
Love And Redemption: A Mafia story

A Love story between the beautiful and soft hearted CEO falling in love with one of the top Cold, brutal,hard hearted and unfeeling Mafia enforcer in the underworld. The Big Bad Gideon and The softhearted Workaholic Madison Wells. A blind date goes wrong, but their lives remain intertwined from then on and the pressure builds up. How Will Gideon show and convince Madison along with her overbearing parents and scary sisters that his sudden confusing Love for Madison is real and sincere? And how will Madison finally come to make peace with her past that has somehow become her present ,thereby making it the biggest hurdle in she and Gideon relationship. Will they ever be able to be together? "i told you clearly Gideon,we won't ever work." "and I told you clearly Adi. I don't take no for a fucking answer."

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38 Chs


Madison pov

I managed to finally take my eyes off my laptop to give attention to my cellphone which has been ringing consistently for some minutes now, using that opportunity to check what the time was saying while at it.

"8:55 !"

Woah, I had really lost track of time. I'm not going to say i was surprised though,it was a fact that I and my sisters-of the heart actually,not related by blood. But we loved and cared for each other, and that was all that mattered.All that made us a family -from the oldest down to the youngest were Workaholics.

My phone rang yet again and I finally turned my attention to find out who the persistent fellow might be. Turns out it was Kate, the oldest of my sisters.

We were four in number, with Kate being the oldest,followed by me, then caramel and lastly, Hannah. The youngest of us who was in her senior year and was preparing to take her college entrance exams.

"hey Kate, what's up?" placing my phone between my ear and my left shoulder while trying to save some important files on my laptop before shutting it down. Expecting to hear a warm greeting in turn, but what I got was a...


A very loud alarming screech that almost made me find myself on the floor,only because I pulled myself together real quick.

I checked the caller id once again to confirm if it was really Kate.

It was! It was really her!Then what might have happened to make her scream that way?

"um..... Kate?"I asked, still so very unsure of who it might be.

"of course,or is there another Kate that the rest of us do not know about?"she asked sarcastically

"what?No! I'm just surprised that's all. I mean I rarely hear you raise your voice or see you upset."

"thank goodness you know I'm upset."she said, and this time, with a little less sarcasm to go with it, but it was still there.

"ok, that's it. What exactly is going on? I didn't do anything to upset you did i?"

"maybe it is really not your fault, but you still have a little fault in this.

"then can you please stop beating around the bush and tell me what exactly is going on?"I was getting kind of irritated now, and I'm pretty sure it showed in my voice, because she sighed resignedly and started talking. But nothing, and I mean nothing could ever

prepare me for the bomb she dropped.
