
love Blossom in the darkness of life.

Lisa Watson 28 year old girl who created her own empire by herself. She is a cold-hearted businesswoman from which everyone fear of. She has everything in her life but she doesn't know the meaning of the family, she doesn't know the meaning of love and happiness. Alexander William 32 year old boy who has many business created by himself. He has all the qualities of a man which every girl desire of. He has parents who always support him and a little sister which he adores so much. But he has no love love because he got betrayed in his life. He now hate the name of love. Let see if Lisa can forget her past? Can Alexander move on in his life ? Will they love each other. AUTHOR This is my first book plz readers tell me if you like it or you have any better idea plz tell in comment. it will be a great help.

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After 15 minutes the car finally stop at Watson mansion. Alexander look back to see Lisa who was sleeping soundly.

I should wake her up. Claire said while going to wake up Lisa.

No I will get her in. Alexander replied to stop Claire from waking up Lisa.

But how. Claire ask confusingly.

Off course I will carry her to the room

Alexander replied.

No I should wake her up. Claire said nervously.

Why I said I will carry her. Alexander replied annoyingly.

Then without a word he get off of the car come toward the Lisa side, open the car door. He bent down to carry her. He carried her gently in princess style without making a noise to not disturb her sleep. He carried her so carefully that she is like a porcelain doll. If he grip her a little tighter she will be break. He walk in the mansion.

Butler Kim walk at the gate

Who are you and why are you carrying young miss. Butler Kim ask hostility.

No need to get angry uncle. I am Alexander William. Lisa slept in the car so I carried her here. Alexander said respectfully.

If you permit me now can I take her to her room. Alexander ask.

Butler Kim didn't say anything only looking at him suspiciously.

Where is her room. Alexander ask commandingly.

Upstairs right side last room. Claire said quickly.

Ok. Saying this he started climbing the stairs walk toward her room. He was observing her mansion while walking toward her room. He was slightly shock to see the mansion style dim and dark. Then he entered in her room. Entering in her room it's feel like all gloominess. He move toward her bed gently place her on the bed. Then he removed her face mask and sat down on the couch near her bed side. He was watching her soundlessly her complexion is white fair soft skin. His eyes roam to her long thick hair to forehead, her long black eye lashes to her light rosy cheeks, her long nose to her light pink colour lips stretch in a small smile in her sleep, her chin to her long slim neck.

You are looking so innocent in your sleep however you look sleeping tigress who will attack anyone when you are awake. Alexander murmured tenderly.

Then Lisa flinch in her sleep and wake up.

She was in a daze when she saw Alexander was setting on the couch in front of her.

What are doing here. Lisa ask softly to him.

Alexander was smiling setting on his place calmly like it was his bedroom.

Then Lisa sat on her bed in a lighting speed, she was horrified to see that Alexander was in front of her. Looking around the room to verify it that is she was in her room or someone else.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BEDROOM. Lisa yell top of her lungs at him.

Idiot, Shameless, Bastard say something what are you doing here in my couch, no in my bedroom, no what are you doing in my mansion. Lisa curse at him in full anger.

Wrong question princess. You should ask me are you here for me with smiling face. what is this frown on your beautiful face you will soon get wrinkle on your face. Alexander said while giving his charming smile to her.

What princess, what beautiful face, what wrinkle. I don't need your advice you better get out of my room this instant. Lisa said pointing toward the room door.

I am not leaving. Alexander replied mischievously.

What do you mean by I am not leaving. Lisa ask confusingly.

How many meaning have this sentence. Huh. Alexander ask.

Look you are getting on my nerve now. Please leave the room. Lisa said.

You know you are very beautiful I have never seen someone like you. Alexander said looking at her attentively.

What face. Did you see my face. Lisa ask shockingly while putting her hand on her face to check if she wearing the mask or not.

Yes with very attentively and observe very inch of your face. Alexander replied.

How dare you to see my face. Do you know who I am. Lisa said aggressively.

No I don't know you. You tell me. Alexander ask doubtfully.

I am Lisa Watson the CEO of Watson Empire Lisa said with authority.

I knew it that you are not the simple assistant of the company. Alexander replied.

Lisa was so shocked that she has opened her identity to him as a CEO in her aggressiveness.

To late to regret princess. Alexander said naughtily.

Lisa flare up in anger then got of the bed to reach toward him. She stand in front of him with one hand on her waist looking like a super model.

You leave the room now. Lisa said moving her hand toward the door.

You are such a headache. Alexander said to her.

Then suddenly he move her hand toward him and pull her toward his lap. Lisa was startle at his action their faces was very close Lisa couldn't utter a word.

you are looking so attractive in this position. Alexander said flirtatiously to her.

Lisa come back in her senses and tried to escape from in his embrace but he tight his grip on her waist.

Don't move. sit quiet. Alexander said.

Lisa only nod at his world.

Good girl. I will not tell your identity to anyone but on one condition you will become my girlfriend. Alexander said.

No I denied I don't want to be your girlfriend. Lisa said.

Think about it my princess I will give you 3 days. Alexander said while standing with her in his embrace.

I will meet with you tomorrow. Alexander said with planting a kiss on her forehead then he walk out of the room.

Lisa was standing frozen on her place. When she snap out of her daze. She saw Alexander was no where in the room .