
Love Between The Thorns Of Roses

Aurora Claramay. She was called ‘The Villainess Rose ‘The only daughter of a grand duke, well-protected by her three brothers. Some say that she’s the villainess in this story and some don’t. Her cold and distant-like personality attracted many suitors while her elegance, gracefulness, and perfection are ladies' idols. Many say that she’s unattainable and beyond one’s reach. On the other hand, rumor has it she’s cold-hearted, merciless to those who betrayed her and non-never received her trust. Aidan Wyatt. He was called by many ‘The Light ‘who shone as bright as the sun and beamed as the dazzling moon. Just as his reputation had known by all, he is a well-respected person, justice for the wronged, people called him a monster on the battlefield and a hero who brought peace to the empire. The second prince of the empire ruled both the south and the east under the order of His Majesty the Emperor. Countless offers came before him, marriages, alliances, partnerships, etc. However, being the first knight in command on the battlefield and a great strategist, was not a groundless rumor. Being quick-witted and sly as a fox, he manages them effectively. Fate brought them together one night, where the full moon shines brightly, where all the trees and flowers danced together with the wind and where fireflies and even fairies decorated the starry night. However, many agreed that they both like chalk and cheese and sometimes fight like cats and dogs and maybe, just maybe some butterflies in their stomach. Will love be born between these two or will thorns be piercing both hearts? ' I want you. ' ' As a sparring partner, I accept. ' ' As my life partner. ' ' And what kind of lady would bewitch you, Your Grace? ' ' You. ' (swords clashing with one another) ' I decline. As I do not seek marriages. ' ' I know the real reason for your rejection in this but I'll still going to catch you, melt that icy heart, cut down the roses vines around you and make you mine. '

Frost · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Secret's Out

( It's annoying how he keeps bugging me )

'Cut to chase. I don't have the time to deal with trifling matters.'

'Straightforward as usual. Very well then, I heard that you were looking for some S-rank beasts and I would be delighted to share information regarding them with you.

S-rank beasts. It has the power to increase one's supremacy, especially to those who have celestial or devil power to the next level. Some say that if one has managed to tame an S-rank, it will forever be loyal to you or if the person who has absorbed the power is too weak, the power itself will consume that person's life force.

(How did he get his hands on that? Seems like there's an uninvited fly near me.)

'Nothing comes for free. Such valuable details are wanted by humanity. State your price.'

'(smirked) Go hunting with me. Rumor flew over the empire that you had made your name with your shooting skills, whether a bow or a firearm, so I would like to see it for myself, and who knows, maybe I'll confirm others too.

'..... Is that it? I've no words to describe how, tongue-tied, I am.'

'I'm honored. Then I'll send a letter to House Claramay within this week. Other than that, my mother misses you, she'd like to have a chat with you over tea tomorrow.

'Very well then. Please deliver my message to her grace that I'll be there tomorrow.'

'I shall gladly do so. I'll send a carriage to your manor. May I escort you back inside as I believe that all three of your brothers won't hesitate to turn that ballroom into a battlefield if you're not in there in the next 5 seconds?'

As Nicholas leads Aurora back into the ballroom, the aura surrounding the young masters of the Claramay family is intense and others are able to feel bloodlust from them but soon turn into a sunshine atmosphere when Aurora is in their sight. Without waiting for the day to end, the Claramays made their way home. Countless questions were asked of Aurora by her brothers.


Keane has been holding a grudge against the crown prince for touching his sister's hands and because her beauty outshines everyone, he knew that every pervert (noblemen) would find a chance to touch her whether her skin, dress, jewelry, or anything that was onto her.

'Little sister, I see that you've got some dirt on your hand. Let me wipe it for you.'

( how dare you to come into contact with Aurora you scum, I'll see to it that you won't be able to even lift a finger after this )

As for Cullen, despite his age, he behaved like a child-like grown man who spoils his sister.

'Sis, you weren't hurt right when the Prince ( that bastard ) danced with you?! Who knows he might have the intention to damage your delicate figure.'

( I'll break his hands and legs so that he won't get close even an inch with my precious sister )

While, as for the oldest among the triplets, Antoine, takes things in an elegant way.

Of course, he would do that only in front of Aurora.

'Cullen's right Aurora, you need to tell us if any part of your body was injured so that we're able to take it sooner and not worry mother and father.'

( of course, I won't let it slide since that scoundrel little cockroach touch my baby sister )

( I can guess what they're planning after I went to bed, hahaha, my brothers are so adorable, let me tease them a bit ) 'Brothers, to be honest, I did hurt my ankle when His Highness turned me. I... I made a terrible mistake in front of the Prince but I dare not to show it because I do not wish to bring dishonor upon our glorious family. Besides that, I did step onto the Prince's feet sometimes but the Prince only smiled at me. I knew that he was belittling me for my dancing skills. I deserve to be punished.'

( whimper ) ( whimper )

At that moment, lightning struck the world of her three brothers.

Antoine was on the edge of bringing down every man on the continent

'It's not your fault Aurora, whatever you do you could never bring down our family's honor. You won't be punished for something you didn't do wrong and I'm sure the Prince didn't even notice it but of course, you can continue to step on others' feet as well if you feel like it.'

( or better yet, you can even crush their bones to dust )

Keane was putting Aurora's mistake onto the teachers who taught his little sister.

'The fault lies within the teachings you're given. Looks like the teachers will be having a long vacation. I knew that there was never a person good enough to be a teacher for our young lady.'

( I can finally get rid of those flirty and greedy inhuman from staying by my little sister's side )

Meanwhile, Cullen didn't even think twice about that. Instead, he was wishing for something else.

'That's right, so you don't have to blame yourself sis. Don't worry, after this, you'll be having your lessons with....'

But what he didn't know was that his other two brothers were wishing for the same thing.


Non-stop bickering and arguing between the brothers along the way until they have reached their household. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by the butlers and maids. It was every servant's dream to be working for the Claramays. Such a respectable family with the highest honor helps to increase one's status in society whether a commoner or noble.

'Welcome back young masters and the young lady of the house. I trust all four of you had a pleasant evening.'

Butler Wayn. Also known as the head butler of the Claramay family. Been caring for the children of Claramay at such a young age, naturally, he's been with them through thick and thin until he has aged, and he is able to do his work flawlessly. Being the trustworthy person he is, he's promoted to the head butler.

'Yes and no.'


( smacked Cullen )

'He means that he was upset that we couldn't bring some pest spray to the ball.'

( seems like His Highness danced with my lady, no wonder I've sensed some killing aura from the young masters. They truly love my lady )

'I see. Thank you for the explanation young master Keane. Well then, I'll ask the servants to prepare the baths for you, young masters and young lady. But before that, the grand duke and grand duchess would like to see all of you.

'Mother and father? Hmm, very well then, I guess they wanted to hear about today's event.'

'I'm sure that's that my lady.'


After guiding them to their parents who were having tea while waiting for their children, Butler Wayn made his way back to the servants' department.

'So, who's going to prepare the baths for the young masters?'


'No one? Then, Tyler, you'll be doing it for young master Antoine. Rick for young master Keane and Sebastian for young master Cullen.'

'Wait a minute Wayn, I'd rather prepare it for young master Keane. You know how cold and serious young master Antoine is. I once tried to have a conversation with him and he ignored me flat or instead would give me a death glare that would be able to pierce through my soul.'

'Why'd I'm the one who has to do it, Wayn. Whenever I'm serving young master Keane, I can't even tell if he's joking or not whenever he's trying to solve a problem.'

'Did I do something wrong, Wayn? If you're giving this task to me, there must be something I've done wrong. I didn't get on your bad side right?'

After hearing excuses from the three butlers, Wayn began explaining one by one why they were chosen.

'Firstly, Tyler, do you know the reason why young master Antoine was ignoring you? Haven't you noticed if there are others beside you when serving young master Antoine, he would pretend that your presence was invisible?'


'He caught you when you were sleeping last week when you should be doing your job when serving Lady Aurora.'

'B-But, the young lady insisted that I rest when she saw how fatigued I was from my journey back home.'


(smack Tyler countless times )

'Then, you should be clever about it. Of all choices, why'd you pick sleeping in front of the young lady? I know that Lady Aurora won't mind but please, don't use your stupidity at times when you think you won't be caught by the young masters. It would be best if you used this chance to correct your mistakes. As for you Rick, young master Keane himself wanted you to serve him after the last time you served him. He told me that you brewed a tea that perfectly helps with his thinking as well as relaxation. He wanted to solve his problems calmly so that he won't be making any mistakes if you know what I mean.'

'Oh ho, I get what you mean.'

(Rick was shivering when he suddenly remembered that Young master Keane was about to decide on killing a man who flirted with Aurora by slaughtering him in front of his family )

Wayn continued his explanation.

'For your reason Sebastian, of course, you did nothing wrong and you didn't even get on my bad side either. It's just that, you're the youngest among the other butlers and you're about the same age as the young master but as you know that young master Cullen tends to behave like a child with his pranks and tricks despite his age. You're the only one who can understand his behavior perfectly as I recall you have little brothers right so I'm confident that you're able to handle young master Cullen very well.

( I pray for your miracle Sebastian )

'I-I see…'

( I hope I'm able to survive for tonight, dear God, please hear my prayers )