
Love bound by a curse

In this time line he was a bad boy and she was a sweet and caring girl , their first encounter wasn't pleasant and she didn't remember . Forced to take a scholarship she didn't apply for Juliette Damien is sent to an academy filled with bloodthirsty vampires . And there was when her life took unbalanced turn for the best and worse . Bullied , beaten and disgraced in certain occasions the bad boy decides to make a hectic decision just because he was bored with his empty life . " You are my girlfriend ! so act like one " his voice dropped , and his anger rised like nothing she had ever seen before . " But_but I don't want to be yours to control anymore , I_I want to be with someone...I love and live my life however I__want to ......pleas..." her lips trembled as she held back her tears , she tried to step away from him but his strong arms held her captive between the himself and the cold wall behind her . "Juliette ! you wanna live your life.. love " he breathed enraged by her very words . His red eyes turned darker as he stared at her frightened and teary eyes and then at her neck where he could see her pulsating veins . Pulling himself away from her he stepped away from her , turned around to leave . " Fine if that's how you felt about all this , then I won't stop you from going to him ! . I don't wanna see your face ever again " He added with a sad smile of disbelief . Seeing him like this broke her and his words didn't settle in her heart cause she felt unfamiliar pain and deep sadness . She felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water in her face .....her heart ached as she looked at his retreating back , she wanted to follow him . Her feet couldn't move and her knees gave away , she let herself fall on the cold ground. Tears sreamed down her face furiously like waterfall . " Am sorry ! I really am....I have to save my family first if I hadn't done this they__they would have killed them " she muttered to herself. The only reason she did this was because Helen and her family had threatened to kill her family if she didn't make Drew hate her and give up on her . She decided that it was for the best . But all of them didn't know the twist in time and fate . The lowly human they claim her to be is actually the reincarnated vampire princess , who has yet to unleash her incredible powers that used to be feared by every single being in arcadia . Her powers were unmatched due to the curse that laid in her blood . Cursed by a witch to have silver essence in her blood that could kill anything whenever she wanted to . But no one knew that the lame and boring Juliette Damien is the Princess Silver ,who could wield any weapon and turn it into silver by her will . She was someone you wouldn't like to cross pass with , her overbearing arrogance , aura and pride that made anyone cower in fear but not the Murray Knight who always got in her nerve and didn't cower in fear . But she was yet to remember her past life and identity.. But there's another twist that is bound to cause destruction and massacres to all the realms . The demon's essence that lies on the Knight's soul , it's been suppressed for many decades until the day his beloved had died protecting him . The demon's essence in a vampire's body destruction is bound to happen...... Both cursed and in love ! tragic ! stay tuned.....

Rebecca_Kabigi_1647 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 12 : Fuck you hard and Suck you dry

After safely putting her down he left without a glancing at the girl , Drew walked away towards his dorm he had decided to skip class like always but before he could reach the entrance he met Helen his girlfriend who was a vampiress and a pure blooded one just like Drew .

As soon as she had seen Drew she literally stomped her feet to where he was " What the heck did you do with that wench " Helenasked in demanding tone rage and jealousy written all over her face . Drew just shrugged as he looked at her with a calm and composed look , " Don't Tell me just because she has a slight resemblance to ' her ' you have already developed some foolish feelings for that worthless piece of trash " Helen angrily said .

Suddenly the air around changed by Drew's aura turned dangerously cold and life threatening by just mentioning ' her ' . Helen's anger and jealousy dropped at an extreme rate after the outburst of dangerous aura , Drew's eyes darkened as he coldly stared down at Helen who slightly shivered but still held her ground . She had gotten carried away by her overwhelmed jealousy and rage that she had blurted out the fact that the human slightly resemblance to ' her ' .

Drew clenched his jaw as he closed and opened his eyes to calm himself down , after calming his aura for a bit he left Helen on her own with a clear warning not to bother him . When he was all alone in his room his aura came back in full force , harsh memories from the past that were meant to stay buried in the back of his head came flashing back in his face . After a couple of minutes Drew's hollow eyes were filled with immersible pain , sadness , longing and....guilt , being lost in his memories and thoughts Drew failed to notice Helen who had sneakily crept in his room easily since the door wasn't locked .

After locking the door Helen stared at the lost at the moment Drew who surprised when said " It's rude to sneakily enter my room like a stinky rat ! Helen get out ! " . " You are my boyfriend and I don't care if it's rude or inappropriate cause I love you and you love me " . Drew stared out the window with an apprehensive look before his sexy lips curled into dangerously lowered smile that didn't quite reach his eyes . " I will fuck you hard and suck you dry if you don't leave ? " the warning was open and clear but Helen still didn't bulge instead she seductively unbuttoned her shirt " I really don't mind if you do that cause am used to you rough and beasty hard fuck " Helen replied while biting her lower lip seductively clearly aroused .

" Don't fight that beast in you ! let it free and fuck me baby " Helen tried to persuade with a raspy breath cautiously taking steps towards Drew who was looking out the window . was on the highest floor overlooking Julie's window apparently. Helen wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him from behind while pressing her body as close as possible . Drew turned around and stared at Helen who took the opportunity and crashed her lips onto his , she kissed him hungrily and when he finally responded to her kiss emotionlessly she grinned and the rough and beasty kisses began they knocked over a few things before her back hit the cold door .

When Drew was sure that Helen was lost in the deepened kiss and was in ecstasy he unlocked the door swiftly and pushed her out with such a speed that left Helen shocked before she could recover from the shock and lusty haze the door was shut with a bang . When realized what had happened her shirt was on the floor meaning she almost bare with only her peach coloured bra . The hallway was neither empty nor clouded Helen felt a great deal of embarrassment but didn't flinch or let it show since she was a pure blooded vampiress after all .

Helen being bold at times decided to pick up her shirt and under the gazes of the boys wore it and knocked the door next to Drew's . When the door opened Jade was the one who had opened the room next to Drew's was actually Max's room . " Hi ! can I come in now " Helen said going in , Jade had a hint on why Helen was so mad " Do you something to drink or a snack ? " Jade asked as she sat on the edge of the bed and Helen had pulled the chair near the desk and sat on it .

" No I don't want anything by the way where's Max ? " Helen asked as she made herself comfortable , " Oooh !! he and the others have gone to the cafeteria to get some snacks and drinks for game night " Jade explained with an excited glint in her eyes . " Helen you look troubled why is that ? " Jade finally asked after seeing her sigh from time to time , " Are you worried about what happened today in class don't worry yourself too much because maybe he was hungry and needed some fresh human blood Drew would never fall for such a weakling he is a vampire after all " Jade tried to console her jealous friend .

" I can't help being jealous and enraged whenever Drew is close to any girl cause I did a lot and worse for him cause I love him so much , I can't help being insecure " Helen broke down in tears Infront of her friend who began comforting her . After a while Helen pulled herself together when Max together with Zack and Ben who had decided to bring human girls for snacks unlike Max who brought snacks and drinks. When Max saw Helen's sunk expression he immediately realized that she must've had an argument with the one and only Drew .

" Hey Zack where's that cold and depressed brother isn't he gonna join us? " Ben questioned Zack who replied with a shrug , " well I hope he doesn't cause if he does this room is going to turn into an ice land considering the fact that his always cold towards anybody who talk to him" Ben laughed and so did the others .

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sorry for the unedited chapters.......

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