
chapter 1: The night we met •^~^•

Fuck! why did it suppose to rain now man! ohh shit it's almost time for our party. Where in the world did I place my car keys now, yeah found it.[Got inside the car and started to drive.[Car suddenly starts to stop], what the fuck is happening now, shit this asshole car it never works when I'm in a hurry, ohh come on man please start up.[Got outside of the car to check what has happened, found that the car broke down]. What the fuck how can it break down I just repaired it a month ago,[went to sit inside the car].A man on a bike approached my car and knocked on the window and asked if he could help me,I said yes.[I got in the car and started it] with the help of that man my car started again.I could only see his hazel brown eyes because he was wearing his helmet, until he took his helmet off and I saw a hot,sexy handsome man standing right Infront of me, now I could see his v shaped jawline, hot light pink lips and his straight sky blue and black hair. While I was gazing at his handsome face, he suddenly leaned over the window, so close to my face that we were about to kiss.He told me that my car needs to be repaired, he also suggested me to bring my car to his garage.I told him that I repaired my car a month ago, but he told me that it was not fully repaired.He gave me his business card and went. When I saw the card it turned out to be a CEO of a car company and his name was Anuruk.My friend Hyeon-Ju called me and told me that the party was about to start, when I saw the time it was only 10 minutes left.