
Love Behind A Glass Wall

Love Behind Glass Walls How does it feel to be in love but blocked by a glass wall? This is what happened to Alice, a sophomore high school student who attended an all-girls school. The school is right next to the boys' school and in a special corridor, the two schools are only separated by a glass wall. Feels close but is in fact far away. Alice, the student council president of the girls' school several times met Arthur, a 2nd year high school student next door who was also the student council president through this glass wall. The two of them only started as a polite smile but for a long time, love blossomed. From finding out about each other, having casual conversations using sign language, using each other's paper and pinned to a glass wall, to exchanging cell phone numbers– Everything is done behind a glass wall. But will their love last until the courtship phase when both schools strictly prohibit their students from dating? And meeting quietly outside of school is so hard, especially when the two of them live in the school's dormitory! Read the continuation of this high school boy's secret love only in 'Love Behind the Glass Wall'

L1_Sh1_Y1ng · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 10 part 3

"You've seen the devil?" asked Mr. Security guard confused because Arthur never made it clear what he was saying.

Arthur slapped his forehead. 'There's no way anymore, I'm sorry, Romeo. But, I have to do this,' Arthur whispered to himself.

"There's a shadow passing over there, sir!" shouted Arthur, pointing to a point opposite Alice's hiding place. By chance there he saw Romeo and Juliet coming out of the bushes where they were hiding and trying to escape.

The security guard turned around and saw Romeo and Juliet coming out of the bushes. The security guard immediately ran screaming for them and left Arthur in the school garden.

"Don't run you guys!"

The screams were still faintly audible along with the steps of Mr. Security guard who slowly walked away. After the security guard disappeared from sight, Arthur then approached Alice and grabbed Alice's hand so that Alice immediately stood up and could run to run away with him.

Arthur's touch on Alice's wrist made a strange tingle run through the girl's nerves. While walking, Alice continued to look at Arthur who was taller than her and their intertwined hands in turn.

The girl's heart was beating erratically. In contrast to the pounding filled with fear he had felt before, his heartbeat this time was different. Although the fear still engulfed his heart and mind, the feeling slowly faded, replaced by a feeling of being touched that Arthur had lied to the security guard and scapegoated Romeo and Juliet in order to protect him.

Without realizing it, Alice smiled a smile that was as sweet as honey, realizing that the boy who was currently running with her was not as bad as she thought. A red hue slowly began to grace his pale face. Before, she had never thought that Arthur would want to help her considering that the man looked sad the day they met.

'He wasn't that bad,' thought Alice to herself.

Just as Alice averted her gaze, Arthur turned to her. This was Arthur's first time seeing Alice's hair falling down like that. Usually, the girl always tied her hair into a pony-tail. According to him, Alice looks cuter if her hair is loose like this. Well, after all the girl always looked beautiful.

Oh, did Arthur just compliment Alice's pretty face?

Arthur shook his head, pushing the thought out of his mind. Although Arthur had to admit, the moment he started to hold Alice's wrist earlier, something inexplicable started to creep into the recesses of his heart.

"Looks like we have to part here," Arthur said as he let go of his grip even though he was reluctant. There is a magnetic force that makes him unwilling to let go of their grip. I don't know, Arthur didn't understand either.

Alice found emptiness as Arthur's grip slipped from her wrist. The girl sighed as she controlled her erratic heartbeat. Stiffly, he nodded his head.

"Don't worry, you're safe now, Alice," Arthur said, smiling at Alice.

Alice shyly returned the smile. "Yes, I think so," he said. "Thanks for helping me, Arthur."

Arthur nodded his head. "You're welcome, Alice."

"I'm going back to the dorm first," Alice said, saying goodbye.

Shortly after saying that, Alice began to walk towards the girls' school building and down the rat path that she and Juliet had previously walked. Every now and then he turned his head and found Arthur still watching him.

After confirming that Alice had entered the girls' dormitory area, Arthur stepped back to his dormitory which was located quite far from where he was currently standing.

There was an uneasy feeling that crept in his heart when he remembered that he had sacrificed Romeo and Juliet for Alice. However, what can you do? The rice has become porridge. Regret it is also useless.

He was sure that later Romeo would scold him non-stop. But... Hey! If it wasn't for Romeo's ridiculous request that he couldn't wait to meet Juliet, they certainly wouldn't be in trouble and caught by the school security, right? Even earlier, Arthur had refused to accompany Romeo here, but Romeo was too stubborn when it came to Juliet.

Arthur walked sneakily while making sure that no one saw him crossing the corridor to his dorm room which was located on the third floor of the school's southernmost building.

Somehow the fate of Romeo and Juliet at this time, Arthur didn't want to think about it too much because his body didn't have enough energy to think about anything. Drowsiness had also begun to hit him, making his eyes feel heavy as he walked towards the room.