
Chapter56 - Spicy Chile Mocha-01

The sound of traffic woke Lily up from her sleep. There was no doubt that Caiden's apartment was closer to the center of the city, considering the high price he paid. But being closer to the heart of the city meant one thing.

Daily wakeup calls feat. traffic!

The sounds of cars honking and an ambulance passing by, had Lily's eyes open in no time. Rubbing her face, Lily sat up in bed, groaning at all the noise coming from the window. After her eyes had adapted to the sunlight, Lily slipped out of bed, walking over to the small window that overlooked the city.

Only when she looked down at the street, did she realize the massive traffic jam that was causing the road ragers to hock their horns at each other, waking up every living organism on the block.

Shaking her head, Lily untied her hair that was messier than a bird's nest. Raking her figures through her long brown locks, Lily stood in front of the mirror, tying it up in a loose ponytail.