

Enjoy your day guys

Adeline came out from a supermarket. She was holding the supermarket nylons on her both hands and also carrying a handbag. She was overloaded, just rushing to her car so that she could offload them. She came to do shopping, and stock her house.

“It’s Prey that would be calling. Let me offload all these, and call her back” she said as she heard her phone ringing.

The nylons were so heavily, and they had been making her hands to be paining her. She was just walking faster, and rushing to her car. She got to the car at where she parked it. She dropped the nylons on her right hand on the floor, and opened the back door of the car.

She dropped the nylons on her left hand on the seat, bent down and packing the nylons she dropped on the floor. She put them on the seat, closed the door. Her phone started ringing again, she opened the bag and brought out the phone.

“Hello girl, how are you?” She said as she picked the call.