
Love and War at the Royal Academy

All the Princes and Princesses hailing from diverse kingdoms come together to the Royal Academy to learn arts and skills in all fields that cater to their coming reign as Kings and Queens. But what’s more is the loves and marriages and wars that the relationships within the Academy spark, as princes and princesses court each other, yield to dramas and lose hold of dark secrets meant to stay cloaked. ~ Eva, the young handmaid of the castle, desperately in love with Prince Syn who had made love and promises to her, is forced to assist his sister, Princess Eldora at the Royal Academy while watching him flirt and court ladies, breaking every promise he had once made to her behind closed doors. What’s more, her life is threatened to hold the dark secrets that she shares with him. Will Eva break free and escape his clutches and see through her clouded judgement to find that Prince Dan of another Kingdom fancies to love her? And if so, will the man love her still after discovering the ugly secrets of Eva’s past that she wishes to keep hidden from him? ~ Eldora decides to woo and court Prince Dan, the most powerful she could find amongst princes at the Academy. But to her greatest dismay, the man’s eyes are stolen for an unworthy lowly servant girl, Eva who was only meant to serve her. Will jealousy push her to spill all the secrets that could potentially split any budding love? ~ Prince Dan’s gentleman, Reid, finds a curious young princess, Fiore, who seems far from royalty, despite the name she portrays. Further, there is a likeness that makes her greatly familiar. Will Reid discover the truth of how he has known her, even though Fiore, for fear of her life, flees every means of his getting close? Will he find the secrets that make her grow farther from him? ~ Emma, the wife of Physician Monto does not understand why her husband has ever been distant from her. Though their marriage is arranged, she tries everything to gain his love and showers him with every shred of respect she is capable of. But one day, to her dreaded shock, she discovers that he has had a lover before the marriage. Will Monto realise what love is true and what is false? Will he realise the true value of his innocent wife before it is too late? ~ Prince Kinser has spent all his love on a wild peasant woman from the woods in secret, but soon loses her. Though his years roll with longing to find her again and pursue her, his status of royalty forces him to enroll at the Academy and find a bride of royal blood. But what happens when he sees the woman he had loved serving there at the institution? Will his heart heed to her love or will his responsibility to make alliance with a foreign kingdom through marriage precede all feelings? ~ Come to the Royal Academy and live through the scarlet threads that connect these people within the stone walls with loves and wars and dramas to begin. ~

Niki_Christianne_7108 · History
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15 Chs

Chapter 4


The Royal Inauguration II

Reid spied his prince making merry conversation with a young lady, Princess Eldora, whose beauty could be described as nothing less than a divine dream.

The butler tried to swallow the suffocating tension rising in his gut from the sight of Dan's possible affiliation with her, for it had grave chances of marring their future. 

Just as he tore his gaze away, he felt someone bump into him from behind. Instinctively, he reached for the young damsel that seemed to have run into him and lost her balance.

It was only after the action, that Reid found his arm gripping the waist of a lovely maiden of fierce vermillion hair and large green eyes staring at him, her breath hitched in her throat like a trapped gasp.

He waited for her to gather her bearings and step away, but she couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from him, a sort of fear dancing vividly in her eyes.

Then, in a moment, she unfurled her hands from their hold on his coat's lapels and unwinded from his grasp.

"Sorry, sorry", she muttered, hurrying to rub the creases off her skirt.

"No harm", Butler Reid nodded, stepping aside to give her space. 

The damsel flipped her long hair over her shoulders and hurried away, shuffling through people to make her way to where the royals were.

The man could gather that she was a princess of some sort, but something about her airs seemed rather timid and constrained, like she was on a string of pressure. So much so that it portrayed her as lesser of a royal than the others.

Further, something about her was oddly familiar.

Bulter Reid looked down at his boot, where he felt the fall of a weight, to see that she'd dropped a brooch during the bump and leaned down to pick it up.

"Your grace", he called and although he was sure she heard him, from the slight turn of her head, the young lady scurried off, pretending to be deaf to his calls.

Reid frowned. It was curious that she was avoiding him already, at such brief meeting.

Had she recognized something in him that could explain her unnaturally shocked expression upon locking gazes with him? Or was she on some stringent errand that she could not spare time for familiarities?

Whichever the case, the mysterious young princess had struck a chord somewhere deep in his mind and he knew for certainty that he had met her before. But he could not say when or where or under what circumstance.

Reid stared after her wistfully as she disappeared into the heads and shoulders of royals, before he looked down at the brooch in his hand she'd left at her wake.

He needed to return it to her, and hopefully find some conversation that would pacify his questions.

Just then, the object from his palm was snatched from his hold and he called, "Hey!"

"Sorry, but that belongs to my Ladyship. I will return it to her", said a young dame of skinny stature, dressed in a coarse cloak and hood that fell low over her eyes. Without another word, the hooded maiden he supposed was attending to said princess scurried after the familiar damsel and blended with the crowd.

Reid was certain now that he had seen her, although he was unsure where.

Her appearance was in denial, seeming rather different from anyone he had seen before, but her eyes were the same.

They could not lie.

In fact, there was scarcely any chance of him having made any acquaintance with a princess, so he wasn't sure what her origin or story was. But something inside him stirred to find out and uncover it.

His eyes turned to Prince Dan, who now seemed to be completely engulfed by conversations with Princess Eldora, killing any fleeting chances of making a first impression to any other potential prospect.

Reid turned to Butler Jean and said, "I believe it is time we proceed to be by their sides now?"

In response, the gentleman of caramel hair waved the concerns away and said, "I am looking to find myself some pleasant acquaintances here with the butlers. Per-haps in a few moments." And with that, the man turned to make friendships with the other men standing about.

"Alright", Reid nodded, leaving him to his own, and swiftly made his way to the dark skinned Prince.

It would be a crude intention to distract his majesty from the princess he was speaking with, but it was also much needed that he enlarge his scope.

"Sire", the olive haired butler Reid bowed to Prince Dan, before taking a stand behind him.

The young royal nodded in response, before turning to Princess Eldora and continuing his conversation.

She seemed to be speaking something about her engagement and dedication in the war field, where her hands were finely known for their properties of tending to the fallen and her expertise in providing much physician services.

"In fact, it has been my dream to start a facility where soldiers are given the care they need after battle. I will employ a great deal of nurses and maidens to render service to their wounds at nil cost", she flaunted.

As those words left her mouth, her countenance fell remorseful, and she said, "But I do not know how far I can achieve this dream, for once I am married away, I shall belong to a different kingdom and I shall no more be the sole administrator of my own wishes. It will be in the hands of my future husband to provide for me to perform these good deeds."

"Indeed so", Prince Dan nodded, saying not much more. The man's hands were mildly fisted and Reid understood that he was feeling constrained to be listening to her and wished to break out and talk to more people, but was staying merely to refrain from disrespecting her company.

Casually, the dark skinned prince took a step back and gazed about. There were many beautiful people in rich garments that stood about speaking with each other and they all seemed particularly inclined to make his acquaintance, for the Kingdom he would reign was the fiercest of most.

And Reid was keen to note that Princess Eldora stayed close to his side, while many others spoke to him, as if claiming her stake on him and discouraging any potential prospects.

It was clear that when she played her game, she needed to win and would not take a loss.

Refusing to leave Prince Dan's side, the golden haired princess had her handmaiden bring her all the necessities, such as a sip of water.

And that was when Reid noticed the young lady of short brown hair scurrying about, tending to princess Eldora with a great deal of grief in her withering green eyes.

The sadness grew multiple folds every time her gaze turned to see Prince Syncher speaking flirtatiously with some young lady.

