
The Queen of the Dragons

Irene swore to protect her subjects in any way possible, she then formed an alliance through marriage as means of political negotiation due to territorial disputes between Dragnof and his country, also to increase the chance of winning. He accompanied her into every battle to win the war. Rung is a middle-aged man with long, dark hair, droopy eyes, and a small goatee. As a general, and one who frequented the battlefield, he wore armor with a symbol of a paper fan divided into two sections. Upper half is colored white and the bottom red. He was a cruel and ignorant person because of his innate ability and is famous with his sharingan- red eyes with an abstract symbol that resembles a comma three times that looks like a swirl which tells of a powerful clan he belongs which is not of this world.

The dragons then enchanted themselves into humans giving them dragon attributes and powers. The scarlet queen's plan is successful however, humans' body cannot stand so much power that either became consumed by their overwhelming power and turn them into dragon or die. And she was not excused as she was the very first human planted with the dragon seed, thus giving birth to dragon slayer magic. One of the strongest was Acnologia who turned into a dragon, consumed by darkness and lust for more power, killed the queen's closest and trusted dragon friend Belserion and disappeared.

Time comes as they win every battle with this new ability Eventually Irene's body is showing dragon like scales transforming her into a monstrous look, she is slowly becoming a dragon while the power consumes her. Afraid to become like Acnologia she confronted her husband telling him that she was pregnant with their child. Rung did not accept the child and despises his wife that is slowly turning into dragon calling her a monster, he then plans to execute her wife because of his fear of its power. He threw her and locked her into the dungeon and tortured her. Denying his child he then slashes Irene's abdomen to prove that there is no child with his eyes red he activated sort of power that wounded the dragon skin of hers, but this angered the dragon queen and turned her into a dragon and was killed by her.

Irene grew frustrated and to protect her child she casts magic into her womb keeping her there for 400 years. She traveled far and wide to seek for power that can turn her back to a human. Irene then realized that to stop her suffering she will enchant her body into her daughter's and take her body so she can get rid of her dragon body. She gave birth to a baby girl, she was beautiful and was charming always smiling at her. She had inherited her mother's scarlet bright red hair and his father's cold black eyes. Irene tried to cast herself into her but failed. The child smiled innocently at her mother reminding her of her love she had for her daughter. Since she cannot do it and she can steal her body, she then abandons her in a church in Rosemary village and left with a hope of hanging her destiny not involving her beloved daughter. Then she met Zeref, a dark mage who made her body back to being a human being in return she vowed serving him and becoming part of his army.