
Durbar and unpretty girls

"if it burns

and you hear your heart crack open,

those old wounds unstitched

My dear it's far from love"


What did she know about them?

She grew up amidst women, literally the male figure was nonexistent. All she set her mind to about them were scraps of all she heard growing up, from the day she had had her first period as early as ten, when her mother sat her in the privacy of her room. Peering in the eyes of the crying Salima who thought she had a fatal injury and would soon bleed to death. Her mother lifted her face.

"What is happening to you is called menstruation. You have become a woman" her mother tried to be one as she hid her shock well, her daughter that just clocked ten was becoming an adolescent. It was too fast, she had not been ready for it.

Salima swallowed still sniffing, what did becoming a woman mean when she's been one since her birth.