
Love and Red Coloured Ties

Julius Loriana didn’t know what to expect when he stood in front of the grandiose gates, luscious fields, and beautiful students dressed in their pristine uniforms looking like a million bucks. He told himself that he wouldn’t get involved with anyone and that he’d keep his head down since the chances of him moving again were quite high. He didn’t expect to find himself to be so entranced with the dorm leader Agares Montgomery, the most handsome boy he’d ever seen. “So what’s Agares really like?” Julius asked. Silas grinned mischievously. “That’s a tough one.” Julius noticed the sly smile on Silas’s face and realized he’d been teased. “Just kidding~” Silas said, chuckling. “Well, Agares is a bit of a mystery. He’s strict but has a laid-back side too. He’s cold most of the time but can be surprisingly kind in rare moments?” Julius couldn’t help but laugh at the contradictory description. “Why do you make it sound like you’re unsure?” “Because he really is a puzzle. He’s not a bad guy, though. He keeps to himself and mainly communicates through the vice leader, Epaphras. He’s insanely popular, not just here but at Saint Ambracia Academy too. There have been incidents where girls from the academy tried to sneak into East Laurence just to see him. It’s crazy.” “Anyway,” Silas said, “you probably won’t interact with him much unless absolutely necessary, so don’t stress too much about it.” That should’ve been the case, and yet, he found himself interacting with the dark haired boy more and more, his admiration slowly started to change into something more. “Do I like him?” He couldn’t help but ask himself. ………………….. Avondale, a city of privilege and prestige, high school junior Julius Loriana steps through the grand gates of East Laurence Preparatory School, a renowned institution for the elite. Having spent years moving from city to city due to his father's job, he’s determined to keep his distance and stay under the radar in this new chapter of his life. But everything changes when he crosses paths with Agares Montgomery, the enegmatic dorm leader of House Ares. With his striking looks and effortless charm, Agares captivates Julius in ways he never expected. As Julius grapples with his resolve to remain detached, he finds himself drawn into a whirlwind of emotions that transforms his mundane existence into something exhilarating. Follow the love story between a shy boy and his socially inept senior as they navigate through the pains of love, friendship and the hell that is known as high school. …………………………… A little extra note: This is a sweet love story, a bit of a slow burn but definitely worth getting into.. Each chapter includes a song and I would definitely recommend you listen to the song (on low volume of course) while reading. You get to feel the full Julius Loriana experience by listening to the music he’s also listening to with each chapter. If this story happens to curry your fancy, then please give it a try, I promise it won’t disappoint (≧∀≦) !

NSchan · LGBT+
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6 Chs

4. An underwhelming self introduction, WWII, and contradictions.

Chapter song: Je te laisserai des mots - Patrick Watson

As Silas and Julius exited the dormitory, Silas's cheerful tone cut through the nerves that Julius was trying to mask. "So what do you think of East Laurence so far?" Silas asked, his eyes twinkling with genuine curiosity.

Julius, hesitant and overwhelmed, could only manage a hesitant, "Uh, it's hard to say." His eyes darted around, taking in the grandeur of the school but struggling to process it all.

Silas's puzzled look, as if Julius had uttered something perplexing, made Julius shift uncomfortably.

"You mean to tell me that after seeing all of this," Silas said, gesturing expansively, "you still don't have any words to say?" His playful disbelief seemed to lighten the mood, though Julius's anxiety remained the same.

Julius shot a guilty glance around, his voice carrying a mix of awe and hesitation. "I mean, obviously, this place is amazing and I can't believe a school like this exists... I guess I'm kinda overwhelmed and don't know what to think." The admission left him feeling vulnerable, exposed in his new surroundings.

Silas's response was reassuring. "That's fair. I guess I'll ask for your thoughts after you complete your first day then." His smile, warm and encouraging, contrasted with the curious glances they were receiving from passersby. Silas seemed to effortlessly command respect and admiration, his ease in social situations starkly different from Julius's more reserved disposition.

As they approached the classroom, Julius could feel the weight of a dozen curious gazes pinning him down. The classroom buzzed with weekend plans and speculations about the newcomer. Despite the mounting pressure, Julius forced himself to maintain a composed exterior, trailing behind Silas who was heading toward the teacher.

Mr. Hendrickson, an older man with a discerning eye, greeted Julius with a curt nod. "Mr. Loriana, I presume?"

Julius nodded, feeling a twinge of unease at the teacher's slightly condescending tone, though it lacked any real malice. He managed a polite smile, his mind bracing for the inevitable awkwardness of his first day. 

The teacher's dismissive introduction left Julius momentarily taken aback. He had prepared a little speech about himself, but Mr. Hendrickson's brusque approach rendered it unnecessary. Oddly grateful for the teacher's brusqueness, Julius readied himself for the class, his anxiety tempered by a flicker of relief.

Silas, ever the social butterfly, guided him to an empty seat at the back of the room. "C'mon, you can sit next to me since I don't have a partner," he said, his playful tone making the overwhelming situation feel a little less daunting. As they made their way through the sea of inquisitive stares, Julius focused intently on ignoring them, taking solace in Silas's comforting presence.

As the lesson began, Julius settled into his seat next to Silas, feeling a mix of apprehension and hopeful anticipation. Although history was typically a favorite subject of his, the lesson on the Axis powers during the Second World War promised to be long and tedious.

"We'll start by discussing the Axis powers of WWII," Mr. Hendrickson announced, scanning the room. "Can anyone refresh us on the main powers? Anyone?"

The room fell silent, the students exchanging glances but remaining mute. Mr. Hendrickson's gaze then landed on Julius. "Mr. Loriana, do you know the answer? Care to give it a shot?"

All eyes turned to Julius, but he met the gaze with a composed demeanor. Clearing his throat, he responded clearly, "The Axis powers included Japan, Germany, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Hungary."

Mr. Hendrickson's surprise was evident. He cleared his throat, nodding. "Yes, that's correct."

"Moving on…"

As Mr. Hendrickson shifted to the next topic, Silas, who had been observing Julius with a smirk, leaned in. "Look at you, surviving one of Hendrickson's attacks."

Julius glanced at him, puzzled, but Silas just shrugged, clearly enjoying his own private joke. The class ended without further incidents, and Silas stretched, ready to leave.

"We've got a ten-minute break before the next class. Let's go for a walk—I'll fill you in on the house rules," Silas said, pushing his chair back.

Julius, still a bit bewildered, followed Silas out of the classroom. He was eager to escape the sudden shift in the room's atmosphere and curious about the advice Silas had offered.

As they walked through the halls, Julius admired the school's unique interior design, which was unlike anything he'd seen before.

"Here's a tip," Silas said casually. "During breaks, always get out and stretch your legs. Don't hang around the classroom."

Julius nodded, making a mental note to follow this advice. He appreciated Silas's thoughtfulness; it was clear that such tips would be useful in avoiding awkward situations for the boy in the future. 

"So, what are these house rules?" Julius asked tentatively, hoping the dorm regulations would be reasonable. His hopes, however, were likely to be dashed as Silas prepared to explain.

"Unfortunately, we've got the strictest house leader you can imagine," Silas began, casually placing his hands behind his head as if taking a leisurely stroll.

"We're all required to wake up early on weekdays, and each of us has to handle breakfast duties. We take turns with chores and have a curfew, even on weekends." Silas continued.

"Agares is a clean freak. No one gets out of their chores. I'm serious—the last guy who tried to dodge his duties incurred Agares' wrath. Since you're new, he probably won't assign you chores right away, but be prepared to pitch in sometime next week." 

Julius nodded, absorbing the information.

"Once we've finished our tasks, we get some freedom, but it's limited since most of our time is taken up by training or classes. On weekends, if you're lucky, you might get a break from the house's totalitarian regime," Silas joked. "But if you stay on weekends, good luck. That's when Agares patrols the house, making sure everything is in order. If he catches you slacking, well, you're in for it."

Julius was taken aback. He hadn't expected Agares to be so strict. From what he'd seen, Agares seemed rather mellow, though he'd only just met him. The idea of Agares being a hard-nosed leader contrasted sharply with Julius's initial impression. He found himself curious about him.

"So what's Agares really like?" Julius asked.

Silas grinned mischievously. "That's a tough one."

Julius noticed the sly smile on Silas's face and realized he'd been teased. 

"Just kidding~" Silas said, chuckling. 

"Well, Agares is a bit of a mystery. He's strict but has a laid-back side too. He's cold most of the time but can be surprisingly kind in rare moments?"

Julius couldn't help but laugh at the contradictory description. "Why do you make it sound like you're unsure?"

"Because he really is a puzzle. He's not a bad guy, though. He keeps to himself and mainly communicates through the vice leader, Epaphras. He's insanely popular, not just here but at Saint Ambracia Academy too. There have been incidents where girls from the academy tried to sneak into East Laurence just to see him. It's crazy."

"Anyway," Silas said, "you probably won't interact with him much unless absolutely necessary, so don't stress too much about it."

The two then headed back to class for their next lesson.

Later, after classes, Julius was summoned by the dean for his welcoming ceremony. Julius felt a twinge of nervousness. In all his previous schools, he'd never had a formal welcoming ceremony—just a brief introduction as the new kid and some encouragement. As he entered a chapel-like room, he was greeted by five senior students and a tall, imposing figure who regarded him with intense focus.

What had he gotten himself into?

Who else is a history fan?

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