asking for trouble! I owe you a beating! Go fucking ahead, hit me!" I challenged.

Dragging my exhausted body, I approached the owner. Apparently, my appearance seemed somewhat menacing, and the owner took a few steps back, muttering and then returned to the shop, "Lunatic!"

Am I really a lunatic? I wish I were. Maybe then I wouldn't be in so much pain. The heavy rain continues, and my heart aches incessantly. Love? What a load of nonsense!

Starting today, I'll never believe in love again!

My name is Hua Mingyu. After graduating from college, I struggled in a big city. I couldn't afford nice clothes, couldn't eat well, all just to have a home of my own in this place, to provide a happy life for my girlfriend.

I've been with my girlfriend for six years, starting from our junior year in college. From the moment I held her hand, I knew she was my lifelong partner. We were going to live happily together, have our children, and build a happy family. But the reality is that we've spent these years in a cramped underground apartment of just a few square meters. There's no other choice; the housing prices here are sky-high. Even renting this underground place takes almost half of my monthly salary, leaving very little for other expenses. However, even so, every month I would surprise my girlfriend with something, like buying new clothes or jewelry. Though she would say not to spend money recklessly, I knew she was secretly happy.

My continuous efforts earned the recognition of my superiors, and I got promoted with a salary increase of more than double. Moreover, my family also agreed to provide the down payment for a 2-bedroom apartment. I was overjoyed, thinking that our hard life was finally coming to an end. I could finally give my girlfriend a decent home. I had planned it all out; I was going to propose to her and end our long-distance love.

However, when I joyfully bought a bouquet of flowers and arrived early at her workplace to surprise her, I saw her getting into a luxurious car. As her boyfriend of six years, I didn't want to believe that she could do anything wrong. But, guided by instinct, I followed the car in a taxi.

My mood was extremely anxious. Six years, a whole six years, we supported each other, loved each other, and I never doubted that she would do anything to hurt me. We had sworn to face any difficulties together and grow old together.

When the car stopped at the entrance of an upscale hotel, I knew I had lost. I had lost to money. My love was worthless. We hadn't even reached the seven-year mark, and my love was probably dying after six years. Even so, I nervously called her, and the result was… as expected. She lied to me, claiming she was going to a restaurant with a female colleague, but she had clearly entered the hotel with a man.

What would happen next? I'm not a fool. She might be in bed with someone, maybe even moaning shamelessly. I didn't want to imagine such a scene. It was too degrading and shameless.

My heart aches as I recall the little moments of the past six years, reminiscing about our sweet love stories, remembering the first time she moaned in happiness beneath me, recalling her willingly putting on a condom for me with her mouth...

Lost in thought, the evening grew late, and I kept my gaze fixed on the hotel's entrance without leaving. It was a high-end hotel, and I knew that even if I went inside, I wouldn't find out which room they were in. So, I could only wait here, waiting for her to explain, perhaps hoping for that one-in-a-million chance to salvage my love, or maybe nothing had happened at all? Was I expecting that?

No, I was just being pathetic, still holding on to a glimmer of belief in so-called love.

After three long hours, they came out. My girlfriend looked a bit disheveled, seemingly not having an easy time. My heart ached to the point where I could barely walk, but before they got into their car, I took a step forward to confront them.

My girlfriend looked extremely flustered when she saw me, while the man had a blank expression, utterly indifferent.

"Juan, let's talk," I said.

"Mingyu, you've seen everything. There's nothing left to talk about," she replied.

"What did you say!? Did you really book a room? Is our six-year love just a joke?" I demanded.

"Maybe you two should talk. I'll wait in the front," the man interjected.

"No need," my girlfriend continued, "Mingyu, I've had enough of that damp, half-underground place. I've had enough of our life surviving on vegetables and potatoes. I've had enough of squeezing onto the bus every day to go to work. I'm sorry, but in the face of money, our love means nothing!"

With that, she got into the car without looking back, unwilling to give me even a shred of dignity, ruthlessly shattering my last remaining hope for love.

The rain began to fall, growing heavier, just like my mood, pouring out endlessly. I left the hotel entrance in a daze, wandering the streets aimlessly. Where was I going? I didn't know. I just kept walking, like a lifeless corpse, until I heard that nauseating song.

When I returned to our half-underground home, or what passed for a home, Juan was inside packing her bags. She saw me drenched and miserable, and for a brief moment, her eyes showed a hint of sympathy – a look that made me sick. Pity for me?

Are you making fun of me?

Or do you pity me?

"Mingyu, you don't need to do this. You will find someone better. Take care of yourself."

"Have you finished packing? Finish packing and get out of here!"


"Get out!"

I didn't say another word, nor did I look at her again. With the sound of the door closing, I knew my love had come to an end, and my heart had been completely shut by her. What kind of love exists in this world anyway?

This ridiculous thing is nothing more than a game where men deceive women and women deceive men. I find it amusing. I actually thought about marrying her. Judging by their familiar relationship, they must have been involved long before. She may have been with others more times than I've been with her. This sickened me to no end and I even had the urge to vomit.

Perhaps… I should be grateful that I hadn't become a father. Maybe this is a wake-up call from fate. At this moment, I suddenly felt less miserable. This woman made me realize the harsh reality of society. To some extent, I should even thank her.

I've changed, or rather, I've grown. After she left, I worked harder, not for the nonsense of love or the institution of marriage that makes me sick. I'm just doing it for myself, to live a good life. And one night, while watching adult content, I suddenly found a new goal in life!

In the video, there was also a seemingly loving couple taken on a business trip by their boss to a hotel, where the boss forced the woman into having sex with him. The boss had a large penis and had sex with the woman all night. She was conquered by him, even secretly having sex with him when she returned home. When her boyfriend found out, she shamelessly admitted that she liked a big penis and the feeling of being dominated by her boss.

I felt like I was watching a reflection of my past in that video. I finally understood a truth: money and sex are the ultimate tools to conquer women, and love is just a facade for manipulating ignorant men and women.

I am going to conquer women, yes, with money and sex. This is my life's goal!

Wilt Chamberlain claimed he slept with 2000 women. I think he was bragging, and they were probably all prostitutes. My goal is to sleep with 1000 women, and they should all believe in love. I want to make them understand that love is nonsense. So in a way, I'm also saving those lost men and women.

Perhaps my determination moved the heavens. Just when I didn't know how to proceed, a lawyer from the United States, claiming to be my grandfather's brother who had gone to Taiwan and later became a businessman in the United States with no descendants, came. He left behind a huge inheritance, and I am the first heir. My initial reaction was that this was a scammer trying to deceive me, but after the lawyer explained it to me several times, I realized that this seemed to be true!

After a lot of hassle and paperwork, after deducting the inheritance tax, I received a wealth I had never seen in my entire life. Instantly, my life changed once again. I am very grateful that this money didn't come to me too early; otherwise, I might have become complacent. My girlfriend wouldn't have left me, but she had already been with someone else. She definitely wouldn't have told me. That's love, isn't it?

Hahaha, damn nonsense!

Money, I have it, a very important thing, but I don't plan to waste it. Besides investing in some properties, I've invested the remaining money in different industries to diversify risk. Of course, even if it's kept in the bank, the interest alone is enough for me to squander.

Money is not a problem, I can do whatever I want now, but there's another issue, which is sex!

That's right!

Without strong sexual prowess, it wouldn't be any fun at all. If I want to conquer women, I need to conquer them completely, both mentally and physically, to feel accomplished. Fortunately, I've been blessed from an early age by having a 20cm-long tool, and in terms of ability, I have absolute confidence.

I spent some money buying a lot of clothes to dress up myself. Of course, not all of them are expensive clothes because I don't intend to pursue wealthy women… just yet. Money is just a tool to serve my plans; I don't plan to spend money on women. Using my big cock to conquer is my first choice!

I moved into a decent apartment, not too large because it's inconvenient for just myself, and also for the sake of my future career. I shouldn't live in too large a place. Of course, I have villas as well, but I won't use them on a regular basis.

As for work, I've naturally quit my job. I'll have plenty of work in the future because I want to experience different types of women. I believe no woman is immune to being conquered because, in this world, there's no damn thing called love.

College students? Corporate professionals? Gorgeous celebrities? Or government officials? I want to try them all. As long as they believe in love, I'll use my well-endowed thick, dark cock to shatter their illusions and save them.

Once everything is planned out, I began shaping my life. To be honest, before this, I was just an ordinary office worker, living on the lower rungs of society, with no extraordinary skills. I didn't even know what life in the upper echelons of society was like. But I'm not worried about that because I'm already wealthy. I'll gradually figure it out.

So, I've devised a step-by-step plan. What does that mean? It means if you asked me to seduce a mayor's wife or something like that right now, I wouldn't be able to succeed. I might even get caught. The difficulty is too high, and I don't have enough experience. I don't even have any connections in the government. That's something for later, when I'm more mature and well-connected.

So, I need to start with something simpler, right? Yes, there are plenty of simpler targets to practice on. I need to accumulate experience. Of course, in the end, with my endowment, it's not impossible to go after those cold female presidents or noble women from ancient families.

I've started to narrow down my targets, and students are the first group that came to my mind. They haven't entered this sinister society yet, so they're relatively more innocent. Besides, they still have unrealistic fantasies about love, heh, making them perfect candidates for education and salvation.

Yes, students! They're the easiest to conquer, and their numbers are plentiful. From middle school to university, there are countless college girls, and it's easy to pick someone I fancy.

I've bought a computer and started to create my files. I want to document all the women I've "saved". When I grow old, this will be a valuable record. Even when I meet God, I'll be able to brag about how many innocent women I saved who still naively believed in love.


Since I've chosen a female student as the first subject to rescue, it's essential to set a specific goal. Having a target is the first step towards finding a way to approach her. So, in recent days, I've been hanging around the campus entrance. I have two selection criteria: she must be extremely beautiful, and she must have a boyfriend.

The criterion of beauty is straightforward. If we're going to rescue someone, why not choose a beautiful person? And since I'll spend the rest of my life with her, the more beautiful the better. As for the second criterion, she must already have a boyfriend. Otherwise, what's the point? If she doesn't, my actions would be less about rescue and more about seduction, coercion, or even assault. Those are things only bad people would do; I am a messiah.

I live near a university, and I spent several days there, but I couldn't find a suitable target. It seems like people nowadays mature too quickly. These college students all dress like adults, and although most of them have boyfriends, and there are many attractive girls, they don't seem like students to me. Since I've already decided to prioritize rescuing female students, after a few days of waiting, I turned my attention to nearby high schools. Specially, one high school caught my interest. It was an aristocratic high school where many rich and powerful families children study.

I must say, these high school students appear much more innocent and full of youth. They are quite captivating, and beneath those school uniforms, I know their young bodies are ready for sexual intercourse. Their naive thoughts undoubtedly believe in love. I must rescue them before they enter society and get deceived!

So, I spent two days waiting at the high school entrance. On this particular day, when school was over, I knew I had found my target – a girl with a single ponytail; she was gracefully tall, and carried an effortless charm that melds beauty and cuteness seamlessly. Most importantly, she was walking alongside a boy!

I began to follow them, slowly getting closer. Upon a closer look, I became even more certain that she was my target. Her skin looked flawless and shiny, like peeled egg, and her voice was incredibly pleasant. I purposely walked ahead of them, pretending to check directions. Indeed, this girl was exceptionally adorable, the kind that everyone loves. The boy seemed spirited as well. They were the perfect candidates for my rescue mission!

It had to be her – my first-ever life-saving target. I felt a bit excited but kept a low profile. I knew I couldn't rush this. I'm not a criminal. I have to gradually entice her and make her realize that love doesn't exist.


I continued to tail them closely. At a street corner, they parted ways. They had been holding hands all along, but there was no kiss. This surprised me a bit. Is this girl really so innocent? She must be trapped in the depths of love! This isn't good, she needs to be rescued as soon as possible!

After their parting, the girl walked for a while and happened to reach the community where I live. I felt a rush of joy. Was this a coincidence? No, it was a deliberate opportunity from a higher power, I knew it!

The community had access cards, so outsiders couldn't enter. This made my tailing a bit bolder. She wouldn't suspect me of being a stalker. However, I didn't know which building or apartment she lived in. I only knew her school and that she lived in this community, making it quite challenging to get closer.

I sighed and contemplated my options. Each building had access restrictions, and entering them rashly would raise suspicions. First impressions were crucial, and if her first impression of me was threatening, it would make my task extremely difficult. So, I couldn't follow her inside. Even if I managed to do so, at best, I would only know which floor she lived on, and each floor had three apartments.

Gradually, I observed her slowing down, indicating that she had reached her apartment building. I saw it was Building 22, my first piece of information about her.

That's how I watched her enter the building, disappearing from my view. Although I felt a slight disappointment, my predominant emotion was excitement. I had found my target, and my actions were finally about to begin.

I returned home, documenting today's findings: Target one, name unknown, approximately 170 centimeters tall, ponytail, resides in XX community, Building 22, student at First Aristocratic High School.

Well, for now, that's all the information I have. Merely tailing won't be enough to learn more, and even if I did obtain more information, how would I proceed? If I were just a stalker or a criminal, there would be no way. But I am different; I have money. I have a brain. I can employ many strategies.

With two pieces of information – her home and her school – I now had two avenues to explore: the school and her home. I chuckled to myself, as ideas began to form in my mind. Could I become a teacher or a tutor? Hahaha.