

I was 11 years old when you came into my life. Your voice was like an angel and I fell in love with it. The lyrics that you sang made my heart flutter. I never thought that I would love music. I followed your account and listened to every music you release. You are so mysterious, you don't show yourself but it doesn't matter. Because of you I started composing music, because of you I started to sing again. But 6 months after your 2nd Anniversary you became inactive. People started bashing you but I defended you, I didn't lose hope that one day you will come back. Now I'm 15 years old still waiting for you, still listening to every music you released and still hoping that one day I will hear another one of your beautiful music again.

Please forgive me for my grammar and misspellings. This is my first novel and English is not my first language. Thank You. :)

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