
You belong to me

Sylvester was moving his legs as fast as he can. His leg muscles were burning but he didn't slowed down and now he was able to cover the one hour distance in half an hour.

As he reached the park, he stopped and jumped from his bicycle. It was dark everywhere. He looked around and shouted Gigi's name but didn't get any response.

He ran around shouting her name when suddenly he stopped and looked to his left.

There was sitting Gigi crying and covering herself with her arms.

He took a step towards her and softly called her name. She stopped crying but didn't lifted her head.

Sylvester sat down next to her and lifted his arms to hug her but stopped in midway. He bit his lip deciding what to do and then slowly wrapped his arms around her.

Gigi start crying again.

He stayed there without saying anything until she calmed down a bit.

She broke the hug and rubbed her eyes.

"Hey, I am sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry?" Gigi didn't look at him but instead she was looking angry now.