

I went out again just to look for the beggar I promise to give some thing to but yet he was still no where to be found so I decided to go home and eat the little things I got for him I could not let it waste so I hate it all but later when I went to work , my night job at a bar I saw the beggar I gave wanted things to in the VIP Louche eating, drinking and flirting with so many girls I was so confused I thought he was a illusion but when I served them beer he was the same face and same person I just kept my head low serve and left but he called me back and said I should dance for him I was real angry inside but outside I kept on smiling and told him that was not my work and my work was just to serve food and clean up but he insisted and told me he could buy me I told him to excuse me because I wanted to run away from there and him then he called my boss and my boss told me if I didn't do it he will fired me I was sure he had given my boss some cash , so I started dancing and before he left he gave me a hug tip that I had never receive from any customers and he also told me to make a contract with me that I will keep on dancing for him and he will tell my boss to increase my salary twice as much as I earn before I wanted to refuse but I really needed the money course with that amount I could get a new apartment new clothes and jewelry so I accepted but I could not still understand the fact that I met a beggar with no money or anything but now am seeing the say person as a wealthy man wearing expensive clothes and chain even paid for a vip lounge and best of all he drove to the bar with one of the most expensive cars this all filled my mind so the next day I went for my afternoon walk and met the beggar I was surprised how he changed From the rich guy back to a poor low life so I ask him questions but he behave like it was not him I was now more confused he was the guy I met yesterday how does he not recall what happened and how is he a poor beggar again in confusion I left that environment but when I got home Becky was in my apartment I didn't understand how she got in until I realize I told her where I keep my second key but before I could tell her to leave she already layed down on my sofa pressing her phone I told her she needed to leave but she didn't even hear me because apparently she put on her ear plugs I removed her ear plugs and told her to get out she then shouted back that who was I to shout on her I didn't have her time so I told her to leave then she said today was the end of our friendship but didn't care about anything she said I just wanted her to leave right there I needed some space. After resting for a while but when I went to my Instagram page I saw my friend Becky had announce our friendship over on all social media platforms I didn't care I also unfriended her in all social media platforms too so it will be fair I just wanted to be alone no distractions I wanted to clear my head