

He had a point there. The fact that Jide couldn't keep this third legs in place and threw all her sacrifices for him into a thin air doesn't mean that all other guys are like him.

I am so sorry for saying that, I guess the hurt that I feel within me is just making me grumpy and sassy. She pleaded.

It's okay ma'am, he did not deserve you and would never do.

Thank you so much, she wiped the little stain of tears on her face. You sound really learned so why are you doing this?

Yeah, I am learned, actually a mechanical engineer but this country is just messed up. We get to work for people that didn't do well in school or probably those that even didn't even go to school.

How ironic, she sniffed, just stop me at the bridge, I would rather stay there and cry.

Please, I would advise you not to do so, he is not worth the tears.

You can easily say that because you aren't the one heartbroken here, you can say all you want.

Naah, I have gone through worst and I still picked up the broken pieces of my life because at the end of the day the person you are busy crying for wasn't worth any single bit of it.

She gave it a second thought, Jide never put her feelings into consideration before shattering her like this, I shouldn't be crying for him but then I should cry for being so stupidly in love with him. I am not crying because of him; I want to just cry for not seeing through his deceit all these while.

And what difference would that make? I know I shouldn't be intruding in your personal life but I don't want you to make the same mistake I made due a devastating heartbreak. I spent years grieving over her and I even sank into depression before my damsel in distress which is now my wife came to save me.

I know but....

Please dear, just listen to me. Go home freshen up and distract yourself with works and friends so you can take him off your mind.

I have that in mind but the problem is where do I start from? I'm jobless, a dropout and heartbroken. Isn't that so much to deal with.

My sympathies dear, as for job what kind do you need?

Any decent job that can fetch me money, I have my mum and sister to cater for

How about the work of a caregiver?

I really don't like taking such jobs but it's okay, I will pass as long as the pay is good and I won't be sleeping over.

I would have to discuss with him, when I get to pick him up tomorrow.

Who will I be taking care of?

His daughter. He lost his wife on the process of giving birth to his child and since then he has been the one taking care of her at times, his sister does

That's so sad, what about marrying another woman so she can give her the love of a mother.

He kicked against it; he loves his wife so much that he refused to take a second wife. He is the CEO of "The CLASSIC one of the biggest gaming companies in this country.


Yes, I know you must have heard of it, since it's a global company

Who haven't heard of THE CLASSIC? Just that I didn't know much about the CEO because he keeps his life private.

He is a big introvert, I think he only cares about four people, his daughter, his dad, his sister and himself. He turned so cold ever since his wife died. The funny thing is that he has the looks that could make any woman want him but he is not usually interested in women.

Wow! Just discuss it with him and give me a call please for feedbacks. They exchanged contacts, talked a few more before he dropped her off at home after the advice, he gave her. She thanked him before entering her compound. As soon as she steeped in, she saw her mum pacing around with her sister looking like a helpless school girl.

What is it mum? She asked causing her mum to turn in her direction

Olivia, where have you been? Do you realize I and your sister has been worried sick about you? Since morning you left home, just look at the time? And your phone, why is it switched off? Her mum poured out all her frustrations on her.

I know mum and I am sorry about it, it's just that.... Her words trailed off as she buried her face in shame.

What is it sis, her sister Rachael stood up from her sit?

What is it dear, you are making me worried, her mum persuaded?

Olivia burst into tears as she remembered what happened some moments ago. She has really tried to hold back her tears but she couldn't.

Mum, she called out amidst tears, he left me, that scumbag cheated on me.

What? He did what sis, he deserves the beating of his life, after everything you did for him, he had the effrontery to cheat on you?

I have never liked that boy, I remember vividly when I warned you about that boy but you were so blinded by love that you refused to listen to me your mother, you even gave up your job because of him. This is the few sacrifices that I know talk more of the ones I had no idea about.

Olivia kept crying, yes, she deserves all she was getting. She was so blinded by her love for Jide that she almost lost everything.

Her mum took pity on her, she hates it when her kind hearted and free-spirited girl is in so much pain. She drew her into her embrace. I'm sorry my dear, I didn't mean to make you feel worse than you were feeling before now. Just know one thing, good riddance to bad rubbish. Somethings are better off to be out of our lives and that douchebag is one of it.

Yes sis, he isn't worth it, have you seen yourself in the mirror? You are such a beauty that any guy would want to have in their lives not to talk of your sweet nature. Rachel complimented her.

Thank you so much mum and Rachel, what would I have done without you both? She refused to mention that she was actually going to cry her eyes out on the bridge for him to avoid her been reprimanded. She equally kept the fact that she met a good Samaritan from them.

Nothing, there's nothing you would have done without us. Right mum?

Yes my daughter, nothing. Now go and freshen up and you had better turn your phone on so your friends can reach you

What? Mum how did they get to know about it?

I called Rita and Flora to ask them if you are with them so that's how they got to know about everything.

Ok mum, I will. She went to her room immediately and turned her phone on only to see so many messages and missed calls from her two friends and her mum.

I had better call them back before they start getting worried about me.

As soon as the phone came on, Flora started calling, she smiled to herself and picked the call

Hello Flo Flo

Are you serious right now? Where the hell are you for God's sake and who turns their phone off in this modern age? She said in a stretch

Hey Flo, please don't say that. She started sobbing.

Girl, stop crying. I didn't mean to make you cry. I just want to know your whereabout.

It's okay, I am not mad at you. Is just that I have been through do much today, it's had been such a rollercoaster.

What really happened and let me warn you beforehand, do not keep anything from me.

I never intended to do such. She hesitated for a while thinking of how to break the news to her. It's Jide....

What happened to Jide, I hope he didn't try any nonsense with you? I have told you countless times that I don't like that guy

She sobbed some more because it's true that Flora had always warned her about Jide but she was so madly in love with him to see the red flags.

Talk to me Olivia, what did that scumbag do to you.

He cheated on me, after everything I did for him. I have been a fool thinking we had something together.

He is a fool to have cheated on such a rare type and he never deserved you. Look, I know you must be in pain right now but that scumbag doesn't deserve your tears.

I know, she sniffed silently.

Stop crying, I feel bad for all the sacrifices you made to get him to the level his is. Just don't go missing in action again please.

I won't, I would love to hang up now.

Alright, see you later.

Olivia sobbed some more recalling everything that happened. I won't ever let my heart fall for anyone again and that's it. She then went to have a wash in her bathroom before going down to have dinner and and talked about few things to take her mind off what's bothering her and it helped.