
Mr Alpha's Innocent human

Grace was busy packing her stuff as she has to leave in an hour or otherwise she was going to miss her train and she wasn't in the place of missing it right now.

She heard a honk and quickly picked her stuff. She hugged her best friend and roommate for the last time and ran towards the door.

As she reached down the building, she saw her colleague, Mrs Davidson waiting for her in her car.

She quickly put her stuff inside car and sat on the front seat.

Mrs Davidson smiled at her and started the car.


Grace Winter, 20 years old and a topper in her university who just completed her masters in Chemistry and was now teaching in middle school.

She was a genius but she didn't have any experience so she had to start from smaller step.

But a week ago, she got the opportunity to take a step forward.

Their principle's brother who also operates a school in a far away town, needed a chemistry teacher for their final year high school students.