

“I SAID WHAT IS GOING ON HERE” The voice said again and a handsome man walked to their left hand side. He and Alex had the same statures, fairly looking alike and their skin tones were the same. Two of them were both handsome and they were Brothers.

The young man was Alex’s elder brother; it was just some months that he collected from him so with this Alex didn’t used to see him as his elder Brother but like his mates. And people too didn’t use to call him his elder because they were like twins.

Alex just looked at his Brother with bad and terrible look, turned back and leaving the place. Alex and his Brother were enemies, didn’t use to interact with each other and didn’t use to cross each other’s part. Their parents especially their father didn’t like the way two of them were behaving to each other, and as they always used to look for each other downfalls.

None of their parents knew the reason behind their suddenly hatreds and none of them didn’t talk about it just using it to behave to each other.

“What are you standing here for and talking about?” Alex’s Brother asked with loud voice. His name was RYAN.

“I think he missed his way, so trying to find his way he jammed me and using that opportunity to introduce himself to me and just happy to meet me as his in-law” Vivian said with low voice.

“And that is why you stand here and having stupid conversations with him right” he said with anger.

“Mother, just introduced him to me as your Brother and I don’t think anything is wrong talking to him—“ Vivian was talking while he shouted at her with loud voice and she quickly kept quite.

“Listen to me and listen good, I don’t ever want to see you having any stupid conversations together with him again or just stop and greet him. Do you hear me?” said loudly.

“Yes” Vivian replied with low voice and looking down.

“Get out!” He shouted and Vivian left immediately as he said so. It wasn’t that he was transferring anger to her, but that was how he behaves and his personality. He had no respect for Vivian and he used to treat her like a rag.


Alex got to the garden and saw how they had decorated everywhere with ribbons and the table that they set with different foods and refreshments. He was so happy with the welcome party that they did for him and really in-love with what he was seeing.

“Welcome back my son” their father said with smiles and got up on his foot.

“I am so happy to meet you Father” He and his father hugged each other with so excitement. Two of them separated from each other and their father sat down. Alex drew a chair out and he sat down beside his father.

“I am happy that you are back now, and everything was fine now” his father said and Alex giggled. It was something that happened and which made him to travelled out of the country; also made him to turn to a ghost on social Medias. He had to delete everything about him on social media, and had to stay off online for good FIVE YEARS. SO this was what broke the relationship between him and Vivian.

“I am so happy that you are back to the country son” their father was talking while Vivian got there with her husband; two of them sat down beside each other and facing their parents.

“Alex, why are you not greeting your Brother? Or have two of you met inside?” Their mother asked and looking at two of them.

“Please Mom! Do you want this party to hold or not? If you want, lets it goes” Alex said with loud voice and frowning his face. Their father tapped his wife and did a sign to her.

“Okay! Can we eat and be talking along” she quickly changed the topic and showing out smiles. A maid walked closer to them and started serving them.

“I am really so happy to see you guys again, I have missed you like mad” Alex said and his mother giggled.

“I personally missed you and I am the most happiest person now” their mother said, and took a spoon of rice, as the maid served it on her plate.

“Give me museum, put it beside the plates and give it to my wife too” Ryan said and talking to the maid that was serving.

“NO! NO!! SHE DOESN’T LIKE MUSEUM” Alex said with loud voice as the maid wanted to put it on Vivian’s food.

“Oh! Is that true?” Their mother asked Vivian.

“Yes, I don’t like it and I don’t eat it as well” Vivian replied with low voice. Ryan looked at her as she said so and faced Alex.

“How did you know that my wife doesn’t like museum?” he asked with loud voice and with his angry face; Alex just busy eating and didn’t respond to that.

“I said how did you know that wife doesn’t like it?” He said loudly and beat his hand on the table with anger.

“I read her look as the maid wants to put it and that is why I said so; and I can see that I am right” Alex replied.

“And also next time, allow her to speak by herself not you deciding for her” Alex said and continued eating.

“And I don’t think that should be your business” Ryan replied loudly and turned his face away from him.

“Ryan, your Brother is right and I think you should start knowing what your wife likes. I know that it’s because of the way two of you got married that is why you haven’t; but it’s has been going to a year now so I think you should start learning that” Their father said.

“THE WAY THEY MARRIED, which way is that if I may ask?” Alex asked and trying to find out for his own good too.

“It’s arrange marriage anyways but I think they are cool together” their father replied.

“I see, and I thought as much because it’s far from reality for a kind of lady like this to now get married to a man like this” Alex said with low voice and as he was eating.

“What did you mean by that rubbish you just uttered out from that your stupid mouth? I said what did you mean?” Ryan asked with loud voice and dropped the spoon down on the table with anger.

“She is a Queen and she deserved a better man to treat her as a Queen that she is, not a kind of man that deserves all those runs girls on the street----“ Ryan raised his hand up with anger showed all over him and wanted to slap Alex.

“Don’t ever try it!” Alex held his hand and said with loud voice. Alex was holding his brother’s hand and two of them were looking at each other with a terrible look; their parents stopped eating and looking at them. They had fed up of their matter and they didn’t know what to do again.

“Get out!” Alex said as he dropped his Brother’s hand after few minutes.

“Get up and follow me” Ryan said with loud voice to Vivian, dragged her right hand and taking her away from that place. Vivian turned her face to the back and looking at Alex as Ryan was drawing her away from that place. Two of them were looking at each with LOVE written on their faces.

Alex took the spoon back after Vivian had gone and unable to see her again. He was just picking the food and dropping it back, he had lost the appetite.

“I thought we will be able to have a lovely welcome party and good family’s party but I was wrong” their mother said with low voice.

“I think you will have let the past gone and amend things back with your brother” their mother said again and breathes out.

“I don’t even know why two of you suddenly dislike each other like this and the only thing you want for each other is your downfalls. That was what caused what happened five years ago, if it’s not because of the quick step that we took thing would get worst than this and I don’t know why two of you are doing this” their father said with low voice.

“If you don’t want to tell us about what happened in the past; two of you should just try and work things out between yourselves----“

“There is nothing to workout” their mother was talking when Alex said with low voice.

“Why is it not possible? Why is it even so difficult to just work things out between you and your brother? Tell us we want to know” their father said.

“We can’t work anything out, not even now THAT HE IS WITH MY GIRL” Alex said with loud voice.

“What did you by your girl? And who is that?” Their mother asked, and she and her husband looked at each other.

“It’s nothing, I have to go now” Alex got up and leaving the place. Their mother shifted the plates to the middle of the table and rested her back on the chair.


Sound of the door opened and closed with anger. Ryan released Vivian’s hand as they entered into their bathroom, pushed her on the bed and standing at the front of her. He was looking at her with terrible look and putting on a lion’s face.

Since they had got married, Vivian had never enjoyed it for few seconds. He just used to treat her like his slaves. Had sex with her with force like she was his sex toy, shouted and treated her badly, calling girls beside her on phone and did some other miserable things.

“Have you met my Brother before and is there something between you guys? Answer me as I am asking you” he shouted at her.

“Nothing” Vivian said with low voice and holding the two edges of the gown that she was wearing tightly.

“Then, how did he know that you don’t like museum? How did he and why are you looking at each other like that?” He shouted at her and Vivian shocked.

“I don’t know and I am not looking at him with any look” Vivian replied. Ryan giggled out with bad look and walked closer to Vivian.

“I will do my investigation and if I see that you are lying, YOU WILL REGRET THE DAY YOU ARE BORN” he said with threaten voice and leaving the room; he opened the door with anger and closed it loudly that Vivian shocked.

“Huuuu” Vivian did as she breathes out. She lay down on the bed, used pillow to support her chest and started thinking.