
A rather suspicious job

Lydia starry eyes deeply focused over her. The lady looked absolutely cool and amazing. Might be in her early thirties. 

"Wipe your drools, gentlemen," she sat down elegantly, taking her googles off and a smirk escaped off her lips as she corrected herself, "my bad, lady." 

Lydia was astonished and still at her position, standing straight and dazzled eyes focused straight at the door. She swallowed softly and lowered her gaze. She couldn't even wonder about the matter here since she knew that wealthy people tend to go deeper in the matter related to them. Her background must've been investigated before calling her here. 

"I am sorry, Miss Terrie," she looked away for a second feeling nervous about something in particular. 'Should I call her Mrs. Terrie instead?' mostly she was worried about it when something else gave her a terrible chill. 

What kind of job she will be handed? 

This question now started to give her shudders. She wasn't thinking straight before since all she cared about was money nor there was much information about the job and this alone fact was honestly fear inducing. 

Truthfully, she was blinded by the word 'Three months' which was too nice for her to wonder her thought on anything else. 

Alas! Now she was regretting. 

Nzie Terrie chuckled with an amused look, "I see. This means I still do look young. Hehe… Miss Lydia Wren, you are quite flattering. Anyway, would you mind sitting down so we can have a healthy conversation? My neck all stiff just by looking up since how tall you are." 

"I… I am really sorry." All flustered, she sat down. Her eyes digging hole in the ground. "May I know what's the job, Mam," her eyes peeked a glance at the dazzling women as she swallowed pondering over whether she was too direct with her words. 

"Nice." Nzie crossed her left leg over with a content smile, "It's a really easy job and you fit the conditions. You only need to spy on Ethan Terrie and the pay will be nice as already written in the contract." 

'Ethan Terrie? Terrie? Someone from her family it seems.' 

Her eyes blinked in hesitation. The job seemed illegal of course and she has never done something illegal. Things were getting hard while she pressurized herself to think how to respond. 

"I didn't mention the content of work in the contract on the website since it was too private but now, we already have met, here's a new one," she raised her hand, the person behind her took out a file of papers from his tough looking black bag and handed over. Now it was in front of Lydia. 

Her wary eyes on the pile of papers. The image of red warning dancing in front of her eyes and she finally lifted her gaze up, "That… I never intend to do anything illegal. I will decline." 

How important money was for her and this might could be her last job she could get this month but life matters more. Like in her previous life, she had no intention to be in contact with some evil person. She would gladly refuse without checking that file even once.

"I am glad to hear that," Nzie smirked, she leaned back on the couch relaxing her body, "but there is nothing illegal if a mom wants to know what's her son real preference is." 

She pouted pitifully placing her palm gently over her cheeks. Another one of her guards came back holding two big size glass of hot chocolate and placing it at both sides. Nzie instantly shook off that expression and took the glass, enjoying each sip deliciously with a warm expression. 

It took a few seconds to process the things and Lydia was finally like, "Haa?" she shook off her head, eyeing at the expensive looking chocolate shake which was her favourite and again she looked back at Nzie, "Your son, mam?" 

"Drink it up. We both got the same taste, yay." Nzie childishly was lost in her chocolate shake and unintentionally ignored her words. 

"No, that's not important," Lydia paused, her eyes rolling in confusion, "No, how do you even know my preference." She shivered at the thought that she might have got herself in trouble. 

A sense of guilt hit the woman and she came back from enjoying herself, "Ahem. Leave that matter for later. Anyway, I am here to offer you a contract for spying on my son. He won't tell me his preference of whom he likes, men or women. But it is rumoured that he is into men. Not really sure, so all you need to check is his preference and nothing more." 

She successfully changed the topic. 

"Does it matter? Nowadays a man being with another man is no big deal and getting a child is also not a trouble. Both science and human power are updating faster, there are ways to…" 

Lydia could had completed her lecture with that serious look, defending a mother she thought was against his son being a gay when Nzie shook her hand and let out a sigh, crossing her both arm, "I know that. Those things don't affect me in the least bit. I am only worried that I might not get to see my grandchild if he doesn't get married." 

Lydia was dumbfounded. She stared curiously at the weird woman in front of her and jumped into her deep thoughts. 'Grandchild? Just how old she is?' 

"He can have anyone he wants. Soon he will be entering his thirties. This is the best time to get married but neither he tells me his preference neither about the person he dates. Though he does tell me that he has a partner but I can catch that amusing lie. Of course, he is my child so how can I not. If only I can know what his preference, I can look for some prospective person he can marry, you know." She jabbered it out with a concerned full look. 

Lydia was more curious to know what's her age given her amazing healthy skin and a beautiful look that can charm just anyone. She slowly took that decorated pricey glass and started to drink while keeping her kitty curious eyes on the lady. 

Suddenly the loud thud of Nzie hands, over the table caught her off guard. She flinched in shock, the chocolate wave of her beverage broke its confine and spilled out, dripping on the table as a testament of her startle self. 

"Now you know how sad I feel to get so low!" Nzie faked her sob till her eyes saw Lydia pure white hands dripping with the chocolate, "Oh my god, I must have startled you. So sorry, its all my fault," she quickly took a tissue paper kept on the table as a prerequisite and anxiously started to help Lydia clean her fingers and hand. 

"Its ok, it is really ok," Lydia took that tissue and some more, refusing the lady help since it felt awkward. She had forced a grin on her face to swim out of this weird atmosphere, "This is not a problem, mam. You don't have to worry." 

She finally looked at the lady whose worried eyes were staring at her hands, she looked guilty and that was genuinely stick on her face. 

Not even in her previous life Lydia met a rich person who cared about her when she was still poor and had nothing. This was something new. Maybe this became the sole reason why Lydia firmly responded positively without giving further thought, "I will sign the contract, mam." 

Maybe that worried expression was all a façade but Lydia was quite moved. Being a poor person, no one treated her other then a trash more because she was powerless. This lady was so different and moving, she didn't care if all of this was just a lie. 

A smile glistened on her face and she nodded, "I am really glad." 

"But are you sure you don't need a better ranker then me, I think others can do a better job here," Lydia blushed feeling a bit embarrassed. She found herself a little closer to a woman she only met today to ask something like this. 

"Don't doubt yourself. I believe in you," Nzie nodded with her fingers clenched and eyes cheering Lydia. 

This might be the first time for Lydia to genuinely think of helping a stranger not just out of her need to gain money.

"Are you sure of it?" a tough looking secretary following Mrs. Terrie behind questioned. Not really curious but rather doubtful, his gaze unhindered remained at Nzie who was vibing with her nice mood. 

Nzie pressed her lips jovially, "Yup." 

She was firm with her reply. A sleek, obsidian-black car made its appearance in front of her like a fortress on wheels, exuding an aura of power and security. Her secretary moved from behind and opened the door for her after which moving to the other side and taking a seat next to her. 

He wasn't satisfied and looked tired. Leaving a sigh and a little twist at the side of his lips, he again said, "It's your third attempt already, how far are you going to take it? Young master will not be fooled. He already knows your intention; don't you think it is time to show your patience already." 

"What do you mean?" Nzie glanced him through the side of her eyes. 

"You failed twice and he won. Let him do what he wants already and wait for a few more years to see your grandchild. Don't you think it's the right way?" 

"No." Nzie seriously refused, "Not possible. A few years you say. I bet it will take more than a decade to go. He is a 'S ranker' and of the upper level, he has a lot more years ahead of himself but not me." 

"What a blatant lie," her secretary scowled but hid that expression after getting her glare.

"I know I am a 'S ranker' too. But I go on monster hunting to keep people safe. What if I die? How will I know if our family got a successor or not?" she plopped back on the soft head rest of the seat and sighed. "Char, don't think too much. This time I am sure things will go as I wish. That stubborn boy, I will make sure to find his mate for him if he can't." 

Secretary Char frowned. Everything was ok but the talk of death didn't really make him feel pleasant and he frowned keeping his eyes tied at the window while lost in his thoughts. 

'Haa… such a child he is!' Nzie shook her head slightly at her thirty-five-year-old secretary tantrums. 

How things will play out all depended on her son and most importantly on Lydia who was ready to give it her all. 

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