
Love Attraction And Lust

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Our Little Encounter

Our whole week gone disaster.. I mean the boys are to smart. And to mudy. When they said we have to do this. It's means we have to do this..

Whenever I got and I messaged hazz we both are talk in message some time. When we plan to sneak it out but we fail in that.. when she's in washroom and I try to get out the room. Same time Mr Staves call me in office phone. And tell me to do this or that work..

Same gose to hazz. When I do same thing.. and wait for her. Alax give him exact time work to do.. mean they know what we trying to do.. in lunch time they now tell us new rule. When she go to lunch I have to stay my office and when the come her office after lunch. Than I will go to the lunch.. Horrible right.. they both are so cruel and bastards..

Besides there rules.. if I talk about our work.. well this is going not that well. We both got project but they both are same project.. but we have to show them present them to different ideas.. plus there is also one thing.. we there is some meetings are we are attending.. but it's not the we both attending together.. it's up to them. When alax are dealing with someone.. than it's hazz time to go with him and attend meeting.. and same gose to me.. I didn't even know that what he's first name he's..

And about he's behavior.. well I think that I will change him but no.. I am it's totally opposite.. we talk when there is work otherwise we both are always in our office.. we both are didn't even see much.. well that's nice. But he's office are opposite to me.. so whenever stand up or do.. he know my all movment.. and like he said before.. I have to stay my office. I can't go anywhere.. I have to glow with my office my chair. Sometimes when I don't have work. I play games in my phone. Or sometime I just do extra design's to kill the time.. and see that I can do better or not.. otherwise I don't have much work to do..

In this whole week I didn't think it's gone like this.. there is no fun in here. And that what I want it ryt. No fun. Only work work work.. even i say that no one know that we work here. I mean all are bussy in there work. There is no gossips girls. There is no btich girl whom obsessed with boss. Damn it's to boring.. there is no fun. Now I know they there are in top. Here are the people only do is work.. they all have different rules. Even they didn't called to talk with there colleagues.

Sometimes I also see that some staff come to he's office and they talk.. I see he really talk with them rudely.. he didn't want see that who's he talked with. No age. No nothing.. he just want one thing and this is the work.. if you done well than your in good books. And you will be stay away to he's anger. If you not.. than ready to face mr devil..

Even if we done our work properly.. he didn't even compliment or say something.. he just nodded in head. And some time he said 'ok' like it's not big deal.. and than tell them ' get our of my office' no that he want say like ' now you can leave' what if say this little politely what going to happen with him. I never seen girl in he's office. I mean like he's girlfriend or anything.. people said that he's manwore but I never seen him with any girls. Maybe he will do he's business with them in night. or after office.

I see him that club. Maybe after when I gone. He got someone to himself for good fuck.. maybe or he just come there to relax himself.. beacuse whenever I see that he always working.. I never see him when se smile. Or anything.. even he's in call he's face is always serious.. and in call he also talk arrogantly.. like he talk with Grayson.

Well is rudeness will explain it more that he's like this to everyone.. but he's sleeping with girl that news is it right or wrong.. i want to check it.. but not here. If I do here. He will be know that.. now I want to see who is real is.. now I am curious about know him. Whoa is real he.  There is anything that he hiding to people..

I didn't know about he's brother alax.. well she told me about how he torture her. I mean he some time fight with her. Some time demand her to get coffee and all.. sometime he flirting with her.. hazz also told me that she also see girls come and left in he's office.. when she even interrupt them. He got mad. And insult her. I saw her she cry front of me. When we got him. Sometimes alax go lunch with her hazz. I don't know about he's game. But I don't like him more that Mr Staves. I mean he didn't even do those things.

He just want work in time. Nothing else. I never seen any girl fornt of office. He's just mysterious to me.. when here alax show hazz how he is.. I don't know now I am little scared about hazz I don't want to see her hurt. I also thing to talk about this to Mr Staves to switch our places. so Alex no more irritate hazz.

Today is last day.. it's Saturday.. and finally tomorrow me and hazz going to plan something to do... I really frustrated working here.. thinking all of this.. it's all just new to me..

I got taxt from hazz.

Can we go today club after office. I really want to need drink. And do some fun.

I smile looking at her message.. I quickly said yes. I don't mind to go and chill out. Beacuse all this stuff and this week go for me same time boring some time it's cool. Sometimes it's irritating..

In my life.. I never ever eat lunch alone. When I was newly married with Grayson.. still that time I lunch with maids. But this whole week I eat lunch alone.

Why can he just give this lunch time to us together.. I mean sometimes I didn't even grab lunch. Just order coffee for myself and  drink it. And spend my time in Cafe. With paying Candy crush.

When I check the time it's time to go to home. I got up to leave but same time I see Mr Staves also get out from he's office so I waited for him to go first than I can leave..

We still both didn't talk about that our little drama to our club. And I am happy for that. Because I don't want to talk about it.. because in reality he's my boss. And plus I am already married. In my life already has lot's of trouble I don't want any..

After 10 minutes when I feel that he's gone. I get up to my chair. Grab my things. And get out from the house. I also get message From hazz that she's waiting for me in ground floor. I text back and tell her that I am in on my way..

When I walk to elevator.. the whole floor are empty.. all are gone.. well I always leave with them. But when I saw that Mr Staves are also leaving so I just wait for Him to gone. And here i am only one person in this floor. And no one is here..

I again turn and use washroom.. we both have to walk so I can't control that much time. So it's better that first I done my business than I leave..

After finishing my business.. I walk to elevator and waited to come up and than I will soon get out.. it's to slient here. And it's feel crappy..

" What are you still doing here.." someone said. And I jump suddantly..

" Oh my god.. i got sec scared.. please don't do it again.." I tell him. It's him. Why he is still doing here..

" You didn't give my answer.." he said.

" I am going now.. it's your answer.. anything else.." i snapped him..

" Did you forget that I am still your boss." he said come close to me..

" Did you forget that office hours are complete now you are no more my boss" I said with smrike.. I give him look that don't think that I am weak..

" Did you forget that you still in my building.." he said. And come closer to me . And I just step back.

What the hell why he's coming over to me.. and when I thought i will going to be dump in wall but guess what what happened..

Same time elevator door open.. and I just going to falll in ground.. he grab my waist and pull me our to him..I got scared.. now I am really got scared.. I grab he's court tightly that i will not going to fall. our chest touch and I got shiver this sudden incident. what just happened.i close my eyes to scared that I will embarrass front of him.

" Relaxx take deep breaths.. I got you.." he whispere my ear.. I got shiver..

I open my eyes. And I see that we both are so close to each other. I just pull away from in.. and get in the elevator before I will stuck with him here. And he also didn't west any time and join me there. We both are in here. I still feel embarrass.. I don't know what he think about him.. I don't like it.. that someone think that I am those type of girls who's ready for sleep with them..

" Stopp.." he said. I snap my thoughts and look at him.. I turn around and face me.. again come closer to me.. I again hit the wall.. and close my eyes. I don't want to see him.. I want to just push him away.. but I am to scared to do this .

" Stop all you ridiculous thinking.. I am not thinking anything about you.. I never think about you like this.. so stop all whatever you thinking.." he said to me frustratingly. and back off. And Stand again where he is standing before..

How he know that I want thinking about it.. did I say that loudly..I opne my eyes. And look at him. He's not looking at me anymore.. he's patiently standing there to Waiting for to reach ground floor..

I got comfortable and stand there. And playing my fingers.. I really nervous around him. I just want to get our from here. As soon as I can do..

" Don't do that.." he said again.. and I looked at him giving him question look. What I did now .

" You don't have to nervous around me.. and like you said me when we meet on Monday I keep my promise sincerely. So you dont have to get nervous.." he said. And that same time elevator door open. And I see that hazz standing there ready to come in..

" bell I am about to come get you.. I thought.." when she trying to complete this. She see that Mr Staves getting out to the elevator.. so she just shut her mouth..

When he left us.. I get out too. And we both are walk to the our home..

" What happened there. Why are you looking like pale.. didn something happened.." she asked me.. I didn't say anything.. I still thinking about him whether said..

He not thinking about me that I am that type of girl . Means he think that I am goody to shoes.. or means that he's not thinking like that.. or means that's I am not that attractive.. what he mean by that.. why he said me like this.. he want me to stop think that than he's thinking about me that I am bad girl. Or anything.. beacuse not thinking about me like that.. means.. for him am he's only employee. I work for him. Nothing else..

That's good thing..I also want him to think like that.. nothing more..

But after that he means that he keeping he's promise.. means that he also want me to think whatever happen that day.. it's just nothing.. and he also want me to think Same that what I just said to Him. Means he follow my things. What i just said to him. And it's same gose to me.. I also have to follow this. And not thinking about him more than this..  why I am thinking about him to much.. why I am giving him more importance.. 

He's my boss. And I am he's employee nothing else.. close the topic..

" Bella ." Hazz shouted me..

" What.." i shouted back..

" I am trying to calling you but don't know what happened to you.. you are just in your own thoughts.. did you even listen to me what I am said.. " she said to me.. I give her question look..

" I told you that. You know what nothing.." she said and work fast.. I runn behind her. And stop her..

" Hyy sorry sorry. I was just get lost.. i am sorry.. I will make it up to you.. so tell me.. what was it.. " I tell her..

" Fine.. my mood is good. That's why I forgive you.. " she said. And rolling my eyes.

" Don't rolled your eyes on me.. you want to fight.. " she said.

" Okyy sorry hazz. I was just teasing.. " i said to her. And hug her.

" Whatever.. so I was saying that.. I saw some club whom little far way to our place. And I also hear that there is lots of celebrities come there. And it's Saturday night. We have to go there.. and have some fun.." she said to me..

I don't think what she mean or anything.. I just agree with her. Because I want to just go there getting drunk myself.. and enjoy this night.. beacuse finally it's Saturday baby..