
The picture

    I was in my room going through my WhatsApp status,I usually have a lot of status to view which is a result of me having a lot of contacts. Anyways I was scrolling though my status then I came across the post of a guy ,it was a picture of 4 guys sitting down in which he himself was In. When I saw that picture there's this one guy that caught my attention he was the third guy if am staring from the left,I couldn't stop staring at him because he was fine ,black,tall,and muscular just like the guy I always imagine in my fantasies.

          Im a lover girl by the way, I love slow and intimate kises,romance,dates and slow and steady sex anyways I'm gonna stop there. Let's go back to the picture I was stuck on the picture I couldn't take my eyes off him,so I decided to text the person that posted that picture hoping it'd be him,by the way I am single and searching ,so I decided to just play a little as I was still a bit heartbroken it wasn't two months yet from my last break up anyways I messaged him saying " which of y'all is single!". When I actually knew which of them I wanted, it's just scope anyways wanted to act like a playgirl.

          It literally took him hours to reply, when I went back online i saw he has replied,I was happy though, smiling I clicked on his reply and he said " Hi, all of us are single". I was happy when I saw that then I sent a laughing emoji and asked "which one of them is you?" He replied the third guy when you're staring from the left.  Wooooowww! He's the one I said out loud ,then I was told him he's actually the one that caught my attention and he's the reason I chatted him up ,he actually blushed and asked really? He then said "I just checked your profile picture and you're actually very beautiful" I blushed so hard though and thank God he thinks I'm beautiful.

      I'm thick and chubby actually but I'm curvy ,busty but my booty isn't as big as my boobs.i have an average booty, I'm fair ,of average height and very beautiful. Anyways we exchanged pictures and honestly he's my type of man I immediately started fantasizing about him he has gapteeth honestly I fell in love with him immediately but then does love at first sight really exists I shook the feeling off and just talked casually with him though I told him I like him but then I guess the feeling wasn't mutual cos he only said thanks and told me I also looked good. Anyways we ended the conversation like that. That night I couldn't stop thinking about him and I literally touched my self that night fantasizing about him and slept peacefully actually , The next day I woke up ,turned onmky data only to see I have some messages from him, I was really happy that I didn't want to open the messages.

      Guess what he said? He said ...

      Does he care about me or he just said it out of courtesy?

    Join me in the next chapter to know what he said and what happens next!

  Lots love from Damilola Balogun