
Love Attraction And Lust

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70 Chs

Private Plane

The next morning.. I wake up late.. well no one wake me up.. means maybe hazz also sleep in her bed. So I just wake up.. it's already noon..

I know how I sleep last in 3 o'clock in morning something.. so yeahh I will wake up that late.. I get up on bed and done my business.. and walk to kitchen..

No one is there.. so I just make coffee for myself.. and see there is some muffins so I eat there..

Alex enter the kitchen.. and he look suprise.. but smile..

" Wake up late.. why is that ." He ask me..

" Ohh don't ask me I just work late.. and time go past I didn't see it so yeah.. coffee.. " I said to him. And ask for coffee. He nodded. And I make coffee for him..

" Yeahh i see.. so how's life going on.." he asked me..

" Bussy i guess.. but it's totally worth it... " I said to him.. he nodded

" I know hazz told me about how you start over.. can I ask why.. why you did that.. " he ask me.. ohh.. nice question.. I mean when I get this decision that time people ask.. and here he's ask me now.. I just laugh and answer it..

" Well I don't know hazz told you or not.. but I want to do some my own.. I give my half of shares to gray.. and half of my mom.. who want to don't want.. so I still have that money.. maybe in future it will be used. Who know.. " i said to him..

" Yeahh she told me.. but I don't believe her.. but now I am.. " he said to me. And I look at him.. and give him question look.

" I thought you did it because of Shawn and Grayson.. they both are part of your life so yeah.." he said to me..

" actually they were.. but not anymore.. I mean they are nice to me.. and I still consider to them as my friends.. nothing more.. no hard feelings.. now my dream is to achieve my goal.. nothing else.. " i said to him...

" That's good.. by the way.. I want to say that Shawn will be there.. are you ready to face him.. " he said to me.. and I look at him.. why he want to talk about him.. and why he want to know.. he think that I am still into Shawn..

" I think you still thinking that I am into him.. but it's not that Alex.. if I meet him there.. nothing going to be change.. it's just attraction.. and it's gone long time ago.. " i told him.. to clear it that.. there is nothing going on between us .

" And what if he wants to.." he said to me.. I look at him.. why he playing matchmaking here..

" That it's his bad luck Alex.. there is nothing going to happen between us.." i said to him..

" I know.. I just want to see that what you still feel about him.. by the way you know that Jennifer girl.. " he said to me.. and I look at him.. and think about that name Jennifer.. who's this girl.. and than I get it..

" Your mom's best friend daughter.." I ask.. and he nodded.

" Yeahh she's.. she's still trying her luck with him.. but my brother don't know what happened to him. He just not been himself.. no one know what happened to him.. " he said to me. I look at him.. again.. i see he's drink he's coffee. And searching something in my eyes..

" I don't know.. and if he's still single.. he have to settle down.. like you.. you know.. now he's getting old.. who's going to be married him after that.. " i joke around..

" Maybe he's waiting for someone.. someone could be.. " he said to me.. and wink at me. And leave me alone with lost if question.. why the hell he did it.. and he up for this subject.. did he really things that there is going somthing here.. no way..

If he really waiting for me.. that why he didn't he come look after me.. it's all bullshit.. I don't know what's Alex means it.. but I don't going to be let this happen..

I walk to my room.. when I enter there. My phone was already ringing.. oohh now.. how I forget to bring it..

I check it it's three misscall From Maya.. it's somthing going there.. damn.. my phone again ring.. and this time I received..

" Hyy Maya.. I am sorry I forget to bring phone with me.. what happened.. " i said to her..

" You have to see the sport news now.. " she said to me.. what.. sport news..

" And why is that.." i said to her..

" You have to see it.. they are talking about you.." she said.. and that time I get little panick.. who and why..

" Oky wait second.. i will call you right back.. just let me see this.." i said to her. She agree with me mad I open my laptop and see recent interview of them..

And it's just uploaded the videos yesterday. Than why she telling me now..  I started to play.. and there boring  conversation.. and I see that whole teams are there. And they are talking and laughing.. ha ha ha. Very funny.. why I am listing this rubbish.. I was going to close it.. but one question come.. and I stop.. now it's get me interested..

' so tell me guys you have crush on someone.. ' that Skyler girl asked.. who getting interview of them.. they all are starting at each other.. why they all are looking at each other..

' yeahh actually.. Dan has  major crush on the one girl.. and we also saw that girl.. and damn you can believe sky but she's hot.. and we also have little crush on her. And she's totally badass.. ' Jake said to her. And all are just sigh.. some of grain.. what's going on there. Why they just act like this..

' wow that's interesting.. who's the girl my I ask..' the sky girls said to them.. they all are look at each other and Dan.. except draw.. she just don't want to be part of this conversation.. and that are all camera man notice it..

' draw whst you think about this thing.. ' she ask her. And draw smrike at the camera. And he already cleared he's thought what he want to said.

' it's just happened.. we all are Happened to be her club.. and her one of friends want to meet us.. so yeah we meet her. And she happen to be Dan's hight school girl Friend. And looking at her after 10 year's.. he get crush on her. ' he said.. it's means that are talking about me.. damn.. what the fuck.

' well that's interesting but why all are ended up like him.. ' she ask them. Yeah I also want to know why all are ended up like Dan.. well I think about Dan's reason but what about other..

' well she's quite badass.. and just don't like other girls.. I mean she didn't even watch football.. I mean now she dose. After knowing us.. when we meet her first time she didn't know over name.. but her mom and her close friend do. ' poul answer.

' ohh that's breaking news. I mean who never watch football.. I mean everyone love football.. ' sky said.

' yeah everyone.. she also but she didn't see.. she stop like 10 year's before.. ' Justin said..

' did she explain that why she did it.. ' sky why the hell you really are interested in.. now I want to fucking kill her..

' yeahh her stupid promise to Dan and her old mate's that she only what there games. and No one else.. ' draw said.. he think that it's stupid.. he's stupid.. he didn't even know what is promise like.. and why the hell I am thinking bout him..

' well I really want to know this girl about it.. what's her name.. ' she said. And that's it.. I don't want to know more. I also know what's that's answer are..

' well we like to told you that.. but it's better to keep between us.. and can you just change subject.. it's getting bored now.. ' draw stold her with arrogantly.. and she change the subject ..

Whatever is that.. but he did change the subjects. And I am happy for that.. i close the laptop.. I don't want to hear there bullshit.. and than I call Maya..

" Did you see.." she said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah I did.. I am happy that they didn't said about me anything.. or I will just kill them.. " I told her. And she laugh..

" Yeahh I know.. " she said.. i roll my eyes again..

" Oky anything you want to see. How's going work.. all well.." I ask her.. and that like this we both are talk about business.. she told me that all are things going well.. so  I really don't have to worry..

She also ask me about hows going all wedding thing.. i told her about we are going Vegas today.. and she got excited to hearing this.. and i also said that hazz invite her for wedding.. she said she will think about it .. I didn't said anything more after that.. I than hang-up the call.. and than I see the time.. anytime we have to leave this place..

So I check my all things. And see that all this things are already in my bad or not.. I will be leave from there after wedding.. I don't want to be come back here.. I mean I want to but not now.. work is important.. and I am not ditch them.. more..

Hazz come to my room and than told me that I am ready or not. We are leaving in 15 minutes.. and grey Bobb and kids will be meet us in airport.. that i don't mind on that..

I started get ready.. I didn't want to wear any make-up.. I am looking good in that.. looking last over to myself.. I grab my back. And my things. And I left my room. And Walk the downstairs..

They all are already in living room.. and Harry get my backpack take in all in car.. whom I don't mind it.. and we all are leave the house.. hazz and Alex are coming in other car. When I am with Aunt and uncle.. it's not that bad. I don't mind in that..

I put earphones in my ear and I started to listing it.. and sleep in take my head in window mirror..  the ride is safe. And quiet.. there is not that much traffic.. so we reach there on time..

We get out the car. And driver take us our bags. And I see that gray and all are waiting for us... When Stella and Jasper  see me they run to me.. hand hug my lag.. I laugh at there act. And seat in my knee and reach there level.. and than pick bogho of them to my head. Well they are little bit havvy. But I can be get it right.. but Grayson help me. I smile at him.. and kiss he's cheeks. And than meet Bobby. And give her hug..

We all are meet each other. And that we a are enter our private plan.  And we all get our seats Kidd's are to running there. Than me and Bobby both are grab both of them. And seat with Kidd's together..

The whole flight.. Alex and hazz both are stick with each other. And aunt and uncle  both are in there own thoughts.. I see that so Grayson is doing something in laptop.. last time I see them.. he never ignor Bobby. Or act like she's not here.. I look at Bobby she's with Kidd's. And playing with her. Is there is something going on between them.. everything going already in between them right.. or something going wrong.. i want to talk with them.

But it's that they will tell me.. or it's just gray is working and she's take Caring of Kidd's. I just thinking negative.. and I know that Grayson is not like that.. he will never leave her.. be loves her. I know.. so I have to leave all this bullshit in my head..

Both kids are come to me and told me that they want to watch movie. And I agree with them.. I told Bobby if she want to go spend time with gray. She said that he's bussy with something.. she will go for him. After Kidd's sleep. So I didn't ask her.. and nodded my head.  Maybe she's saying Truth..

We four of us watch forzen movie. Both are kids are to enjoy there movie.  Laughing and joking.. and I also join them also bobby.. so we enjoy our movie time.. after that I feel that they both are look tried so said Bobby that I can just stay with twins in room.. and she agree with that.. so I enter the room and we three of us get in and sleep.. but like you thing they just sleep like that. 

So I like last time I did.. I told them a story.. and they both are listen carefully.. and also ask lost of questions.. why is that.. and why not.. and who's is.. like little kids do.. I see that they both are stop asking and sleep.. I hug both of them and sleep with them. It's best feeling in the world.. spent time with Kidd's. And. Our husbands.. and like now we are going to trip.. damn.. now I feel like I have to fine someone who  want to be be my partner in life time. And complete my a dreams. 

Now I really want to feel this.. see thiss. I don't know how it. Will happen but I have to do it . And like this thinking I sleep..

When I wake up.. I see that both kids are not in room.. where they go.. what time it is.. why they he no one wake me up..

I quickly wash my face. Searched where is kids go.. I see that Bobby is sleeping in couch . And kids and gray they are seating in other side. And gray playing with them. I smile at them. And I walk there and join them..

" Hyy kids.. why you both up ." I ask.. they both see me mad kiss my cheeks..

" Well I see that they both are up.. and you sleep in deep.. so I don't want to wake you up.. so just told Kidd's to come so we can get fun here without waking you up.." gray said. And I give him smile. And nodded with my head.

" It's oky gray.. I don't mind it if you wake me up.. I already sleep to much.. and again this sleeping things. Damn.." i said to him.. running my hand to my hair..

" You need coffee.. can I ask hostage to get some coffee for you.." Gray said to me.. I show him my puppy dog eyes. And she nodded with he's head and did what he said.. he ordered coffee for me..

" So tell me.. hows you . " Gray said..

" Everyone asking same question.. I quite got irritated you know.. but it's you so I forgive you for that.. and yeahh everything going well . " I said to him..

" I know dad and mom said to me how you just work like robot.. " he said to me..

" They just lying.. you think I will do this things.." I said to him..

" Yeahh of course you will.. and you always do Bella.. so stop being like this.. you also have to take care of yourself.."he said to me mad I just rolled my eyes.

  " Don't roll your eyes at me.. " he said again.. and I just again going to do. But I didn't.. my coffee arrive.. so I started to  drink it and playing with twins again..