
Love bound by a curse

In this time line he was a bad boy and she was a sweet and caring girl , their first encounter wasn't pleasant and she didn't remember . Forced to take a scholarship she didn't apply for Juliette Damien is sent to an academy filled with bloodthirsty vampires . And there was when her life took unbalanced turn for the best and worse . Bullied , beaten and disgraced in certain occasions the bad boy decides to make a hectic decision just because he was bored with his empty life . " You are my girlfriend ! so act like one " his voice dropped , and his anger rised like nothing she had ever seen before . " But_but I don't want to be yours to control anymore , I_I want to be with someone...I love and live my life however I__want to ......pleas..." her lips trembled as she held back her tears , she tried to step away from him but his strong arms held her captive between the himself and the cold wall behind her . "Juliette ! you wanna live your life.. love " he breathed enraged by her very words . His red eyes turned darker as he stared at her frightened and teary eyes and then at her neck where he could see her pulsating veins . Pulling himself away from her he stepped away from her , turned around to leave . " Fine if that's how you felt about all this , then I won't stop you from going to him ! . I don't wanna see your face ever again " He added with a sad smile of disbelief . Seeing him like this broke her and his words didn't settle in her heart cause she felt unfamiliar pain and deep sadness . She felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water in her face .....her heart ached as she looked at his retreating back , she wanted to follow him . Her feet couldn't move and her knees gave away , she let herself fall on the cold ground. Tears sreamed down her face furiously like waterfall . " Am sorry ! I really am....I have to save my family first if I hadn't done this they__they would have killed them " she muttered to herself. The only reason she did this was because Helen and her family had threatened to kill her family if she didn't make Drew hate her and give up on her . She decided that it was for the best . But all of them didn't know the twist in time and fate . The lowly human they claim her to be is actually the reincarnated vampire princess , who has yet to unleash her incredible powers that used to be feared by every single being in arcadia . Her powers were unmatched due to the curse that laid in her blood . Cursed by a witch to have silver essence in her blood that could kill anything whenever she wanted to . But no one knew that the lame and boring Juliette Damien is the Princess Silver ,who could wield any weapon and turn it into silver by her will . She was someone you wouldn't like to cross pass with , her overbearing arrogance , aura and pride that made anyone cower in fear but not the Murray Knight who always got in her nerve and didn't cower in fear . But she was yet to remember her past life and identity.. But there's another twist that is bound to cause destruction and massacres to all the realms . The demon's essence that lies on the Knight's soul , it's been suppressed for many decades until the day his beloved had died protecting him . The demon's essence in a vampire's body destruction is bound to happen...... Both cursed and in love ! tragic ! stay tuned.....

Rebecca_Kabigi_1647 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 10 : Jinxed

Julie stared at the seemingly cute boy who had hollowness and emptiness in his eyes. The boy raised his finger and motioned for her to move closer to him as if there was something he wanted to tell her and only her .

" You.....are.....a...jinx and funnily on your first day here " the boy chuckled darkly , Julie was shocked for a while before turning around and moving her chair away from the strange boy . A minute or so later a middle age man who had worn a prim and proper grey suit stepped in with a file that had a few papers in it . His expression was serious and only meant business "Morning class I am Mr Rogers , your supervisor! new students when you have any problem or in need of help you come to me " the man introduced. The man then started explaining the history of the academy, in between the endless and boring speech a group entered the class without the need to greet the supervisor .

Julie and like the other freshmen were surprised by the behaviour of the group that was late but when she turned her head to look at her friend Jane . She was staring and blushing and someone else and her guess was correct it was Max who sat at the last row at the back . Max was busy smiling and winking at her dear friend who almost looked like she was having a heart attack . Julie smiled at their cheekiness when she turned to look at the group they had taken their seats at the back of the class just like delinquents the supervisor then left with a scowl after his speech .

After smiling at Max for long enough Jane decided to go and chat with her long time bestie but in between their chatting Julie couldn't shake off the feeling of being stared by a particular someone . And she was right Drew was staring at her , having enough of this staring Julie turned around to see the one who was staring at her this much . Her brown and nervous eyes met black and empty eyes that kept on staring at her though she had caught him . " what beautiful but cold eyes he has " Julie said to herself after she turned around ' but still she felt it was creepy how that boy kept on staring at her ' thought Julie in her mind . " Who are you talking to Julie ? " Jane asked with a grin , " No one of importance " Julie was quick to answer but her friend was having none of it since she heard what she had said . " Were you perhaps talking to Drew ? oh my God do you have a crush on him , that's so awesome girl you should you totally ask him out " Jane tried to persuade her friend who's cheeks had slightly turned pink .

" No ! no ! I....was... just..... never mind ? " Julie stammered sheepishly. " Bro !!! what are you staring at so hard " act a curly brown haired boy who was as handsome as his brother Drew . " Nothing that needs your nose stuck into " Drew coldly replied as he shifted his gaze away from his appetizer to the boy sitting behind her he glared hard at him before he was interrupted by his girlfriend Helen . " Babe !!! what's up you look so tense ? " she asked while casually sitting on his lap , few freshmen who weren't used to this kind of act were surprised by the scene and also shocked.

some gasped , some giggled and some frowned since they didn't expect such a an act to be pulled in a reputable academy. Drew put his hands around her waist and rested her back with his eyes closed he took a deep breath and smirked at something that had came in his mind like a foolish thought . Julie felt a tiny bit of disappointment when she saw what was happening so she turned around and took out her drawing notebook. she started sketching some stupid drawings that had passed in her mind furiously after some time she stopped " The teacher isn't even here on my first day in class am I really jinxed " Julie mumbled to herself before continuing with her drawing .

In between her art she looked at Jane who was with a group of friends laughing and chatting , this made her feel a sting in her heart remembering her old school and her friends she signed and looked down on a notebook . " What the heck is this ? " Juliet in the panicked voice as she look down on her notebook , there on another book she had drawn a comic version of Drew's brown and empty eyes and the first page , and several drawings of him and his girlfriend on his lap , den she had drawn him standing up and walking to her sit , standing right in front of her with his hands in his pockets. She then proceeded to draw him offering his hand for her to take and kissing her in front of everybody ' how scandalous ' Julie screamed in her mind as her cheeks turned pink and her heart drumming so wildly that she could hear her heartbeats . But to her horror she had actually screamed out loud enough for everyone to hear , so to hide from the embarrassment she hide her face behind her palms .

Drew who had his eyes closed suddenly snapped them open when he heard the girl , he moved Helen away from his lap as he stood up and walked away without a word towards the girl darkly and shockingly just like how Julie had drawn he stood right in front of her . Julie peeked through her fingers and saw him stand there so perfectly and with an angelic - devilish face compared to the boy who told her that she was jinxed and Max this boy was ten times maybe even a thousand times more handsome than any of them . Half of his is raven black silky hair was combed to the side with little to no effort at all while the rest of it was shortened in an elegant and cool way at the same time . On his left eyebrow the was two piercings at the end , his black eyes held nothing but emptiness and hollowness in them . His nose was perfectly curved and it almost made Julie jealous then there was his...lips that had Julie's heart skip a beat , she wondered how it would feel like to be kissed by those breathtaking lips . His face was a bit pale but in an angelic - devilish way , he looked like an angel and a devil who once lived in heaven and hell but then decided to live amongst humans . When her eyes wondered further down his chest she couldn't help but gulp when she saw his unbuttoned shirt ' three buttons ' Julie screamed in her mind , his taunt muscles and chest were making her drool a bit there were tattoos that peeked through his shirt and Julie wished she could see and perhaps trace them with her fingers. He looked strong and breathtakingly handsome he seemed too good to be true in her eyes . when she went back to staring at his face especially his lips she saw one corner of his lips curl up into a dangerous yet breathtaking devious smile . But the curl was quick to disappear and a smirk appeared quickly when his gaze left her notebook to stare at her there was an unfathomable expression on his face , she felt her cheeks burn when their eyes met . " Follow me ! , if this is what you desire fish cake " Drew then said without an ounce of shame , Julie blinked for a few seconds before stammering a reply "No...I .....mean....I... it's.....not like that..... it's just that ., it's a misunderstanding " . When he didn't say anything she looked up only see that he was irritated when he turned around and started walking away Julie decided to just follow him and see what was to happen. Before she could go the boy behind her whispered to her " Do you believe now that you are jinxed , " the boy laughed at her . Julie ignored him and walked away her friend gave her an encouraging smile to ask him out for lunch when she was half way out of the class she heard the boy say " Good luck Miss Jinxed " and soon after those words the class started laughing at her . ' Am I really jinxed ' Julie thought in her mind as she followed the strange boy .

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