
Love And Rivalry

No matter who may push us down in life, there's always a way to get back up again. No matter how big or small that moment is

ChuckBoy39 · Realistic
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15 Chs

The Football Match

A few hours later . . .

Welcome everyone to the first football game of the season everyone said the announcer. Today's match is between Mando knight's and Vista buccaneers. The game will begin momentarily.

Back outside on the sidelines . . .

 Ok guys said Coach Jonson. Today is the first game of the season. I have faith in everyone of you that we will come out on top. Go team! Everyone went off to do there thing to get ready. Wyatt went to his water bottle and started to take a sip when Teagan came over. You made it Teagan said Wyatt. Wouldn't miss it for the world said Teagan. Plus i wanted my parents to come so we can tell them about us. Ironic said Wyatt. I got my parents over here. Wyatt then looked back and saw then talking to the coach. You might wanna go now. Understandable said Teagan. Good luck as Teagan hugged Wyatt and went off. Just then, Wyatt's parents came over. Good luck out there Wyatt said Willow. We believe in you said Pat as he looked away. Thanks guys said Wyatt. Just then, The coach called the first starters to the field. That's my signal said Wyatt as he headed on out to the field. 

Teagan and her parents found a good seat on the bleachers and took a seat. Teagan dear said Jessie. Why did you want us to come and watch the game? That's a question that i can't answer without him said Teagan. What said Peter. You will know after the game said Teagan as she took a few pictures. Wyatt and the rest of the football team were ready for the game to start when time started to tick. At first the Buccaneers were letting them win but they came back during the second quarter. When half time was called, Wyatt was a bit tired out. Teagan told her parents that she needed to go to the bathroom but she went over to Wyatt behind a container. This isn't good said Wyatt. Your telling me said Teagan. My parents are getting suspicious. After this and it will be over said Wyatt. Now do you have any words of encouragement? If you lose, i will leave you said Teagan. Tough love said Wyatt. That will work. Just then, The coach blew his whistle. Got to go back to the field said Wyatt as he jogged back. Teagan then went back to her parents. That was quite a long bathroom break said Jessie. So said Teagan. There was a long line. Ok said Jessie. Jessie was starting to sense something. She knew that something was going on. She couldn't put her finger on it though. As the game progressed, The Knights were making a big comeback. When there was two minutes left of the 4th quarter, the score was 35-30. Come on guys said Jonson. I know we can win this. We just need a final touchdown said Wyatt. Exactly said Coach. Witch is why I'm setting you up for one. What said Wyatt. But I'm not fast enough. If you passed the course said Coach. You can make a touchdown. Now back out there everyone! Wyatt was freaking out in his mind. Throughout the game, he help make a touchdown but he never pulled one of. He was nervous but knew that this was his moment to shine. When the whistle blew, He ran with the ball as fast as he had ever run before. He pushed all things out of his was and with three seconds left on the clock, he got to the end zone and scored a touchdown. The crowd went wild with excitement as the clock went down to zero. The coach was losing it a little bit as his teammates walked with him to his stuff. That was incredible said one of the teammates. Thanks man said Wyatt. I don't know how you did it but was was cool said Another. Yeah said Wyatt. As Wyatt got his belongings, He met up with his parents who were so happy. Were so proud of you son said Willow. That was amazing said Pat. Oh stop said Wyatt. Why said Willow. Wyatt looked around and saw Teagan and gave her the signal. There's something we need to tell you said Wyatt. Who's we said Pat. Just then, Teagan and her parents came over. What is the matter of this said Peter. Why are you bring us here to talk to them? Mom, Dad, Mr and Ms Greyback said Wyatt. Teagan and i are in love.