
Love Behind A Glass Wall

Love Behind Glass Walls How does it feel to be in love but blocked by a glass wall? This is what happened to Alice, a sophomore high school student who attended an all-girls school. The school is right next to the boys' school and in a special corridor, the two schools are only separated by a glass wall. Feels close but is in fact far away. Alice, the student council president of the girls' school several times met Arthur, a 2nd year high school student next door who was also the student council president through this glass wall. The two of them only started as a polite smile but for a long time, love blossomed. From finding out about each other, having casual conversations using sign language, using each other's paper and pinned to a glass wall, to exchanging cell phone numbers– Everything is done behind a glass wall. But will their love last until the courtship phase when both schools strictly prohibit their students from dating? And meeting quietly outside of school is so hard, especially when the two of them live in the school's dormitory! Read the continuation of this high school boy's secret love only in 'Love Behind the Glass Wall'

L1_Sh1_Y1ng · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

Arthur and Romeo rose to their feet. Not wanting to be caught and cause more trouble, Romeo intends to run away from class with a cell phone that he hides in his trouser pocket.

He crept towards the door while Edward was now walking towards Arthur to check on him. At that second, everyone knew that Arthur would be caught red-handed considering that the man had also used his cell phone and carried it with him almost every day.

Feeling threatened, Arthur racked his brain and ended up being forced to scapegoat Romeo who was almost approaching the classroom door.

"Romeo brought his cell phone in this class," he said.

All eyes suddenly turned to Romeo who almost managed to escape. Edward then walked quickly to Romeo and held Romeo who was about to leave. His body which is much bigger than Romeo makes Romeo a little difficult to free himself.

"Is it true that you use your cellphone during school hours, Romeo?" Edward asked, to the point.

"I... I don't... I..." Romeo stammered. The man's eyes went wide. He didn't expect Arthur to have the heart to sacrifice him even though they were both watching the video on his cellphone. Oh, and don't forget that Arthur also brings his cell phone to school.

"Follow me to the teacher's room now!" Edward ordered.

"Don't want to!" Romeo rejected the order outright.

"Come on, quickly!" snarled Edward in a voice that would make anyone shiver with fear. Moreover, the sharp gaze he showed really made him look even more sinister.

Edward grabbed Romeo's arm so that the man would go with him to receive the punishment he deserved. 'This boy doesn't seem to be deterred enough after what happened yesterday,' Edward said to himself because he was furious with Romeo, who seemed very happy to break the rules at this school.

"Arthur, help me!" cried Romeo, asking Arthur for help but the man ignored him. "Arthur!!"

Arthur smiled faintly. "Good thing the video has been sent," he muttered. "Now I'm safe."

I don't know what got into his mind so he chose to scapegoat Romeo just because he didn't want his cellphone to be confiscated because there was a dance contest video sent by Romeo. And I don't know what made him think that the video was much more important than Romeo, who was none other than his close friend.

Arthur watched as Romeo tried to rebel and shouted his name while being dragged away by Edward in silence. He didn't try to do anything or say a word to help his friend. He just kept quiet and watched.

Meanwhile, Romeo still called his name without pause. He was so stupid because he thought that there would be no poor student who would be willing to look up and report a rule breaker like himself to the school disciplinary committee.

If it was like this, there was nothing more Romeo could do but surrender to follow Edward and face the punishment that awaited him in front of him.

"Isn't there a lot of students who break the rules? Why was I the only one arrested?"

"There are many? Really?"

"Of course you idiot!"

Edward didn't respond to Romeo's words. The man was still dragging Romeo's body towards the teacher's room at a fast pace. He knew that Romeo was only trying to distract him so that Romeo could escape. But, of course, it's not that easy to trick him! Edward wasn't as stupid as Romeo or the other students thought he was.

"Okay, I'll end class for today. See you next week."

After these words left the lips of a middle-aged female teacher who was known as the school's 'killer' teacher, the students cheered with joy. Exactly ten seconds after the teacher left the classroom, the students started pouring out. Their steps compactly parted with each other. Most of them walked towards the dorms, wanting to get some rest after the tiring school activities.

Meanwhile, Alice was walking towards the student council room which was located at the end of the alleyway of the girls' school corridor. As the student council president, he is required to lead meetings after school to discuss activities and organizations that run at school. The girl sighed. Although honestly he was also tired and wanted to rest soon, he had no other choice, there were responsibilities that he had to carry as the student council president in charge.

At the same time, it just so happened that Arthur was also walking towards the boy's student council room. As his eyes scanned the surroundings, he accidentally found Alice who was visible from the glass wall. He walked over to the glass and tapped a few times until the girl realized it was there.

For some reason, there was something about the girl that caught Arthur's attention and made the boy eager to communicate with him. Especially after seeing the ballet contest video that Romeo showed him in class earlier. His curiosity seemed to increase.

It was clear that the girl had tiptoed in surprise while stroking her chest. The girl's lips also seemed to be muttering, as if she was grumbling in surprise at his presence. How come? Arthur's presence had completely distracted Alice who was deep in thought.

Arthur took out his cell phone, then typed something in the notepad.

Seeing this, Alice widened her eyes. The girl couldn't understand how a student council president who was supposed to enforce the rules actually broke them. Not even the slightest trace of fear appeared on Arthur's face when he took out his cell phone.

'Does he often break the rules like this? Or maybe there are different rules in boys' schools than girls' schools?' Alice shook her head, it was impossible for them to have the same rules because this school highly values ​​justice.

It was clear that Arthur was breaking the rules and Alice just watched in silence. As said earlier, Alice was tired enough to attend the student council meeting. He didn't want to spend more and more of his energy reporting what Arthur had done to the teacher or the disciplinary committee.

[I just found out that you can dance ballet, since when did you learn it?]

Those were the words that appeared to be written on notepad when the man pressed his phone against the glass so that Alice could read it. Unable to talk to and hear from each other, the two had to use other means to communicate with each other.

Alice who read the sentence was suddenly surprised and frowned. 'How did he know?' he asked himself. This is because there is usually no exchange of information between male and female schools. You could even say that they never knew anything about each other. The exchange of information between girls and boys is minimal.

Since she didn't have a cell phone with her, Alice chose to give an answer through a gesture by raising her five fingers.

Seeing this, Arthur was seen again typing something on his cellphone and then sticking his cellphone screen to the glass.

[It's been five years or since I was five?] he asked.

Alice pointed at the cell phone screen that said 'it's been five years'. The girl still remembers very well the first time she saw a ballet show in the theater and was immediately interested in learning it. You could even say, he was really infatuated with the show until he finally started studying ballet in a dance studio before he went to school here.

Learning to dance was not as easy as Alice imagined when she watched the show. In addition to requiring a flexible body and agility, it turns out that he also needs hard work and strong discipline. He even almost made his body hurt because of the difficulty in mastering the techniques in ballet dance.

However, no results betray effort, right?

After years of practice, after the sweat and struggle that Alice put in, she finally mastered all the ballet dance techniques. Even though he couldn't admit that he was as good as the dancer in the theater, at least he was able to make his parents, teachers, and friends proud with his great ability. Well, people say, anyway, his talent is one of the gifts that God gave him.

Arthur's eyes lit up. In his opinion, Alice's abilities were already more than great for someone who had only mastered her talent in a short period of time, only five years. He has been practicing basketball since he was young. This of course adds a plus for Alice in Arthur's eyes.

Arthur nodded his head slowly before he went back to typing something on the screen of his cellphone.

[How was your race result a while ago? Did you win it?]

Alice frowned. "Contest?" he muttered.

Arthur who caught the confused signal from Alice's expression then typed a sentence that read, [Didn't you enter the race the other day? A contest where 'the nag' falls off the stage].

'The nag? What does Juliet mean?' Alice asked herself. He then recalled an incident the other day at a ballet contest where Juliet came off the stage and fell while doing a spinning motion with one leg as a support.

A small laugh escaped Alice's lips as she recalled the incident, an incident that made Juliet nag all day because she was embarrassed to fall and was witnessed by many people. Moreover, the incident was documented by the competition committee. When she saw the video, Juliet's face immediately turned red like a boiled crab and she had time to express her frustration to Alice.

"Win!" cried Alice, clenching one of her hands and raising it in the air like a hurray gesture for Arthur to understand.

Seeing Alice who looked so happy made Arthur secretly smile too. Arthur admits, this is the first time he has seen Alice laugh and it turns out that Alice's laugh looks very interesting. The girl looked doubly beautiful when she laughed like that.

[Oh, congratulations!]

Alice smiled and nodded, then used sign language to say, 'Thank you.'

The two just smiled back and stared at each other for a few seconds. Feeling the situation became quite awkward, Arthur decided to type something back on his cellphone and showed it to the girl who was in front of him, more precisely on the opposite side of the glass wall that provided some distance between the two of them.

[Next time bring a cell phone or whatever so we can chat]