
Love bud

Love bud is a story of a small village named ivy hill where individuals become eligible for pairing with their life partner at the age of 21,of which the partners are basically chosen by the elders. They would then be tested after 3 years of living together with their partner,anyone who fails would have to stay single forever. Seraphine a young maiden who has a secret crush on her best friend Clark for years hope they would end up getting paired together but that didn’t happen. Unfortunately she was paired up with Damien,her high school bully. They both loathe each other,he hates her for her innocence and weakness. She hates him for being a bully and making her stay in community high hell.. Things get hot in the house after Seraphine got to know that being paired up with Damien was all a plan to prolong her suffering. Due to the conspiracy,her partner which was actually Clark was changed to Damien,but then Damien had started having feelings for her. It’s goes on as a rollercoaster of emotions as Damien tries to win Seraphine’s heart and at the same time correct his past mistakes.

opeyemi_oyeladun · Urban
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83 Chs

Love bud

Chapter 11


I watched as Damien gets wheeled into the ICU. The doctor told us to stay out. Mother and father were pacing around the room with worries written all over their faces. But nobody questioned me,they didn't even say anything about what led to his behavior.

I felt so guilty and earnestly prayed he recovers. I should have stopped talking when he asked me to,I was used to his rotten behavior but I've never seen him as angry as he was today.

The doctor came out after a while and we rushed towards him.

"Doctor how is my son?" Mother asked. She looked so worried and curious at the same time.

" He is stable now,you can go see him " he said and then left.

Immediately we heard that,we all felt at ease. Mother held my hand gesturing me to go see him along with her.

I was about to decline because I was scared of him getting provoked again if he sees me. I was still thinking of how to reply Mother when the mayor faced mother and said

"You're asking her to go see our son?. Wasnt he here because of her in the first place?".

"Matt why would you say that?they had a misunderstanding and our son couldn't control his anger. We should actually be thankful that he didn't harm the poor lady". Mother said in my defense,I wanted to tell her she got it wrong,that I was at fault but I couldn't bear to see her disappointed in me. She has been like a mother ever since I entered the household.

"it's fine Mother,you all should go ahead and see him. I would go later" I said

She nodded in affirmation,left my hand and head towards the room with Diane and the mayor.

The doctor said Damien would be discharged in 3 days time. After a while,the mayor left for a meeting,leaving Damien in our hands.

Mother and Diane asked me to go see Damien in the room.

I got up from the bench,my legs were wobbling I kept on going towards the door even though each step I took felt like lifting a heavy brick. I opened the door and I entered the room. As he heard the door open,he looked towards my direction and turned his back on me as he said weakly "I don't want to see you,pls leave. I don't want your pity".

I wanted to tell him how sorry I was for bringing up an awful incident and hurting him but I couldn't and ended up leaving the room.


It's the day Damien would be discharged from the hospital. I didn't follow mother and Diane to the hospital. I made up an excuse of being ill to them.

The mayor visited me the night before and sternly warned me not to do anything stupid that'll hurt his son.

"Bringing you here was my mistake " he said as he stormed down the hall.

I heard the honking of the car,I guess they are here already. How would I face Damien? I knew I lied to mother about being sick earlier but now I really feel sick. I heard footsteps on the hallway I quickly sat on the couch and covered my body up with a blanket.

Damien came in with mother. Still feigning sickness I sat up and welcomed them. Damien completely ignored me as if I was non existent. He went over to lay on the bed,placed his right hand on his forehead and shut his eyes.

"How are you faring dear?,let me know if you need anything." Mother said as she came close to feel my forehead.

"You have a slight fever,I would ask one of the maids to bring you medications and soup" she said. She checked on Damien once again before leaving.

After she left I placed my hand on my forehead to feel it. "I don't have a fever.why did mother say....was she trying to cover up for me in Damien's presence? I thought.

Few minutes later a maid brought two bowls of steaming hot chicken soup. She brought a bowl for me and one for Damien ,I collected his and placed it on the table. The maid left and I devoured the soup immediately ignoring the fact that I was feigning illness. Thank God Damien wasn't looking.

Damien's POV

I got back from the hospital feeling stressed out. I completely ignored Seraphine as she welcomed me earlier . Why should I speak with someone who has hurt me badly.

Is this what loving someone is like? I can't bear seeing her look so sorry even though she hurt me. I was able to bully her at community high because she looked so naive,I saw my old nature in her. I was innocent and delicate and so my classmates bullied me for that.

I hate seeing people so naive it reminded me of my past experience with those heartless bullies. I could remember how disappointed father was when he found out I was bullied and that was months after I regained my memory.

He told me I was bullied because I was a weakling and that I should become someone who cannot be toyed with.

How come I love her when she has the opposite character of what I've always believed. Over the last month I got to see the beauty in her delicate nature.

She has done nothing wrong to deserve any ill treatment from me or anyone. I stood from the bed and went over to the couch where she slept. I saw a bowl on the table so I assumed she must have taken soup before sleeping.

I sat on the table close to her with my arms folded across my chest not taking my gaze off her for a second as I watch her sleep.

I placed my hand on her forehead to see if the fever she complained about earlier had gone. She flung her eyelids open immediately I touched her skin,she looked startled and asked"What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to check if your fever has gone,but it seems you're fine now. The medications must have done its job" I said taking my hand off her.

She sat up and said" I thought you were mad at me earlier ".

"I was but not anymore" I said as I stood and went over to get her a glass of water.

"Here have it"

She hesitated and looked at me for a while before taking the glass.

"Thanks" She said.

"Hmmm.....how about we take a walk?" I asked stretching forth my hand to her.
