
Love between two masters

People will never be able to understand what is happening inside them. Sometimes, people will follow different rules, while other times they will deviate from them to be on their own and move forward in their lives. The adventure will never delight the souls of those who believe that rules are made to be followed. This is the case of the main character in this novel named Khristian, who is a student at the Theological Institute in Washington, aspiring to become an exceptional lawyer just like his father and uncle. However, there is a problem. He becomes the target of abuse from one of the most important students in that university, namely Alexander, the most esteemed student of the Institute and the only one who can claim to already have the world at his feet. Why exactly? The truth is that he is a member of a fraternity called the 'Sons of the Widow,' globally recognized as Freemasonry. Will the two of them become friends, or is it an impossible mission?

AntinousFranc · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter III: Why are you that honest?

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Let's eat," Khristian said, trying to change the subject and lighten the mood.

The atmosphere became increasingly unbearable, and silence hung in the air. Maybe, one day, Alexander would change and understand that Khristian only wanted to be friends with him and the other colleagues at the Institute. Alexander ignored Khristian and continued to focus on his meal. A strange tension filled the air, and Khristian felt that something was off with Alexander.

During the meal, conversations continued without much enthusiasm, and Alexander seemed more withdrawn than usual. Perhaps it was because of the alcohol? Maybe there was a personal issue Alexander was dealing with, seeking solace from the divine. Or was it something else? Nevertheless, Khristian tried to introduce light topics and improve the atmosphere, but with little success.

"Antonio, I'm sorry for my friend Khristian. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he's never been this strange," Raphael said at one point.

"I don't think he's the one with issues; it's my friend Alexander. He always had that fear of new people and didn't even talk to me until we got to know each other. Anyway, you don't need to worry. Khristian is a good guy, and I think he'll fit in here for sure."

"Oh, well, thanks for listening and for the advice. If I can ever help you, I'll do it openly and without expecting anything in return."

"Oh, come on, Raphael. You don't have to be so polite. Just so you know, I like you, and I hope we can build a wonderful friendship between us by the end of these days, especially since we'll be classmates next year."

"Y-Yes. Anyway, I was thinking we could exchange contacts and stay in touch during the break. You could give me some advice and details about what's going to happen."

"Sure, with pleasure!"

After exchanging contacts and finishing their conversation, Antonio and Raphael returned to the table, apparently having a pleasant discussion. However, the tense atmosphere between Alexander and Khristian persisted.

"The truth is, I don't know much about this institution and what it means to be a theologian. I thought this open day would provide more answers, but now I feel even more confused," Khristian confessed, trying to bring a note of sincerity to the conversation.

Alexander glanced at Khristian for a moment, then turned his gaze back to the foggy window of the dining hall.

"I don't know much either, and I don't think this open day can offer everything we need to know. This institution has many secrets and nuances you'll discover over time."

Khristian wasn't sure what to make of it, feeling that these words concealed more than they seemed on the surface. It was as if in this institution, those who entered were entirely different from the people around them. It seemed like they had just stepped out of ordinary time and space into some kind of parallel universe. However, Khristian thought it wouldn't be right to continue the conversation and didn't press on the matters Alexander spoke of. Instead, he decided to change the subject.

"And, Alexander, about your performance earlier... it was amazing. You're a talented musician."

Antonio and Raphael were quite surprised by the dialogue between Alexander and Khristian, and for a moment, Antonio thought that Alexander might be starting to warm up to Khristian. The main idea that crossed their minds was that their relationship was on the right track, and they would eventually become friends. However, Alexander responded with a simple "Thank you" and continued to quietly eat. Khristian felt that any attempt to break Alexander's cold wall was in vain.

As they ate in silence, Khristian noticed a subtle change in Alexander's expression. His eyes reflected a mixture of emotions—frustration, sadness, perhaps even a hint of loneliness. Was it just Khristian's imagination, or was Alexander's sadness becoming more intense and visible? Did Alexander's entire behavior stem from something that happened in his life, making it difficult for him to be sociable with others? Time will tell.

Antonio, who also sensed the tense atmosphere, tried to lighten the mood.

"Guys, what do you say we take a short walk around campus after dinner? Maybe it will help us relax and forget about the weird atmosphere earlier."

Alexander raised an eyebrow, and Khristian felt that this could be an opportunity to change the dynamics.

"Sounds good; let's do that. Maybe it'll help us get to know each other better and forget about the strange vibe earlier."

Initially against the idea, of making excuses like being tired or other things, Alexander eventually agreed. The four of them got up from the table and headed towards the dining hall's exit. As they walked through the corridors of the institute, the atmosphere eased a bit. Antonio and Raphael chatted cheerfully, trying to involve the two silent ones in the conversation. It seemed that the four of them were entirely different from each other. Still, Raphael and Antonio couldn't leave their new friends behind because that would mean excluding the two, which no one wanted.

During the walk, Alexander and Khristian lagged, and a cold winter wind began to blow through the campus trees. "Do you have a dream, Khristian?" Alexander asked abruptly, without turning his gaze towards him.

No one could have ever imagined that such a cold and important figure in the community would start a conversation with someone almost nonexistent to many students like Khristian. Anyway, the question wasn't as simple as it seemed, and it required a thoughtful and contemplative answer.

Surprised by the question, Khristian replied, "I'm not sure exactly. I think I'm here to find out. Maybe theology has the answers I'm looking for."

Khristian always sought things beyond appearances. He made all kinds of friends whom people would say were condemned by the divine or irredeemable sinners. However, after spending some time with Khristian, those people became better without realizing it. Even if they continued to attend parties with Khristian and his other friends, something inside them had changed.

Alexander nodded in understanding, and their conversation continued as they headed into the night and towards the unknown awaiting them in the mysterious institute.

After walking and talking together, Antonio decided to go back inside and continue where they left off. Alexander told Antonio that he would go to bed, but seeing Khristian's sad face and the insistence of his two new friends, Alexander decided to stay a little longer with his colleagues in the dining hall, where they might have another glass of wine.

Back inside, they found that the dining hall was almost empty of students. Only a few chatty students remained to drink and discuss other events of the day and the entire academic year.

"Hey, guys," Antonio addressed them, "do you happen to know where we can find more wine?"

"Sure, Antonio. Go and ask Sister Cecilia, and she'll give you as much as you want. You know she likes you, right?"

"Oh, come on, be serious. Anyway, thanks for the tip."

Antonio went to Sister Cecilia to get a few bottles of wine for himself and his friends. What he didn't know was that Raphael had appeared behind him.

"Raphael, what are you doing here? Do you need something?" Antonio asked curiously.

"N-No, not really. I thought I could help you carry those bottles to the table so you don't struggle so much."

At some point, a nun around 25 years old appeared from the kitchen with several bottles of wine and beer on a food cart. Seeing Raphael, she began to study him entirely and asked Antonio who this stranger was.

"Well, he's a friend of mine who came to the Open Day to see if it's okay to come and study here or not. He's a second-year Economics student."

"How nice. Hi, dear. I'm Cecilia, but you can call me Sister Cecilia, and I'm delighted to meet you. I hope we'll see each other next year. Antonio, take good care of him, okay?"

"Of course... Anyway, thanks for the drinks."

Antonio and Raphael returned to the dining hall and started opening the alcohol bottles they brought from the kitchen. Now there were not just four people, but seven.

"Okay, let's do introductions. They're Michael, Gabriel, and Marcus. These two are Raphael and Khristian. You know us two, so..."

"We know Khristian. We met him today and helped him get to the theater play. Anyway, we hope he becomes our classmate next year. He seems like a pretty friendly guy," Michael responded on behalf of his colleagues.

"Yeah... I say let's start drinking; what do you guys think?" Antonio interrupted.

A few moments later, they began to open the beer bottles, leaving the wine for later, and started talking about different aspects of their lives and activities there.

"Guys, there's a special ceremony for those who reach the third year of studies. If you're admitted among the clergy, there's a celebration for the entire Institute, and you get certain privileges... I think Alexander knows more about this, right, Alexander?"

"I don't even know. Anyway, I guess I'll find out next year when the time comes. However, something about that night's ceremony intrigues me..."

"Wait, something intrigues our great president Alexander? We need to have a moment of silence for this wonderful moment," Antonio said, laughing.

"Antonio, be quiet... Anyway, there are some legends about the forbidden ceremony that only priests here and seniors can participate in. Honestly, I don't think it's something serious, right?"

Alexander's clarifications made the others start questioning and coming up with increasingly bizarre ideas.

"I say we go to bed. Tomorrow will be a long day. Good night!" Michael said, leaving with his colleagues.

"I think I'll leave too. Are you coming, Raphael?" Antonio began.

"I-I'm sure... Good night, guys."

Alexander and Khristian continued to sit at the table and drink the wonderful wine brought from the French region. Something about Alexander seemed strange... Well, it seems that the alcohol was taking effect.

"I don't understand one thing. Why would a guy like you come here? You have everything you need. Physically like a god, pleasant, rich, and yet you want to come here. Why?"

"It's complicated. Anyway, I could ask you the same thing. Everyone adores you, and the girls in the neighborhood see you as a Hollywood actor. What happened?"

"Complicated story. I'll tell you another time. Anyway, why were you so honest when I asked you those questions earlier?"

"Why? Interesting... Maybe because I want you to know me better?"

"Hmm, it seems you're not as incompetent as I thought. Honestly, I would like to get to know you better, but I don't think that'll be possible. You know, I don't like talking to others about certain things..."

"But you're talking to me now, right?"

"You're right. Anyway, Khristian, right? To be honest, I don't know what to think about you, but I think-"

While still talking, Alexander fell asleep with his head on the table due to the alcohol and the stress of the day. What will Khristian do? Most likely, we'll find out later.