
Part 2: Chapter 19: A baby in the swamp

Fangak County, South Sudan.

"Baaka!" Sonia heard the second they arrived at the camp. Caught in the flashlight's beam the man shielded himself. A young woman answered him; her head covered.

They had moored against a steep bank where a soldier secured it. His rifle rested on his back. Another one scanned the area, his rifle in readiness.

Tau got out, followed by Kwame who helped her out.

"That is our commander, Roger Gisemba." Kwame freed her. Warily she rubbed her arms and wrists.

"Salam Haji," Tau greeted him.

"As-Salam Alaykum." (May peace be upon you)

"Dimana éta awéwé?" (Where is the nurse?) the man, Haji asked without acknowledgement.

"Anjeunna di dieu." Tau pointed to her as she joined them. Sonia's body ached after their midnight ride. How long they were on the water she could only guess. Right away they expected her to perform her duties.

"Datang!" Haji commanded. Without waiting he sprinted towards a darkened spot outside the flickering fires.