

Enjoy your day guys.

Gianna was at Salla’s company, she came to deliver food for those that requested. Their workers were busy at the restaurant, so she was the one that came. She was holding more than twenty nylons, going to different offices. If she got to this floor, she could check on her phone maybe she had order there, delivered it and going to the other floor.

She got to the last floor were the top offices were, and which were Alex, Ryan and some of the Directors offices. It was only Alex that placed for an order there, so it was his office she was going straight.

Alex was in the office with Jack. They were sitting opposite to each other, and working on their laptop.

“I am going somewhere, but I want you to through with that before I leave” Alex said gently.

“I am almost done, Sir. I will send it to you in few minutes” Jack replied.

“Okay, that I will be good. I am not coming back to the office, I am going home straight”