
Meets him the one

Valentina was walking down the street after getting her favourite desert in hopes to get home early to devour them but stops when she sees some people in the distance bowing down to some man apologetically shaking and shivering in fear but the man had an ice cold gaze towards them the other scared men were begging for forgiveness but the cold man was having none of it and started inching towards them and came in view because of one of the streets lamp and she gasped when she saw him he was the famous Prince that everyone swooned on Prince Jay and even she couldn't lie as she stood there because he looked like a Greek god standing under those lights but seeing his cold look made her shiver a bit but seeing him inching towards those men and seeing start begging and crying for forgiveness she went towards them and asked of what was going on, but instead of an answer she got a cold glare from the Prince then cautiously took a few steps back then the Prince asked her what made her step back, then she bowed her head and apologised and said to the Prince that he should please let the men go, but instead of an answer the Prince laughed the looked at her in humor on how a mere girl would have the audacity to challenge his reasons for but even with that case he couldn't help but admit on her beauty yes has a lover but even she couldn't stand to this girls beauty and he wondered and pictured her as his queen and decided to get all her information later but for now he looked at her and asked what business brought her here and told her to leave but instead she told him to let them go and to her suprise he told them to leave that would continue this conversation later and when those men heard they thanked the Prince and me and ran so that the Prince wouldn't change his mind