
I want recording from that day

When I wait for Greg I start looking at links that Megan send me when I sleep and now I saw it. Most of them were about some dresses and other thinks. While looking at it I become so focus on it that I haven't pay attention what happens around me. When I saw moving hair I almost have heart attack and I jump. 'what the f**k' I said to myself while doing it.

When I done this I feel that my phone go away from my hand 'oh my god no please don't broke' I said to myself while looking at where it fly I saw that it land on someone hand. Its Greg that have it in his hand. Seeing it I said to him


"no problem" he quickly response me. 'oh you again broke the rules' I said in mind and then I said loud

"ok we will go soon there" then I wanted to have done with security but when I saw that Greg have some sweets there and my inside gluttony wake up I said to him

"oh something sweet you have here"

"yes" he answer quickly and give me one from four he have there 'no only one and three is for you' but I haven't comment it loud and I said to him

"oh thanks" and I start eating. While I have been in middle of it I saw that frosting is going out from it but still I don't care about it and I wanted to clear it later. When I finish I saw that Greg is coming to me.

Then he start cleaning my face 'wtf you doing but it's so touchy I from you' I said it when Greg finish cleaning my left cheek.

After some time he go to next 'oh it hurt' I said to myself while he clean it and he done it harder. When Greg finish doing it he start cleaning my dress from it. 'oh you pervert you touch me while doing something. But still I will let you do it' I said again to myself while looking what Greg is doing. When he finish and move to trash bin I get up and I start going to doors then I said to him

"thanks let go now to security room" and I go out.

When I come close to elevator I saw that it stop and then someone come out. When I enter I saw that Greg is close to me and we go down to security room. When I enter there I said

"hi I want recording from that day and from this hours" and I give him a piece of paper where Greg few days ago write all what we wanted and room number too to know what we want.

Looking at me one said "what who are you to order us"

"I'm who I'm so what I need you to do is give me this"

"no you will not have it and now go out" he said while showing his hand to doors. Then I hear that Greg said something to him but what I understand is only "boss and business trip". When he heard it his eyes almost pop up and said to me "oh sorry miss you will have it soon"

"oh thanks" I said to him then I add "and please don't tell anybody today that we were here"

"ok I understand" he answer and after two minutes we have what we needed. Then we go back to our room when I know me and Greg are alone I said to him "what you done"

"nothing I just said him who you are so that's why he change so fast" he answered but looking at his face 'oh so you said to him something more' I said to myself while doing it but I just wanted to have it all done so I give this recording to Greg. While he take it he ask me "we could cut that irrelevant parts and only we will left with what is important"

"oh good idea" I said to him while knowing that if something don't want to work we will have backup copy and we just need then play short part. Then Greg take his laptop and he start doing it. I just sit and when he found out who done it he said "you screwed your life".