
First meeting (2)

"F**k," he told loud and move with his instinct that he needed to save someone sees beautiful women going out from the car with her own strength 'she is beautiful with her long hair and good body she has around 175 cm and 70 kg maybe 65 kg of weight' he thinks and his pervert sideshow during running.

He forgot about almost finishing the cigarette, and he burns a little in his fingers. When he was close to hear his music from the phone stop playing in his 1 headphone(second broke down some time ago and his laziness was too big to buy new, so he only uses one).

Then he takes out his phone, and it has no power thinking fast he goes to her and kiss her to wake up her from shock 'maybe that work let's try to time to lose my first kiss good that she look awesome' he thinks after the soft kiss she wakes up and wanted to hit him, but he stops her hand and tells her.

"call to ambulance my phone is down, and you need to do this I go look at how they are hurt do it fast if u want to save them."

"ok," she answers and take out her iPhone 6 from her Hermes bag and make a call.

During her talk he goes to Ghost and sees that driver is dead he was around 40 years old limb penetrate his body but the passenger behind him has a broken arm, and he was unconscious remembering his lesson from school about first help he tries to help him, but then he went closer he saw a piece of glass in his leg, and it was bleeding heavily.

No thinking about his arm he takes out the man tie and knots it upper to the glass to blood stop going during that process police come and help him look at the driver who was dead as he thinks. When they work ambulance came the old doctor go out, and then he runs to them and take him from him and the police when they take him out of the car and put him in an ambulance during going to the ambulance to say.

" Good work young man you save his live glass was close to an artery and your fast thinking help him but it bad that we can't save the driver he probably lost his life fast I look at him and limb probably hit him at heart."

"No problem I learned to help. I only hope that he survive and be in good health and about the driver that's bad to poor his family."

"I hope to" the doctor answer.

after that he looks at his hands it was in blood good that running to the car he takes out his backpack and hoodie (they were almost new, and he doesn't want to destroy them they were gifts from his parents when they know that he go away to another country).

After remembering that he bought water at the shop he takes it out slowly to not destroy that beautiful backpack with blood, and he cleans his hands. After it, he just wanted to do it fast he almost vomited seeing what was at them, he has slow tolerance, so he could vomit after looking for something.

When he did his actions one of the policemen come to him, and he asked him what happened after answering his questions he wanted to go away, but he needed to wait for the prosecutor, but it was late at night, so he asks the policeman could they record his statement he needed to go fast to home because he has an interview tomorrow morning, and he needed to sleep. After he agrees he tells every what happened here and when he looks at his ID policeman said "you not from here where you stay when we need some extra things we need to call you."

"ok, I live now at zxzxzxzxzx street block 1 flat 4."

"ok thanks, I only hope that you wouldn't change the place of living."

"When you don't see me there in the next 6 months that means I go back to my country, oh, and place don't tell anybody my name and surname. I don't like to have some problems later with journalist knowing that I save someone rich."

"ok," the policeman said and walk to his car.