
Love Attraction And Lust

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70 Chs

Food Fight

After that thing.. I left the room. I wear simple jeans and t-shirt.. it's to hot.. so I don't want to wear more things it's already hot day. i didn't even do any Make-up because I know in this temperature all will be ruined... I just look at myself to once over. And than I left my room..

I reach the receptionist.. I see that girls are standing there.. i walk to there and join them.. I see that draw Dan and Jake they also are here..

" Hyy guys.." I said to them.. smile at them. .and they also smile at me..

" Hyy, hello, " they all said to me.. and doing again there what there doing.. i look at hazz she give me hug.. and we both are started to talk.. she show me some places that we all are going there to see it.. I also see that photos.. it's look cool.. but i still want to see it.. what is best.. how big place are... And lots of other things..

" What's that..." She said to me.. looking at my neck...

" Shawn is hots on her.." Miley said.. i look at my neck.. I touch it there is little bit hurt. And my eyes wild.. and I remember what happened..

" Ohh damn.." i said to frustratingly..

" So do you guys have some make-up.. please i want to hide it.. " i ask them..

" Why.. it's look cute.. maybe he did give you on purpose.. to show us.." Sophie said. And that the problem.. i don't want to see them.. to anyone.. I look at hazz for help.. and she get it that something is going on.. she nodded. And we both are leave them.. I look at boys.. they are looking at me.. most of the draw.. he looking at my neck.. and smrik at me.. and wink at me.. what the hell is problem..

" What happened.. " hazz said to me.. I look away to him.. and me and hazz both are Wal to the restroom..

She get out compact.. and I started to apply it.. to hide it .

" Why you want to hide it.. " she said to me..

" Because I don't want that anyone see this.. that's why.." i told her..

" What do you mean by that.. it's Shawn giving you.. so what everyone know that now you both are back together.. " she said to me..

" And that's the problem.. I am back together with him.. " I told her sarcastically..

" Why it is the problem.. " she said..

" He did give you this hichki right.." she ask me.. and looking at me.. and I look at her. Mad look away and again looking at mirror that it's hide or not..

" Give me the answer Bella.." she demanded..

" You know you are taking my nerve more.. and no he didn't.. " I said to her..

" Who give you.. " she ask me..

" I don't have answer on this question either.." i said to her.. and I said truth i don't know who give me this..

" What do you mean by that Bella.. now you making me angry.. just tell me what happened.. " she said to me.. and I told her everything what happened.. how that I ended up in this hichki in my neck..

" So you telling me that someone come to your room.. and started to making out with you.. and you didn't know who it is.. and you didn't stop him for it.. " she said to me and i nodded..

" Damn Bella.. what are you doing.. did you see anything that how it look like or anything.. " she said to me..

" If I did know that you think that I hide from you.. plus he just blindfolding me.. and I just can't push him away.. they way he kiss me and make me feel.. i just can't.. I want more.. but i don't know who he is.. I am just sexually frustrated hazz it's like I d9nt know what happen to me new day's.. ughhh.. " I said to her.. and running my hand to my hair..

" Hyy it's oky.. it's fine.. it's happened.. chill.. we will fine out who's he.. and I think you have to do it with Shawn or with anyone so maybe you will be little bit oky.. I can't just see you like this.. " she said. And hug me.. and I hug her back..

" I don't know what happened to me.. I just need time for this.. I have to fine out before I continue with Shawn.. because it's literally like I cheating on him.. I don't want to be that girl . " I told her.. and we both broke the hug..

" Oky.. chill we will be finger this out.." she said to me. And we both are leave the place..

" Please don't start this topic.. i don't want to talk about it.. " I told her and she nodded with is..

After that the whole day go well.. I spend time with girl and Shawn.. and we did fix that witch one we have to book it.. and than we also talk about food.. and it's fun..

I also had time with Bobby.. gray.. Dan.. we all are spend time together.. eating laughing.. and enjoying our time..

I forget about that boy.. what happened with me earlier.. and I am glad for that.. and I am also happy that the girls didn't said about this topic.. I also see that Jennifer try to talk with Shawn.. so I did give her chance.. for that Shawn get little mad but i told him that let her see that what I want.. you talk with him clear the things out.. it's all oky I don't mind in that..

Currently we all are in bar who I go there middle in night for food.. I told them to try once to eat there. So now here we are eating food. And talking..

" Bella you are to catchy about everything..  the food.. the movie.. i didn't see about music.. but i know I will figure this out soon.. and you so passionate with your work.. how you handle all things.. damn you are truly businesswoman.. " Jessica said to me.. and I laugh..

" She is.." Shawn and hazz both are said in same time. And than they both are smrike at each other.. typical them..

" You don't know guy's.. she's to fun for all of this.. I just miss her.. and thank you Bella to come.. without you it's a going to be Bored.. " hazz said to me mad I just roll my eyes..

" Hyy don't roll your eyes to me bitch.." she yelled and everyone laugh at her..

" Alex what she drink.. did she drink alcohol.. i swear i will kill you.." I worn the Alex. And he littrerly scared of me. And he check it what she drinking.. and that he know that she's drinking alcohol..

" I am so..." When he trying to apologise.. I just throw on food in he's face.. and he just frizz there. And hazz are started to laugh at him.. and than I also join her. and that whole table is join us..

" Sorry.. ' he murmured in he's breath.. damn it's priceless.. he grab the noodles and throw on me but it just my luck it's ended up on Jessica who's seating beside me.. and we all are laugh at her. And she got angry.. I just get up.. and run to the other side.. because I know the way she's looking at Alex it's mean war..

And they started to throw food on each other.. and stood there in side.. and started to record it.. and laugh out loud alone there.. I am happy that there is no other people are here.. I said Joe that I will pay it so he don't have to worry. And i also apologize him..

" Hyy watch out.." he said to me .. and I turn around.. and I see red wine someone throw on me.. and now it's my turn to join them.. they all are still doing there.. I wipe my face.. and look at who's throw it..

" Of course it's you.." i said to me..

" Of course it's me.. you think started to the war.. you will be get chance to escape it.. no away my little kitten.. " he said to me.. I got angry.. and than I walk to him.. I pull him toward me.. and clean my both hands and my face with he's face and shirt..

" Yukkk.. what's that kitten..." He said and pull away for me.. and I just laugh at him.. and than I grab maionese and throw in her face..

" Play back bitch.." I yelled at him..

And I started to run to the other side. So he can throw anything on me..  the street is little bit empty.. so I am happy that no one see me life this.. I look like mess.. I hear that he also run after me.. damn I want to run before he catch me..

I don't know where I runn but it's totally now street to me.. and I don't care about it.. I see that he's not more following me.. and stop.. and try to stop my heart beat get Normal.. damn.. how much I run..

After clam myself down.. I see that it's new street.. i never walk here. So I looking at to my right and left.. it's all Empty.. now I have to search there where I want to go.. and how.. i search my phone in my pocket.. and than I remember that my phone is not with me..

" Fucking shit.." i said to myself.. and than I started to walk.. and looking at everywhere that where to walk and where to not..

" Fucking the hell up draw.." I yelled at me.. if he didn't do that.. I didn't even run away to there.. and i still there with them..

At the same time someone push me to the wall.. similiar sent I smell it.. is it him.. we both are stood closer to each other..  he's both hand in my waist the way he hold me in the morning.. not to let me go... I look at that person who's is.. and I see that and I am not happy to looking at him.. I try to push him away.. but he didn't back of in inch.. how strong he is..

" Let me go..." I yelled at him.. but he come to my closer even more..

" No.. stay here like this... Shh.. don't talk much.. " he said in my ear.. I want to say but I hear more footsteps.. it's just our friends.. if they are so why the hell he just telling my to don't talk..

" Where is she.." someone said.. and I head one of boy said. But it's not similiar to Any of our boys.. who's that guy... I get panicked..

" I saw her she's Alon in the street.. she will be here somewhere... Search her.. " other one said.. and that make me totally freakout.. what the hell happening..

Draw pull out his cellphone.. and he text to someone.. and don't know what he do more.. I just look at him blackly.. I want to ask.. but i know he's just showing me attitude so I didn't ask.. and i stood there silently..

After five minutes later I hear the voice..

" Bella.. draw.. you guy's here.." and it's similiar voice.. and we both are pull away to each other. And walk where this voice come to... And i see all are standing there.. i run to them and hug them..

" Thank God you are safe.. i just get worried.. why the hell you just run away.." hazz said to me. And that yelled at me..

" I am sorry I just lost.." I told them I don't know what to say more..

" Don't do that again.. you hear me.." she said to me.. and I nodded..

" Come one let's go hotel.. " she announced..

" We have to do to the bar.. my stuff are there.. plus I promise Joe that I will give him big tips.. after what I did there.. " I said to them.

" It's oky.. Shawn handle all this.. you don't have to worry.. and your stuff is with me.. we don't have to go back.. " hazz said to me .. I nodded with my head.. and I look at Shawn. And hug him.. and he kiss my forehead.. I turn around and look at draw.. who's looking at me.. but this time I am not angry on him.. he just nodded with he's head and i also nodded with my head.. and we all are walk to the hotel..

" Damn we totally wested.." Bobby said..

" We are.." Jess said.. and than we talk and walk to our hotel..

When we reach there.. the hotel staff was looking at us.. how mess we are.. we don't care about it.. we all are get in the elevator.. half of get in with me. And half of get in other on.. saying good night to each other..

I run to my room.. and enter there.. and get in hot shower.. this is really needed it.. I also wash my hair.. the all wine smell I just Remove it in my hair.. and my body..

When I get out  of the shower. I warp around towel to my hair and my body.. I stood front of my mirror.. and look at that mark..  what that unknown person for me..

But it's still no look like unknown for me.. how the hell I just give him permission to touch me.. without knowing me..

Is that i am that sexual frustrated that I just make out with unknown person without knowing whos he..

What he think about me.. that how dumb whore I am.. how I am just agree.. and didn't said anything to him.. and kiss him back.. or even moan...

I touch that mark.. it make me hot.. how he kiss me roughly.. push me in the wall.. how he just blindfolding me and than go all this things to me.. the way he talk..

Ughhh... It's to frustrated me..

In all that I just forget that it's not Shawn. How the hell he think about me or feel about me that what I just done.. when I just agree to with him.. a date before.. Damm.. now it's all just happening in same time.. I have to control me.. and stay away to both of them.. not that mystery man but also Shawn too..

Well I know I agree with him that I will give chance.. but still I am not ready for it.. I don't want him to know that i am using him for my own benefit like rebound that way he think in past..

I know he make me feel happy and all.. but still i am change.. lots of thing change in last year's.. and I am totally move on with him.. I can't just look at him like that more the way I look at him on passed.. I just already give up that time.. and now I am not want to hold him again.. I have to talk to him.. I really did big mistake to do this.. and now I am regretting this..

I change clothes.. and jump on the bed.. grab my laptop and check that any mail or anything..

I see that mail of Maya.. she told me that she try to contact me but my phone is out of range.. she told me that the others day's client who's want to business with me.. they now try to do same thing with gray.. but other things.. well I don't know what it is.. but seem like I have to talk with gray.. and told about that not do accept them.

I grab my cell phone and text Maya that I got her message and told her thanks and also told her that she isn't have to worry about me I will talk about this to gray.. and I also told her if there as any more information she got about them or anything she know about it.. just staright tell me so I can see what I have to do with them...

I also check others messages and check them. .there is other lands. And other Clint's who want to work with me or this..I just give them mesg that I will be talk with them when I will be there.. and than I closed the laptop and lay to my bed and hug tightly with my pillow and sleep.. thinking about anything.. sleep one to my eyes and I close my eyes.. and I sleep fast...

Another day passed...