
LOVE BOOK -A love story

love story of boy and girl

Chandan_rai · Urban
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4 Chs


Actually I like to walk in the evening . Everyday

I walk on the road with my friend.

Alike other days I was walking on the road with

my friend in evening . A girl who is almost 2 to 3

years younger than me is also walking on the

road but they are on the opposite side of us .She

started continuously watching me .I did not

remember her. But my friend with me told me

that see that girl ,that girl is continuously watching you. When I saw her ,She is seeing me


She moves back and see me and then move

forward.( She moves back and see me ,She

repeats this activity many times). I think she

knows me at that instant.And my friend said

that she might loves you .I neglected my friend

and I said my friend that you are thinking in

vain and it may happens that she knows me that

why she is moving back and seeing me many


She repeats this activity many times,when I

started remembering her after moving back she

smiles also. My friend told me that she likes you

.But I did not believe him .But she looks so

pretty and beautiful. I fully attracted towards

her. My friend ask me ,Let us follow her ,then

we started following her.When we are following

her ,She sees backward and smiles everytime.

My friend said that go and ask whether she likes

you or not ,I am always of shy nature and I

have no idea how to ask her .So,I ask my friend

to ask this question from her.Actually I did not

know her . In which class did she study.Where is her house .After seeing her smile I am badly

attracted towards her.I became curious and

excited to know about her ,what is her name

,where did she live ???

She had taken part in my heart in very few

instant of time .I wants that she always see me

like this and smiling everytime...

After following I saw her home on same day .I

did not have not so much idea about love ,I did

not know about the feeling of love. But after

seeing I feels something different I can't express

that feeling of heart .

When me and my friend are standing in the

front of her house ,She call some of her friends in

her colony and started playing badminton .And

while playing badminton also ,She moves

backwards and see me many times .Me and my

friend stand their for a lot time and enjoys her


I had never been attracted by any girl like her

,there is no doubt that she was so much

pretty,beautiful,her eyes are so bright and

beautiful. At that time I was thinking that every adjective of this world is unsufficient and unable

to describe her beauty ,how much beautiful she


I have never seen such beautiful eyes in past ...

I wants to propose her but my friend told me

that she will propose definitely because she is

seeing you continuously and she will propose

you very early ,She likes you and also she loves

you.He told me in full confidence that she will

propose me.

That day,whole night I saw dream about her

Whole night and thinking about her .......


That night I did not sleep for a while and

started waiting for morning to see her again ...

