
You trully can't sing

While being still angry at Megan and Mei what they did a few seconds ago wind come and after hitting me I said to Greg "its winter lets go back home"

hearing me he only said "I will come soon" then Megan said, "we will go now and we will come back to drink." after saying it she gives me a look and short thumbs up and she goes away taking Mei with her.

While when they left I still feel uncomfortable sitting on Greg labs something starts hitting me but before I could say anything his words come to me "I'm so sorry for what I have said please forgive me"

Hearing him I become angry at him and I hit his forehead to wake him up and I said „stupid I have never been angry at you but at Mei"

"I know but if I haven't asked her she wouldn't do this," he answers while lying on me