
A forced marriage

Yadale threw a glace over the pesssenger seat where a black bag was lying. The bag was the symbol of freeing Han family from the slavery of Winter's. A smile appeared on his face as he thought about Giselle.

He tapped on the steering wheel thinking about his future life when suddenly a car from left side hit his Jeep.


When Yadale reached the village, the sun was about to set. He had few injuries and was looking tired. He was walking towards the Han's house while holding the bag of money in his hand.

He finally reached the house and before he could knock at the door, it opened revealing Simon. A smug appeared on his face.

"You are late, lover boy." He leaned and whispered in his ear.

Yadale looked inside over his shoulder where Giselle was sitting while a lawyer was assembling the papers.

Giselle looked at Yadale and felt pain in her heart.

She tried to hold Mr Carter as long as possible but in the end she lost. She chose her parents over him.