
Tianxu cave

"Why is it so cold here, Yanhui said hugging her body.

"Why don't we go back and tell the empress, we don't even see the bird anymore. Xiangzi said almost trembling.

"Okay, you go back and tell Zhixi, I will look for the bird. Yanhui said

"Okay, be careful Your Highness. Xiangzi said as she leave reluctantly.

"Why is the orb flashing, Yanhui said as she brought out the orb.

"Your Highness, Xiangzi called out to Zhixi, Yanhui is inside Tianxu cave.

"Tianxu cave?, What is she doing there? Zhixi asked with puzzled face.

"We saw a black bird flying inside Tianxu cave so we decided to follow it in but we could not see the bird anymore. Xiangzi explained.

"Okay, you wait here, I will go meet her there. Zhixi said.

When Zhixi reach the entrance of Tianxu cave she noticed there was a barrier set up there.

"How on earth did Yanhui get in? Zhixi wondered. Suddenly the emerald orb in her pouch started to flash.

"Why on earth is this thing flashing, could it be... before she could finish her sentence she was pushed in by a high force.

"Why am I in" Zhixi asked herself as she looked around.

"Little bird, where are you, I won't hurt you, come out. Yanhui scream as to see the bird. "What is this? Yanhui eye caught a sword imprinted with a word on it like a memorial.

"Yanhui-" Where are you, Zhixi called out her name worriedly.

Yanhui wanted to take a look at the sword but as she heard Zhixi crying out her name she stopped.

"Is that Zhixi? Yanhui wondered as she moved backward.

Zhixi are you there?, Yanhui inquired curiously

"Yanhui, are you in? Zhixi asked.

"Yes am right here",Yanhui said moving forward as she miss her steps.

"Ye... Yanhui cry lightly as her hand bleed from the scratch of an heavy stone.

"Yanhui are you okay, Zhixi asked with concern as she saw her laying on the floor.

"Let's leave here quickly" Zhixi said as she noticed a form of mist and pulled Yanhui up whose hand is dripping with blood.

"Zhixi be careful, Yanhui shouted as she noticed the cracking of the cave.

"What is going on?, Is it cause by the sword over there? Yanhui asked as she pointed over the sword direction.

"Let's check it out, Zhixi said as she pulled Yanhui along towards the sword direction.

They both walked towards the sword with difficulty as the cracking of the cave increases.

Yanhui read out the words written on the memorial. Suddenly a great force pulled Yanhui.

She found her hand wrapped tightly around the sword.

Yanhui, are you okay. Let go of your hand, Zhixi said worriedly.

I can't let go of my hand, Yanhui said struggling to release her hand.

She then removed the sword and was sent flying. Zhixi also fell due to the strong momentum.

Yanhui spat out a mouthful of blood and her face turned pale. She had drained a lot of blood just now and when combined with the fall, she felt extremely tired.

Xuan Ye who has been sealed for some many years was finally resurrected.